Chapter 24

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Tubbo was whisked out of my grip as soon as the floor was solid under my feet. The goat-hybrid floats over to where Bad was sat. He was frantically turning through a binder, Ranboo's binder. "He hasn't done this since the first and last time he was put in solitary." He says, talking to himself as he usually does. "When he was under my custody he would scream like this anytime Dream was kept for overnight experimentation. Further testing required in order to come to a conclusion." By the time he stopped talking Tubbo was put back down on the bed and face calm.

"Bad!" The door gets thrown open and George and Karl stumble in, Sapnap hangs limply in between them. Sapnap was floated in the same way that Tubbo was.

I was up on my feet and next to Karl before he passed out from exeraturtion. "How'd you beat us? We had to rush over." George says, slightly panting.

I was about to reply but then Bad speaks loudly. "Gods!" My head snaps to where Bad was hovering over Sapnap. His hand were wrapped loosely around his head and his eyes solid black rather than the normal pure whte.

"Bad? What's wrong?" George asks as he rushes over to be next Sapnap's side.

A large smile grows on the demon's face. "It seems that Ranboo completely fried Sapnap's brain. I assumed that Ranboo simply screamed to scream as he did when he was a young boy. But this was a personal attack, he purposely hurt Sapnap." Bad's eyes go back to white and look at George briefly before locking eyes with me. "If I weren't in the realm Sapnap would have surely died, or at least been brain dead for the rest of his life."

George looked pale as he checked for Sapnap's pulse now that Bad was walking away from he bed with a large smile on his face. Where I grab onto the demon in order to stop him. "If you so much as touch-"

"Oh, don't get all defensive, Dream. If I don't experiment on him then he will be seen as nothing but a danger to those in The Mansion. Even if him being here makes you stronger doesn't mean that he's protected here, he will be executed if he doesn't prove useful to me and President Schlatt. Now back down Dreamie, I need to reopen my lab. Maybe you will even pay a visit." He then smiles wide at me before he disappears from my grasp.

"What the fuck was he talking about?" I hear George say, close from behind me.

"Nothing, George. I need to go check on Ranboo. I'll be back within the hour-" Before I could even start to maneuver the still unconscious Karl in my arms over to bed George had his hands wrapped tightly around my bicep.

"You know, I really don't like being left in the dark. Sapnap has been in the wrost fucking mood lately and I've hardly even seen you and we share a damn room. Sapnap almost fucking died today and you have the audacity to just walk away."

"George, you don't underst-"

"You're right!" He yells, "I don't understand! So, why don't you tell me?! Tell me why you and Sanap got into that the other day. Why you are avoiding everyone, not just me! And oh please tell me why you were just trying to protect the mutant that almost killed your best friend."

"He didn't do it on purpose." I say, tone harsh and stern as I look down at George. "Ranboo didn't mean to hurt Sapnap, he wouldn't hurt anyone like that."

"Why the hell are you defending it?! It hurt Tubbo! It almost hurt KILLED Sapnap. And you say that it didn't mean to?!"

"I'm saying you don't know a damn thing about Ranboo!"

"It's a mutant! We shouldn't care how the fuck it feels or what it 'intended' to do! It's dangerous!"


"I feel like I don't even know you! You are the top soldier, fucking act like it!"

"W-What's going on?" I small voice asks from the side of me. I look down to see Karl looking bearily up at the both of us from where he hangs awkwardly off of my arm. "I-is Sapnap ok-okay?"

"He's fine Karl." I move him so he's balanced correctly on his face, though he was still leaning heavily against me.

"That's good, good." He says before his arms wrap tightly wound my middle and he leans his head against my shoulder.

"Now you can't check on your precious mutant." George snarls as he walks away.


3rd person Pov...

"Why would you want to speak with it?" Quackity asks his superior.

"It's called quite a ruckus today, hasn't it? I wish to ask a couple questions." The goat-hybrid takes a slow slip of whatever he may be drinking. "Plus, Bad has asked for it to be used for experimentation. I wish to see for myself what exactly he wants with it."

"You don't trust Sir Bad, do you?"

"Of course I don't. It would be foolish to trust anyone in this world. You would agree, would you not?"

"I fully agree, the meeting with Bad's mutant will take place tomorrow. I'd escort it personally to make sure there is no funny business involved, if you approve of course."

"Approved. Now give me the update on taking down the barrier."

Quackity takes a deep breath before he speaks on and on about his recent discoveries. His discoveries may be proved to be useless if his new plan goes without a hitch.

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