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I peeled open my eyes. I was laying in Severus's room. Our naked bodies were tangled together. I breathed in the scent of him. I know I would remember last night forever.

I moved slightly and Severus opened his eyes. He lazily smiled. "Good morning beautiful."


He brushed hair out of my face. "I love you so much." He whispered.

I pushed the wrenching feeling in my gut away and smiled at him. "I love you too."

"I don't have to go anywhere today. What do you want to do?"

"I don't know."

"Do you want to know what I want to do?"


He leaned forward and kissed my forehead. "This," He kissed my temple. "This," He kissed my cheek. "This," then he briefly kissed my lips. "And this."

I laughed. "You are so needy." I joked.

He smiled. "Of course I am." He cupped my cheek and pressed his lips back to mine.

We made out for a while but Severus pulled away. "I am going to make you breakfast."


"Why wouldn't I?"

I rolled my eyes and smiled. Severus got out of bed and came over to my side. He held his hand out and I took it. He helped me stand up. "I am going to take a shower."

He nodded. "Alright. I will see you in a little bit then." He turned and left the room.

I walked into the bathroom connected to my room and shut the door. I placed my hands on the rim of the sink and leaned on it. I stared at myself in the mirror.

Today is the last day I get to truly be me. Because tonight I will need to put a mask on. And that mask will need to stay on for a long time. I can't ever take it off. Not even for Severus. I will need to morph into a different person. One that isn't scared to get her hands dirty. And if I dont succeed with it, I will die. And I refuse to die before I kill the men that killed Emma and her parents. I will make those men suffer.

I striped off my clothes and got in the shower. I looked down at my arms. I havent self harmed in a little over a week. My arm was completely healed. All that remained was white scars. Hopefully if Voldamort decides to make me a death eater he won't notice the scars. I don't want him to think of me as weak.

Once I was done showering I dried off and changed into a sweatshirt and jeans. I headed downstairs. Severus was sitting at the kitchen table. A big plate with pancakes was sitting in the middle of the table. The steam was rolling off of them.

I sat down across from him and we started eating.

We talked about random stuff the whole time. I could tell Severus was happy. This was the first time I acted like I was happy. And in a sense I am happy. But I am more sad.

The day went by really fast. Mr. Malfoy said he was going to get me at seven. I looked at the clock from where Severus and I were curled up on the couch. It's six forty five.

"I am going to go to the bathroom." I said to him as I stood up.

"Ok." He said.

I left the living room and headed upstairs.

I dug through the new clothes that I bought. I picked out a white t-shirt, black ripped jeans, and a black leather jacket. I changed into them and went into the bathroom. I did black winged eyeliner. I walked back out to the bedroom and slipped my feet into black combat boots.

I looked at myself in the full length mirror. Something was missing.....

I walked over to the night stand and picked up the snake ring Severus gave me. I slid it on my pointer finger. Perfect.

I took a deep breath and left the room. I quietly made my way down stairs. I feel bad that Severus isn't going to know where I am but I pushed it away. I can't feel any emotions.

I twisted the doorknob and pulled the front door open. It squeaked. I heard running footsteps.

"Y/N?" Called Severus. I froze. "What are you doing?" I slowly turned around. Severus looked worried. He took in what I was wearing. "Why are you dressed like that?"

"I was just going for a walk."

"Without telling me? And where did you get those clothes? I have never seen you wear them before."

"I just forgot to tell you. And these are old." I motioned to my clothes.

"So you had to put makeup on to go for a walk? And at night? What is going on?"

"Fine. I am meeting with someone."



"This late?"

"I will be fine."

"If you were actually going to see Draco you would have told me." He said coldly.

"Well I forgot. I am sorry." I looked at the clock on the wall. It was seven o one. "I have to go." I turned back around and stepped out of the house.

"Y/N!" Called Severus.

I ignored him and ran down the drive. I heard heavy footsteps behind me. Severus grabbed my arm. I stopped running and he spun me to face him. "What the hell is going on?" He looked scared.

"Hello Severus." Mr. Malfoy stepped out from the shadows. "I am just here to take Y/N to see Draco."

I pulled my arm from Severus's grasp. "I told you."

Mr. Malfoy held his hand out to me. "We must go. You do not want to keep him waiting." Mr. Malfoy winked at me. I know he wasn't talking about Draco.

I turned to Severus. "I will be back in a little while." I grabbed Mr. Malfoy's hand and we disappeared. 

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