Chapter 1

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Ranboo Pov:

I sit there in near darkness. The floor is as cold as normal.

I stand up from the spot I hadn't left in hours. I stretch my back as I walk to the window. The window was about head height for me.

I look out the window at the sky, the blank sky. I just stared into the dark sky. There weren't any normal.

I then hear a familiar clicking sound. I walked back to the place I was sitting, my spot you could say. I pick up a small rock and click it on the wall five times.

"You're gonna have a roommate." I hear a low voice say.

Techno, he's a guard for this place. And my only friend. Since I was younger he's taken care of me. We were cellmates here. In this very room. But then he was chosen to be a guard and I was left here. He still does his best to take care of me though.

"Transfer huh?" I whisper back to him. I hear him shuffle a bit on his feet. The door blocking us from seeing each other was a solid metal door. With no windows to see inside or out.

"Outsider actually. At least I think so. He wasn't in a different cell"

Outsider? There hasn't been one of those since Clay was brought in. He was in mine and Techno's room for about two months. Then the two of them were taken.

That was two years ago now. I look at the marks on the wall to make sure. I think I'm right.

I haven't heard from Clay since. From what I've heard Techno hasn't either.


"Later tonight. Not sure the exact time. I should go. I'll come back tomorrow okay?"

Without being able to see him I know he was faced towards the door awaiting an answer from me. "Okay."

I then hear his footsteps fade away. And yet again I was left alone. I look back at the window but don't bother getting up. Too much work.

Tubbo Pov:

I groan a bit as I wake up. I slowly open my eyes and see a guy in front of me. He was staring at me intensely.

As I remember what situation I'm in I try to pull my arms from behind me but I feel a cold medal keeping my hands together.

I looked around the back of the truck we were in. Another guy was in the back with us. He was looking at the floor looking deep in thought. I recognized them but didn't know who they were at all.

I push the back of my head onto the wall of the truck. "Fuck" I whisper under my breathe.

It wasn't long till I felt the truck stop. We're already at the Prison? How long was I out for?

The guy in front of me stands up and opens the back of the door. The guy that was just sitting there then grabs my arm and pulls me up to my feet. I didn't bother fighting him. I know I had no way to escape. No point in trying to stop this now.

I get walked to the front door. It opens as we step up. I walk in with one guy in front of me and the other behind me. I look around seeing nothing but grey walls. And a long ass hallway.

We start walking down the hallway. As we walk I notice doors on the walls now. There were a lot. I know for a fact that behind every door was a person-mutant. But the hall was completely silent.

I then see a bigger door. It opens up to yet another hallway looking the same as the other. We walk down it. But this one was louder. Not much but you can hear whispers of conversation behind the doors.

The guy in front then stops at a door. It starts to open. My cell I presume.

I walk in and the guy that had my arm goes in with me. Why?

"You have 5 minutes. That's all"

The guy from the outside says as the door closes. Is he gonna beat the shit out of me or something.

He lets go of my arm then looks at something else in the room. I then hear someone speak.

"Hey Clay"

That's when I see a guy sitting on the floor in the corner of the room. His knees pulled up to his chest. He was looking at his knees.

The guard then walks over to him and I see a big smile on his face.

"Hey Ranboo '' The guard sits next to him. I then hear- Ranboo? - make a noise. Well noises.

"Yeah I missed you too." Clay says as he looks up at the ceiling. Wait did Ranboo say something?

Ranboo Pov:

I hear the door start to open for the first time in two years. I hope I got that right. I look at the wall full of marks to make sure. I'm not sure, but I hope I'm right.

I look back at my knees as I hear footsteps enter the room.

"You have 5 minutes, that's all"

I hear someone say. I look up and see two people standing there. A short boy with brown hair I think. I couldn't see his face since it was turned to the door. I look at the person and automatically recognize who it was Clay. He was looking at me and for a split second we locked eyes. I quickly look back at my knees.

"Hey Clay" I say. I wonder how long it's been since I saw him last. 2 years maybe? I was about to look at the wall of marks to make sure when I felt someone sit next to me.

"Hey Ranboo" his voice is the same at least I think it is. I wonder if the voice will start up again.

"It's been awhile hasn't it?" I say. I hear him slightly huff next to me.

"I missed you too"

I finally look at him again. He was looking at the ceiling with a smile on his face.

I then feel another pair of eyes on me. I don't look scared of making eye contact.

"Who is he?" I ask. I made sure to say it in Ender so the stranger in my room doesn't understand.

"Royal. Got in trouble though." He says this in Piglin.

Techno and Clay learned Ender for me. Though when they tried to speak it they couldn't speak the next day. I think Techno said they lost their voice. So Techno taught us Piglin. So I spoke in Ender and they responded in Piglin.

We only ever did this with each other since...well I can't remember. Clay said it'd be bad if I used Ender in front of other people though. Only English.

I then remember what Clay said.

"Royal?" I say. I think I said it in Piglin this time. I don't know if I did though.

A Royal? In prison? What could he have done? I can't even think of a reason he would be thrown in prison. I then hear the door open.

I don't look though knowing Clay would have to leave now. It was nice seeing him though. I wonder how long it's been since the last time. 2 years? I look at the marked wall to make sure. Hm maybe.

"Don't forget about me okay?" Clay said. He said it in Ender. I laugh a bit as I feel his hand on the top of my head. His throat will hurt tomorrow like the other times. I always found it funny.

He ruffles my hair before he walks out of the room. The door shuts.

" Friends with a guard?" I hear an unfamiliar voice say.

I nearly forgot I had a new roommate. Actually I did forget.

I carefully glance towards the voice. My eyes landing on the boy's feet, then his legs. I realize he was sitting down against the wall in the other corner. I didn't dare glance any higher.

"He was my old roommate." I say I think in English. Hopefully in English.

"Interesting. Your name is Ranboo right? I'm Tubbo '' I nod in response and look away from him and look at the window.

"Are you a mutant?" He asked me. I flinch at the word leaving his mouth.

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