Chapter 21.5

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A year and a half before current times:

"Apple." Alyssa says towards the short mute sitting next to her at the table. I continue to stir the big pot that was on the stove, I hate it when I'm on cooking duty. "Why the fuck did you put three p's?" The wolf hybrid asks as she groans. She had taken it upon herself to teach Callahan to spell. Seeing as she barely learned herself a couple weeks prior, she's most definitely not the best teacher for the job.

"Don't give him too much trouble." Sam says as he walks into the kitchen, lack of his usual black mask.

"I don't even see the point in learning to spell, we're meant to be soldiers aren't we?" Ponk says from where he was sat on the counter.

"It's a way to feel more common once we're among humans. They won't enjoy hanging around with one of us, showing a little effort may be comforting." I say as I lift the spoon to reveal vegetables and a type of meat Skeppy didn't disclose when stocking the fridge.

"Or we could stab them." Punz says, as if he wasn't practicing his writing alongside Callahan.

"How'd you learn Dream?" The wolf girl asks as she stands, leaving Callahan looking up at her like a confused puppy.

"As you know I lived among humans before I was twelve. Food is ready." I say well I turn down the burner on the stove. "I went to school in that time, so I've known how to write since I was in kindergarten."

"Food!" Ponk says happily as he was the first to grab a bowl and serve himself.

Once we were all sat around the table with a bowl each, writing practice long forgotten as we wait for the food to cool down a bit before we indulge. "How are humans?" Sam asks as he blows onto the food that's on his spoon. I try to not stare as his fangs show between his lips, apparently he's a 'mutt', as Bad put it. He's a mix of different hybrid breeds, creeper mostly but there's a lot of going on with his DNA.

Before hybrids got locked up it wasn't normal for different breeds to mix, but seeing as they were then randomly thrown in cells some pent up. In most cases the baby is so much of an abomination they die, but in cases like Sam - where they survive - are rare. We have to keep Bad and his scalpel away most of the time.

"Way more similar to us than they admit. But to be fair I was seen as human the whole time so I didn't get the full brunt of what hybrids go through. I don't expect you guys to be met with kindness once we are released to our rolls after training." I can pass as human, so can Punz, so we both are going into the army at high levels with everyone seeing us as human. The rest of them...won't be able to be as privileged.

"That's not even fair!" Ponk whines as he shoves a spoonful into his mouth. That shit is piping hot but Ponk is an evolved blazeborne so it doesn't affect him at all as he chews.

"That's just how society is nowadays, Ponk. We can't do anything about it, we just have to do our best to prove ourselves once we get thrown into the battle." Alyssa says, the look in her says that she's ready for the challenge.

"You guys made soup!" Skeppy says as he enters the room hastily. We haven't seen him or Bad all day, we had to do our training ourselves for the day.

"Is everything okay, Skeppy?" Ant asks.

"Bad is sick, he's fucking sick!" Skeppy complains he grabs two bowls to fill. "In our home realm any sickness would kill you in hours if you don't get healed by a high-demon, so having to take care of him to fucking weird."

Callahan then slips something over to me, a paper. 'Demmons can get sick?' I smile softly towards the reindeer before grabbing a pencil on the table and correcting his mistake, I also write a small 'yes' in response. He grabs the paper hastily and quickly shows Alyssa what he had written, she smiles towards him in return. [Writing happy moments for this story is so weird, like what? Won't last long though...sorry]

"The soup would be good for him." I say as I stand up and pile crackers onto a plate for the two demons.

"Like it was for Punz?" Alyssa asks in a teasing tone. She always finds a way to tease the stubborn hybrid for his weak moment where he was dying in bed to a common cold.

"We don't talk about that." Punz warns, he wouldn't actually do anything to the girl. Hell, I even think that he enjoys when she pokes fun at us, himself included.

"He's like a whiny toddler. I had to convince him for ten minutes to let me leave the room. He kept closing the door before I could get out." Skeppy complains as two bowls and the plate of crackers float off of the counters, a perk of demon magic. "Hopefully he'll feel a bit better tomorrow, I'm trying to heal him but I'm still an ametuer compared to him."

"Just have him heal himself." Ponk points out well putting his already empty bowl into the sink.

"Doesn't work like that, he's sick he probably can't concentrate enough to heal himself of an infection." The short feline, Ant, says.

"Okay, I'll see you mutants tomorrow." Even though I notice the others tense we all say our goodbyes to the colored haired man.

"Still don't like him, I'll see you fuckers tomorrow." The blaze born waves before basically skipping out of the kitchen and down the hall to our rooms.

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