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"How were your classes today? Besides defense against the dark arts." Asked Emma. We were currently sitting at the Gryffindor table at dinner.

"They were- alright." I remembered back to after potions. Me sitting on Severus's desk. Him kissing me.

"Mine were extremely boring."

"You didn't have any cute boys in your classes?"

"I am kinda over my boy crazy phase." She smiled.

"Oh. Alright." Well, that conversation is clearly over. I looked up at the staff table. Severus was sitting at the end in front of the Slytherin table. He was in a conversation with Mr. Anderson. Severus looked annoyed. He looked up and locked eyes with me. I gave him a small smile. Mr. Anderson followed Severus's eye and looked over at me. Severus and I quickly broke eye contact. I quickly took a bite of bread.

Emma was in a conversation with Hermione. I didn't want to interrupt so I just sat there in silence. I hope Severus saw what I wrote on the test. I want to finish what we started.

Severus and I had never actually done "it" yet but we have gotten close. I really want to.

As people started leaving dinner I decided to as well. I looked over at Sev. He was looking back at me. I cocked my head to the door. He gave a small nod. I stood up and left the great hall.

I stood outside the door to Severus's apartment. I took a deep breath and knocked. I heard footsteps that sounded like they were running. The door flung open. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I noticed he was now wearing a black t-shirt and sweatpants. I think I know why he changed clothes. These ones don't have buttons after all.

"Uh, come in." He stepped aside and I walked in. He shut the door behind me and as soon as I knew it, he pressed me up against the wall. "Is this ok?" I went up on my tippy toes, wrapped my arms around his neck, and pressed my lips to his. He cupped my cheek with one of his hands and the other rested at my hip.

Soon his hand was moving up and down my side. I wanted this so so bad. I need him. Both his hands moved to my hips and cupped my ass. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. We made out there for a while but soon he stepped back. He carried me while making out all the way into his room. Our lips broke apart as he gently set me down on the bed. "Are you sure this is ok?"


"You need to be one hundred percent sure because if we go any further i won't be able to stop myself."

"I don't want you to stop yourself." I noticed then that his breathing is heavy. He leaned over me and kissed me. He gently pushed my shoulders down so I was laying down. He trailed his hand down to my chest. He squeezed my breast. I ran my hands under his shirt.

I grabbed the hem of his shirt and tugged it up. He broke the kiss and swiftly pulled it off. I admired his sculpted chest. He grabbed the hem of my shirt and gently tugged it. I nodded and he pulled it off. He connected his lips to mine. His hands snaked around to my back. He was struggling with the clasp of my bra. I couldn't hold in my laughter. 

He pulled back. "Why are you laughing at me?"

"B-because you are struggling with my b-bra." I couldn't stop laughing.

"Well I have never done that before." He flicked my nose. "Stop laughing at me." He pouted.

"Do you want me to help you?" I asked. He nodded. I reached behind me and unclasped it. "There. All you have to do know is pull it off." He pushed me back down on the bed and kissed me. He grabbed my bra and pulled it off. He pulled back and threw it to the floor. He looked down at me. I suddenly felt shy. "Stop staring at me." I said quietly. 

Broken But Beautiful (SnapeXReader) COMPLETE Where stories live. Discover now