Chapter 20

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I drop the book that I've read a hundred times onto my chest, Schlatt never got me new books to read. My mother usually was the one that brought back books on her travels, of course then she didn't come back. I then felt my body fall, it felt as if my blankets had enveloped me into the mattress. I then feel my feet land on a hard surface. I slowly open one of my eyes, seeing Bad's face way to close for comfort. I light screech escapes my throat as I take a couple steps back to put distance from me and the demon.

"Hi Tubbo!" The demon says happily as he sways back and forth from his heels to his toes. "Sapnap said he would be training you-"

"I didn't tell you anything, you fucking zapped it from my memories." Someone else says. I scan the room, finding Sapnap leaning against the wall next to the door. I also realized that we were in Bad's office.

"That doesn't matter!" Bad shoots back, a large grin on his demonic face. "Sapnap needs to do some training, would you mind being his partner?"

"Not happening." Sapnap declares sternly, "He's not a damn soldier Bad, he won't be able to handle fucking fire powerss or whatever the shit you said."

"But you promised to train him! Two birds with one stone."

"I'll train him separately to my inhuman training, Bad. Dream already said that he will let me beat him to a pulp."


"No, Bad."

Bad's shoulders droop as he walks over to sit at his desk. "Fine, just come back tomorrow for the check-up." He drops his head onto his desk, why does he look so defeated? Though I suppose Bad has always been dramatic about shit.

"Come on Tubbo, we can start your training." He swings the door open and walks out, I quickly have to chase after the older.

I keep my mouth shut as I follow him through the halls, somewhere along the way Clay had joined us in walking. None of us said anything, not even the two that I assumed were close friends.

We then get to the courtyard that guards use for one on one training. Sapnap turns to me and lifts both his hands up. "Punch my hand as hard as you can." I give him a confused look, "Come on, you won't hurt me." I lift both of my hands up, getting into the stance that Sapanp's father taught me before he died. I then swing towards Sapnap's left palm, then the right one. "Hm, not bad."

He's then swinging his arm, not at me but at Clay's jaw. Clay was quick to duck out of the way of Sapnap's fist and swing towards Sapnap's side. My childhood friend then grabs his wrist harshly and pushes it away from him. "You gonna keep doing that until you land a hit?" Clay asks as he straightens up his body again.

"You deserve it," Sapnap pauses for a second before continuing, "bitch." The blonde only scuffs as they both looks back towards me. "Let's get started training your scrawny ass."

"I'm not that scrawny,'' I say as I lift my arm, I know I have some muscle.

"Sure you aren't."


I fall back until my back was against the grass. "You have no endurance." Sapnap teases. I slowly look up at the two soldiers, who weren't even out of breath.

"You guys are just fucking monsters." I drop my head back against the grass and stare up at the clouds. "Clay, has Ranboo ever seen clouds?"

"Yeah he has, but he was always more interested in the stars than the clouds. He used to say that the blue sky was scary, but seeing that The End is all darkness it's not a surprise that he feels comfort in the darkness."

"How'd you meet Ranboo?" I hear Sapnap ask, does he not know? I mean I don't know since Ranboo doesn't remember shit about anything.

"I was still being held as Bad's prisoner, one day they brought in a kid to be a cellmate. It was Ranboo..." His words die out, as if he wanted to say something else.


"I don't want to talk about it Sapnap. Just get your ass up so we can train your mutant powers."

"Gods, so bossy."

I then shoot up into a sitting position, they both look towards me oddly. "Did you just say Nick has mutant powers?"

"Surprise, I'm a mutant." Sapnap shivers as he says it. "I'm not even used to it."

"Come on, Sapnap." They then walk off, leaving me tired and confused on the ground of the courtyard. Sapnap's a fucking mutant?!


We walk into the building, Dream stops in front of one fo the torches that line the hallways. "Wow, a torch."

"Blazebornes have a resistance to fire. So-" Dream grabs my arm a lifts enough so my hand was above the flames. I squeeze my eyes tight, expecting the flames to burn the fuck out of my hand. "See? Nothing." I slowly open my eyes to see that my hand was just chilling inside of the flame. My hand felt warm but it didn't feel like it was burning. "Since you're new to this whole thing you'll only be able to manipulate fire for a while, then after some training you'll be able to create it in the palm of your hand-."

"Why do you know so much about blazebornes?" I ask as I look towards the blonde. I then see his face twist into one of sorrow.

"Bad told me-"

"Liar, what else are you hiding Dream? You left out a lot of details about your past."

"It's none of your goddamn business, okay? I don't have to tell you shit about what I've gone through and what I've seen." He then stomps off, leaving me with my hand in a fucking torch. Why'd he get so damn angry?

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