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I tried my best to not limp as I entered the room. Voldamort was sitting on his usual chair. We were alone in the room. "My Lord." I said once I reached him.

"Ah Y/N, how wonderful to see you. How are you doing?"

He does this everytime I see him, but not to anyone else. Sometimes he will call for me and all he wants is for me to sit in the room with him. I think my plan is working.

I say yes to everything he asks and I act like a loyal follower. I think he trusts me. At Least to an extent.

I have been living at my parents house with them for the past two weeks. It's absolute hell. They haven't changed a bit. I haven't seen Severus at all since I left his house. I miss him so damn much but I have to do this for him. I also haven't seen Draco at all. Which is weird because I am at his house quite a bit.

"I am doing well. What about you my Lord?" I asked. I am not afraid of Voldemort. I never have been.

"I am fine. I called you here to discuss Hogwarts."

"About what?"

"Whether you are going back for your seventh year or not." He said.


"Well, I might want to keep you close to me. You have proven yourself very useful lately."

"I can see that. However, I can help you keep an eye on Dumbledore."

"I already have Severus doing that."

My chest ached at the sound of his name. "Of course. But I only have been through six years at hogwarts. Don't you want me to be as lethal as possible?"

"I do. And one of my death eaters can teach you all you need to learn."

"Perfect." I said.

"Why were you limping? I hope it was not because of your last assignment."

"It's not. Last night was easy."

"Well then why?"

"We all have our secrets." I said.

Voldamort stood up and walked closer to me. "Yes we do but you will not have any from me."

I held his burning stare as I spoke, "My parents."

He blinked. "What?"

"My parents."

"Do they hurt you?" He asked. He had a strange tone in his voice that I have never heard come from him before. It was more gentle and quiet than it normally is.

I swallowed. "Yes." I hate this. I fucking hate admiting a weakness infront of him. Voldamort took another step toward me.

"They won't hurt you anymore."


"You will stay here from now on."

"You mean live here?"


"Won't the Malfoys mind?"

"They won't. Anyways you will live here and your parents will be taken care of."

"What do you mean 'taken care of?'" I asked.

"Killed Y/N."



"No. You aren't killing them. I may hate them but no one is killing them." Some people might call me stupid for talking like this with the Dark Lord but I dont care. I do not fear him.

"Why wouldn't you want them dead?"

"Because I don't."

He sighed. "Very well. Lucius will retrieve your things."

I nodded. "Thank you my Lord."

He nodded. "Well sit down. I will be right back."

I sat down in the nearest chair. Voldemort stood up and left the room.

About ten minutes later Voldemort and Mrs. Malfoy came in. Mrs. Malfoy rushed over to me. "She will heal you." Said Voldemort.

I stood up. "No."

"What did you just say to me?" He walked over to me. Mrs. Malfoy took a few steps back. Voldemort stopped right in front of me.

"I said no. I will heal on my own. It's not even that bad."

"Get out Narcissa." Snarled Voldemort. She quickly fled the room and shut the heavy wooden doors behind her. "I believe that's the second time you have said no to me today."

"I am sorry my Lord." I bowed my head. I don't want to heal. I want to be in pain. I havent self harmed in a while. The urge hits me strong a lot but this injury is helping to curb that urge. The pain feels good.

He smiled. "Don't be sorry. It's entertaining to me."

"En.. entertaining?"

"Yes. Everyone always says yes to me no matter what it is. I mean, you still say yes to almost everything except for little things like this so it doesn't bother me much. But, why don't you want Narcissa to heal you?"

"I just don't. I am sorry."

"Normally if it was anyone else I wouldn't care whether or not they get healed. However, I actually care if you do or don't." He looked like he expected me to say something but I didn't know what to say. All I can think is 'my plan is working.' He continued. "It's quite confusing. I only met you a mere month ago and I actually care about whether you get hurt." He laughed. "Isn't that just crazy?" He asked me.

"I suppose."

"Anyways you are getting healed. You are going with Antonin to practice spells tomorrow."

I clenched my jaw. "Yes my Lord."

I walked up many flights of stairs to the room next to Draco's.

I haven't seen Draco since I became a death eater.

Draco was leaning against the wall. I ignored him and opened the door.


I turned. "What?"

"I need to talk to you."

"About what?" He pointed to my room. I sighed. "Fine." We both walked into the room and I shut the door. "What?" I asked.

"Why the hell am I just now finding out that you are a death eater?"

"Does it matter?"

"How long have you been one?"

"It doesn't matter Draco."

"To me it does Y/N!" He ran a hand through his hair. "I just- why would you do this?"

"Because I wanted to."

Draco looked horrified. "Why would you want to do this?"

I shrugged. "Why not. Now, if you are done interrogating me please leave my room."

"I am not done talking to you." He crossed his arms.

I quickly grabbed my wand and pointed it at him. "Get out before I make you."

His eyes widened. "What the hell Y/N?"

"Get. Out." I said slowly.

"What happened to you?" He asked quietly.

I took a step closer to him. "Get the fuck out." I spat.

"Fine." He turned and left the room, closing the door behind him.

I lowered my wand and let out a breath. I hate myself for doing that to Draco. I hate hurting the people I love but this needs to be done. I lifted up my right hand and looked at the snake ring on it. Tears filled my eyes. I miss Severus so much. I want to be with him and I can't.

I turned around to find my trunk sitting at the end of the bed. I walked over to it and dug through it. I found my special bag and headed to the bathroom. 

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