Chapter 2

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Ranboo POV:

"Are you a mutant?" He asks me. I flinch at the word leaving his mouth.

I didn't say anything in response. I couldn't bring myself to. Of course he's human, he's Royal. The Royals are the reasons why all mutants are locked up. They're-he's the reason I've never seen anything other than these four walls.

And even if I've seen anything else I don't remember.

I feel anger build up inside me. At everything I've been through because I was born a Enderman hybrid.

Angry at the Royals who painted us as nothing but mutants that would kill you if we got too close. I got angry at the boy sat in the opposite corner of the room.

"Are you okay?" I hear him say. His voice sounded shaky, he sounded scared. I let myself laugh.

Of course he's scared. To him all mutants are just a hazard. Maybe I should look him in the eyes. Fall into the role he sees me in. And kill him.

Tubbo Pov:

I watch as the boy's eyes start to, glow? Through the darkness of the cell I saw the green light being created from his eyes. I could see his pupils clearly, they were pulsing.

I then see the rest of his body start to produce a purple like smoke. The smoke was glowing as well. I could see his whole body clearly.

"Are you okay?" My voice was shaky. I know that. But it was an honest and genuine question. I have no idea what's going on with him. I hope he's not gonna fucking explode or something.

I then hear him start to laugh. I see his mouth open and it looked as if his jaw had unhinged. Even the inside of his mouth was glowing a dark purple.

I then see the glow of his eyes start to shift. And they stop on me. He wasn't looking at my eyes though. But I sure was looking at his.

I then start to hear an odd sound. It was loud, it made my ears start to ring. I lift my hands to my ears. As I do, the boy in front of me just disappears. Only leaving the glowing purple smoke.

He then appears right in front of me. I scream and pull my body back. My head banging harshly on the rock wall. I hold the back of my head as my vision goes blurry.

The boy was looking down at the ground. I hear a slight hissing sound. But I couldn't tell if I was actually hearing it. My head was now pounding.

I see him start to shake his head violently. I hear him start to make noises like he did when Clay was here. His hands cup his ears as he continues to make the noises.

When the noises stop he just sits there with his hands clinging to his hair. My head still hurt but it was bearable now.

I slowly reach my hands for the boy. I grab onto his hands and he flinches, he doesn't pull away though. I pull his hands away from his hair. I look at them and realize he was gripping onto his hair hard enough to pull it out.

"Are you okay now?" I try to say it in a calm and low voice. I think I succeeded but Ranboo still pulls his hands away from me.

He was still looking at the ground. The only thing I could hear were slight hisses. It sounded like something cooking in grease. As if it was getting burnt.

"Are you okay?" I ask again. I want him to answer me. But instead of an answer he pulls himself along the floor until he was in the middle of the room.

"Why does it matter?" He answered. His voice was weak as if he was crying, and in pain.

"Because I don't know what that was. But the way you were acting... It seemed like you were in pain or maybe not I don't know."

"Weren't you scared?"

"I mean yeah of the unknown you can say. I've never seen anybody fucking glow before. And you like just appearing in front of me was quite a jump scare." I still tried to keep a calm voice as I spoke. Not wanting to scare him or I don't know. I just wanted to keep him calm.

"Weren't you scared I was gonna hurt you?"

After he finishes what he was saying he groans as if he was in pain.

"The thought didn't cross my mind. Was your goal to hurt me?"

I start pull myself closer to him. We were both still sitting on the floor. I still kept my distance. I still wanted to give him space, but comfort at the same time.

"I think it was." He hugs his knees into his chest. He then rests his forehead on his legs.

"But you didn't. My head hurts a bit from me hitting it on the wall but you didn't do anything. You stopped yourself didn't you?" I mimic his position but I set my chin on my legs. I keep my eyes on him.

I see him shake his head. "When I get like that I hear a voice in my head. It's not mine, at least I don't think it is. It was telling me to calm down. But the only thing it does is scare me."

As he spoke he would randomly let out whines of pain. What was hurting him?

"What's hurting you?" I didn't get a response for a moment. I see him lift his head up. I see tears running down his face. And as they roll down his face I see his skin, smoking? As if they were burning. That's was the hissing sound is.

"Your tears hurt you?"

He nods in response. I look up at his eyes and he had them closed. I wonder why. We sit in silence again. I wonder what he was thinking.

"Why did you start glowing?" I was still staring at his closed eyes.

"It happens when I have overwhelming emotions. At least that's what Techno said." I don't know who 'Techno' is. " It happens to hybrids- mutants, something about our genetics. Our bodies just kinda react. Not all of us glow though. That's an Enderman thing. Techno gets like big. Like a boar."

"So you're an Enderman? I haven't read a lot about mutants. All I know is that they don't like water and they like go puff." I hear him laugh a bit. He rests his forehead back on his knees.

"I'm an Enderman hybrid. And I do hate water, it burns my skin. And I do go puff." I laugh a bit, I hear him start to laugh too.

Once our laughter dies we sit in silence again. But this time it wasn't awkward. It was nice and comfortable.

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