Chapter 6

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TW: Mentions of abuse
Mentions of blood/gore (Maybe)

Ranboo POV:

 It's been a couple days since Tubbo got brought in. We don't talk much, I guess we just don't have much to talk about. The silence is fine with me though. I don't mind. I look up at the starless sky. I can't even remember what stars look like anymore. I hear a loud roar and I close my eyes. They're hurting the dragon again. 

 "What was that?" I hear Tubbo say from next to me. I slowly open my eyes as the roar stops.

 "Have you heard of the Ender Dragon?" I turn away from the window. I stare at the metal door that's keeping us trapped in this room.

 "Is that was the sound was?" I feel his shoulder push against mine. I turn slowly to see him on his tippy toes to see out the window. I smile at the view, he's short. 

 "They keep her locked up like the rest of us. It's sad honestly. She's a good person, well dragon. She's a very big dragon."

 "She? Wait, how is she good?" I look away from Tubbo as I see his head start to turn to look at me.

 "Yeah she. I don't remember ever talking to her, or knowing her. But I just know she's good." 

 "Are you from here- The End?" I could feel his eyes on me now. I turn further away from him.

 "I don't know. Clay says I am. But I don't remember ever telling him that." Clay knows a lot about me. More than Techno ever knew. It's nice though. It makes it seem like I actually had a life before the prison.

 "You're close with Clay?" I hear the heels of his feet land back on the floor.

 "I guess you could say that. Ever since I met him he's taken care of me. Same with Techno." 

 "I wish I had someone like that." I slowly look at him again to see him leaning against the wall looking down. 

 "No one tried to protect you?" I look away from him again.

 "I guess Quackity tried. All he did was yell at Schlatt when he'd hit me. I hated it when he did that." 

 "Why did you hate it? He was trying to get him to stop right?"

 "It only got Quackity hurt too." 

 I didn't really know what to say after that. What am I supposed to say? I've never been through something like that.

 "The only person that could've helped me was me. And I even failed at that." I hear his back start to slide down the wall until he's sitting against it.

 "How did you fail?" I sit down next to him. I think this is the only way I can comfort him. This is what Clay does for me and it calms me down. Maybe it'll help him.

 "I tried to kill Schlat." My head snaps into his direction. I need to get a hold of that. Luckily he was looking at the ground. We shared a moment of silence. That's why he's in here. 

 "You got caught and put in here huh?" I look away from him quickly and start to poke my claw into my palm. I don't put enough pressure to break skin though.

 "I just couldn't stand it anymore. The way he treated everyone around him. The way he used to yell at me if he saw my horns or my eyes. The way he cut off my ears…" I feel Tubbos arm move. My eyes follow it slowly and I see his fingers play with his ear. "I was sick of leaving in fear of him. So I tried to get rid of him." I can tell he was crying now. But the only reason is because I heard a tear land on the floor. He's good at hiding his emotions.

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