Chapter 23.5

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    The room was silent as we all sat down around the table…only today there were two empty seats. “Callahan do-" cough "-do you want to write it out? Or do you want me to just see your thoughts?” Bad asks. He looked like shit, somehow his shadowy face showed one of sickness, it makes him seem too human for comfort.

Callahan wasn't even looking towards the demon, he honestly looked lost as he stares forward at nothing. I slowly lift my hand to touch the others arm, to my surprise he didn't jump at the touch. He instead slowly looked towards me. I point to his notebook, and he simply nods.

We all watch as Callahan opens his notebook. He flips through until he finally finds an empty page and with shaking hands brings a pencil to the page. We watch in silence as he scribbles words onto the paper.

I watch his face as he does this. He’s one to be expressionate because of his lack of words, so seeing a blank expression on his face was terrifying. Though not as terrifying at the bloodied mess it was last night. Bad claimed that when he screamed, he tore the skin where his mouth should be. That's how we found out Callahan does indeed have a mouth, it is simply covered by a layer of skin like the rest of reindeer-hybrids. His mouth was sealed shut again, healed by Bad once he was brought onto the sorrow scene that was last night.

Once Callahan finished his writing he slowly slides the paper over to me, I didn’t miss that he nearly slid the paper to where Alyssa would usually be sitting. I grab the paper and clear my throat before beginning to read the note out loud to the others.

We were out last nit. We just sitting in livingroom. Alyssa than saw the barrier crack. She think it was cause Bad sick. Using claws she tore hoel bigger. Climbed out of window after. Ran far into tree, then she smel blood. She told me to run so I did run. I thought she would go find me after. But long time after i went look for her. She was like that when I found. I carry her to the house and climb back in the window. She didn’t wake up. I want her to wake up.”

His mistakes in his writing was heartwarming, just hate the context of the situation.

“Do you know what attacked her?” Sam asks, soft and slow, as if he was scared that Callahan would freak out again. Callahan only slightly shock his head in response before looking to the wall again. He still seemed so out of it after his emotion bomb last night.

“I need tea, Skeppy get me tea.” Bad whines, the blue haired lets out a groan but stands to make the fucker his tea. We all stare at the demon, as if we all shared the same thought. ‘I want ot beat the fuck out of this guy.’ Bad either didn't notice our looks or didn't care as he starts talking. “Alyssa was a promising mutant, it’s a shame that I won't be able to see her at her full potential. I’m just happy that you didn’t get Callahan killed.”

After his words we all say in silence. The only noise was Skeppy clumsily making tea for Bad. I look over the others, lack of Ponk. We had all experienced different levels of emotion bombs last night. Callahans being the worst of all, but Ponk's we're always stronger. Skeppy said it's normal for Blazebornes to have stronger emotion bombs. So last night, even after Bad used his power to knock all of us out, Ponk had fought it. Or we'll, fought Bad and Skeppy. Skeppy now had a large burn scar on his arm and a small one on his face. For 'bad behavior' Ponk was locked into the cellars for who knows how long.

Punz was the one to break the silence. “Where’s her body?” A fair question since none of us have seen her since we woke up. We haven't seen Ponk either, which leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Bad seems to get a boost of energy at the question. He answers with enthusiasm, “Oh, she is in my lab, I’ll be performing research on her body. Though the body I would like to research is Sam’s, you’re so interesting.” I hear a hisses and growls come out of all of us, even Callahan seems to growl even in his state.

“You’re not gonna touch him.” I say as I stare down the sickly demon. He seems shocked at me tone. I would be too if your 'perfect soldier' talked back for the first time ever. “I bet I could kill you right now, I mean you are sick.” I look towards the others that had the same murderous look on their faces. “We can kill you with little effort.”

Bad seems to go into himself like a turtle as he looks towards all of us. I was about ready to pounce at him when he disappears. We all frantically look around. “Not his fault the girl got killed. It was the result of her own dumb actions, she almost got Callahan killed with her.” Skeppy's voice cuts in, I’m guessing Skeppy was the one who teleported Bad away. “You’ll be transferred to The Mansion in a couple of days, so don’t get pissy now.”

He then disappears, a warm cup of tea in his hands.

I honestly almost forgot to update. Oops.

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