Chapter 18.5

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TW: child abuse, violence, blood, fire/burning of skin, knife.


3 years before current time:

Tubbo Pov:

I watch the guardsmen training spar from the window. Well, in reality I'm making sure that my childhood friend, Nick, is okay. I haven't spoken to him for sometime now, I hope he's doing-

"Tubbo! Jesus man we've been looking for you everywhere." I hear an out of breathe Quackity say as he folds over himself.

"Were you running or something?" I laugh as he places his hands on his knees.

Once he mostly catches his breath he looks up towards me. "Come on, your father wants you." He grabs my wrist and begins to pull me. I glanced outside the window briefly, I was pulled away before I could think to find Nick. He pulls me through the nearly empty halls, towards my fathers office.

"Do you know what I did?" I ask weakly, I didn't mean to disappoint my father.

"I have no idea, Tubbo. I don't think you did anything, he's just angry." He rubs his hand down his face as he sighs. "I'm sorry you have to deal with all this shit."

"I'm a kid, you're not supposed to be cussing in front of me." [Tubbo is 13, this makes the next scene even sadder.]

"Oh shut it." He laughs as we turn the corner to my fathers office.

And that's where he was stood, my father was stood in the center of the hallway. His eyes automatically lock onto me, I don't allow his crooked smile to fool me. He's in a bad mood and he's looking for something to let it out on.

"Here he is sir-"

"You can leave, boy." My father says towards Quackity.

"I have no other work to do, so I'll stick around just in case-"

Schlatt grabs onto Quackity's face and pulls him closer to him, forcing Quakcity onto his tippy toes. "What did I just say, boy?"

"Sir, I have nothing else to do. I'd rather be there if you need me than sitting on my ass."

Schlatt lets go of him, rather pushes him away. "Do whatever you want. Come on mutant." He says, directed towards me. I quickly follow the older into his office. "Quackity since you want to be helpful, go ahead and start that fire would you? It's a bit chilly." Quackity quickly heads towards the unlit fireplace to start the blaze. "Now what to do with you." Schlatt asks as he looks towards me, as if he's judging every characteristic I had gotten from him and my mother. "What do you say I do?"

AGAIN TW: child abuse, violence, blood, fire/burning of skin, knife.

Leave me alone...please. "Shave down my horns?" I lift my hand to touch the small horn on my head. "They're growing quickly since last-"

"Too small, think bigger. Q make sure that flame is hot."


"Um- M-may-"

"Don't stutter like a pussy. You're old enough to speak your mind." He pushes off his desk and begins to walk over to me. "So do it."

"Fa-father, I-I have no idea what you wish-"

He hits the side of my head, softer than he usually does. "Oh come on, kid. Use that damn small head of yours." He hits the other side of my head. "What do I do with you?!" He yells as he hits me again, his hits getting harder at each contact. "Say something!"

"Just leave me alone!" I scream, stepping away until he couldn't reach me.

"Come on get angry!" He takes a big step and slaps me across my face. I fall to the ground tasting copper. "Get angry Tubbo! Speak your mind! You know you want to!" He kicks my side harshly. "Get the hell up!" I struggle as I try to get up as quickly as possible, he pushes me straight back down. "Don't listen to me you idiot! Fight back!" He kicks me again, then again.

"Stop." I force out of my bloodied mouth.

"Sorry, what did you say?" He goes to kick me again, I catch his foot before it could make contact.

"I said stop!" I push his leg away and stand before he could push me back down.

"Come on." He gestures towards himself. "Come on, show me how much you hate me." I start to run towards him, I start to run towards the man that has tortured me for years. He moves out of the way and I run into the desk, hard. I groan as the pain rushes around my stomach. I then see a blade come into view. "Opps." He laughs as he pushes the blade to my throat. "You know that was real good, looked real angry there kiddo." He hits the side of my head again.

"Stop!" I fight against him, but I wasn't able to get out of his grip.

"So feisty today, Quackity that fire ready yet?"

"Yes." I hear Quakcity say weakly.

"Great! Time for the real fun!" He pulls my body off the desk and leads me to where the fire is. I see the mortified expression on Quackity's face, why isn't he helping me? Why doesn't he ever help me? Schlatt forces me onto the ground, I try to move my face away from the heat of the fire. "Don't do that, unless you want me to puncture skin." He pushes the knife deeper into my skin, making his threat full of meaning. He grabs onto the back of my head with his other hand. "Go ahead and call for Bad would you?"

"Oh- yessir." I hear Quackitys hurried footsteps fade away, leaving me alone with my father.

"I recommend not struggling." He pushes my face closer to the flame. I turn my face, attempting to avoid the fire. He pushes me further, and further. Closer and closer to the blaze.

"Dad! Please!" I beg, I plead. And he just laughs, he laughs as the flames burn my skin.

"Schlatt! What the fuck!" I hear someone yell. I feel the pressure on my head lift, I'm able to pull my head back just a bit.

"Shut it Quackity! I do with my son what I please."

"Oh no you don't, not anymore." I hear footsteps. I feel the pressure of the blade be removed from my throat. My father lets go of my head and I'm able to pull fully away from the fireplace. I crawl on the floor away from the man I call father. "Schlatt, we-we can talk about this." I turn and I see the knife now being pointed close to Quackity's face.

"You should keep your mouth shut next time." He [Schlatt] then swings the knife across Quackity's face. [This is how Quakcity gets his eye scar.]

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