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It has been a few weeks since I got to Severus's house. Things are pretty much normal except that we aren't 'together' anymore. We still act the way that we did while we were dating except we don't kiss anymore. I kinda miss it to be honest. We have gotten really close since I got here. He has left the house suddenly a few times already. He always comes back drained. Although he doesn't yell at me anymore. I stopped asking him where he was going because he would never answer. Last time he came back he strode over to me where I was standing on the stairs and hugged me tightly. He held me for a long time. I asked what happened but he wouldn't answer. About two weeks ago I snooped in his room after he left. Allas, no avail.

I was currently sitting on the couch with my feet in Severus's lap. We were both reading. We did this quite a bit lately. I looked over the top of my book and looked at him. He looked so calm and at peace. I started thinking about his past. He knew pretty much everything about me but I knew so little about him. 

I nudged his leg. He looked over at me. He probably wouldn't talk about it but it was worth a try. I closed my book and set it on the coffee table. I turned to him. "Tell me about your childhood." 

He looked startled but recovered quickly. He shut his book and set it down on top of mine. He turned his head back to me.

"There is nothing to tell." He said simply.

"Yes there is. Tell me about your parents. Your siblings if you have any. Your time at Hogwarts. Anything really."

"No." I took my feet off of him and scooted closer to him. I rested my hand on top of his and looked him in the eye. "You know everything about me and I know nothing about you. That's not fair."

He took a deep breath. "Fine. What do you want to know?"

"Well, What about your parents? What were they like?"

"I don't like talking about them."

"I don't like talking about mine either but I still told you." 

He took a deep breath. "My father abused my mother and I. They were always fighting. We were also very poor." He said quietly.

 I let go of his hand and hugged him. "I am so sorry." I said. I pulled back and grabbed his hand again. 

He continued, "When I got my letter to go to Hogwarts I was so excited but when I got there, I was bullied a lot. You were never around me so you probably never saw it thankfully." 

"What do you mean 'thankfully'?" I asked

"It was brutal Y/N. It would have scared you."

"Oh. Well, thank you for telling me all that." He met my eyes but didn't say anything. I intertwined our fingers and laid my head on his shoulder. "If we were in the same house together I would have been your friend." I said quietly. 

He leaned his head against mine. "I really do love you Y/N."

"I love you too." We stayed sitting like that for a long time. I realized I really fucking missed him. I know I have been living with him and all but I missed this. I miss touching him and saying 'I love you.'


"Hm?" I took my head off his shoulder and looked at him.

"Would you maybe consider being my boyfriend again?" He smiled. He leaned in and kissed me hard and passionately. We broke the kiss and we were both smiling at each other. He rested his forehead against mine.

"I missed this." He said.

"I missed it too."

We were touchy for the rest of the day. At dinner we had our feet sandwiched between each other under the table because we didn't want to let go of each other.

Broken But Beautiful (SnapeXReader) COMPLETE Where stories live. Discover now