Chapter 19

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TW: hallucinations, manipulation



I lean against the glowing wall, hearing nothing but water flowing just behind the sturdy material. Skeppy told me yesterday that Ranboo wouldn't be able to hear us. He did say that I may able to hear through the thick wall because of how sensitive my hearing is. But thanks to the lake of amusement Bad feels towards the young ender hybrid they don't exactly know how much of my mutant abilities actually transferred during he experiments. They don't know that Ranboo's hearing is just as good as mine is, so in turn he could probably hear if you speak just outside of the box that holds him captive. "Hey Ranboo... thought I'd come by and check on you." I sit in silence for a moment, awaiting a reply from the hybrid I see as a little brother. I speak again when I don't hear his soft voice, "I wish I could've gotten you out, convinced Bad there was another way." I softly laugh to myself, "As if I knew another way. We were screwed to begin with."

"Please, leave me alone." I hear a soft whisper come from behind the wall. Holy shit, he could actually hear me! I could hear him! This is great, more than great! I can still be here for him, maybe I can keep him from going insane because of the isolation.

"Ranboo? Ranboo you csn hear me, right? Answer me please." I plead as I place my hand against the wall. There's another instance of only hearing flowing water. "I'm here, Ranboo-"

"I don't want you here. Just please...leave me alone already." Ranboo speaks again, he sounds so drained. I never expected him to sound that depressed after two days.

"No, Ranboo. I'm here, okay? I'll always be here for you, I promise."

"I want Tubbo to come back...why can't Tubbo come back?"

I lean my head against the wall. "Ranboo, please-"

"I told you to stop! Just shut up already!" Ranboo screams. "Just leave me alone."

"Okay." I say softly as I sit back down against the wall, not saying anything more. I would hear Ranboo mumble things to himself, talking of everything being loud. I wish I could help him, he seems like he's struggling.

"Why does that fucking matter?" I hear a loud voice echo through the hallway. I stand up quickly as an angry looking Quackity stomps into the room. "Of course you're fucking here." He says as he sees me. "No- not you, you idiot. Just find me someone that can actually do what I'm asking." He mumbles something under his breath as he pulls the phone away from his ear.

"You good there?"

He releases a shaky breath as he points to the barrier. "Do you know what the damn thing is made out of?"


"No, not just any magic. Demon magic, the strongest of the magics." That last part sounds like he was mocking someone else. "No magic users are even willing to try to break this bitch."

"So, you can't get Ranboo out of there?"

He looks down, "I'm sorry, Dream. I'm using all of my connections to try and find a magic user powerful enough. But demon magic is a whole other playing field, I mean Bad and Skeppy came from a different realm altogether. I think that they are the only ones capable of taking it down."

"There's no way in hell that we're convincing Bad to take down his barrier."

"Bad? Skeppy is the one that put it up." Quackity says, with a confused look on his face.

"No, Skeppy told me that-"

"You're trusting that fucker?" Quackity laughs as he places a hand on my shoulder. "Wow, have you not learned anything in the years you've been held against your will? Don't trust what others say, especially when they have ties with the devil."

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"Skeppy put up the barrier after preaching about the fact that Bad can't be trusted. But apparently he told you that Bad put it up. Wait-wait- let me guess. He said that he wishes he could do something about this whole thing, am I right?." He laughs again, my fingers close tightly making a fist. "You really thought he was your friend, Dream?"

"He's always been kind to me." He was always the one to talk with me, to apologize for everything I was put through. Was it all just a lie?

"Yeah and Bad gave me muffins for my birthday. Well, better get on my knees, huh? Because he was so kind to me." He hits the side of my head softly. "Stop trusting, Dream. The only way you're gonna get out of this hell hole, is if you don't trust anyone. Don't even trust me."

"You don't know Skeppy-"

He cuts me off with yet another laugh, he holds his stomach to dramatize it. "Gosh, still fucking defending him? That's so fucking rich dude, you don't even know. You trust people so much, don't you? Maybe that's why you were too quick to befriend Sapnap and George. You throw out trust like it's a fucking parade."

"Quakcity, shut-"

"No, no, no. This is golden, I don't think I've heard anything stupider since I was in elementary. You're a fuckign idiot, Dream."

I don't try to argue with him anymore, maybe he does have a point. I do hate to admit that the dumbass is right. No matter how much I want to bury it, I trust people too much. "What are you gonna do about the barrier?"

He smiles towards me. "I'm gonna search for a powerful magic user, if I can't find one I'm gonna beat the shit out of Skeppy until he takes it down. Then, we get those kids out of this fucking place."

"Keep me updated." I say as I start to walk out of the room.

"And you keep your walls up."


TW: hallucinations, manipulation

TW: hallucinations, manipulationTW: hallucinations, manipulationTW: hallucinations, manipulation

"I wish I could've gotten you out, convinced Bad there was another way. As if I knew another way. We were screwed to begin with." I hear Clay's voice say after some moments of silence.

I want to punch this damn voice in the face, if he had one I would. "Please, leave me alone."

"Ranboo? Ranboo can you hear me?" Yes, I've been hearing you for days now. I look towards the marks on the wall, I feel my heartbeat beat harshly in the tips of my fingers. Fifteen marks, it's been fifteen days? "Answer me please. I'm here, Ranboo-"

"I don't want you here. Just please...leave me alone already." I just want silence, I just want him to shut up. I close my eyes tightly, please go away, please go away, please go away.

"No, Ranboo. I'm here, okay? I'll always be here for you, I promise." But I don't want you to be here for me, I don't want a voice in my head anymore.

I want someone to actually be here, the only person that's been here for me is...Tubbo. "I want Tubbo to come back...why can't Tubbo come back?"

"Ranboo, please-"

"I told you to stop! Just shut up already! Just leave me alone." I snap towards the voice, I cover my hands over my ears, folding the length of them awkwardly until it hurt.

"But Ranboo, I just want to be here for you." The voice seems louder, why is it louder? "I'll always be here, no matter how much you plead. I will always be here." I feel something brush against my hand, I don't open my eyes to look at what it was. I'm too scared to open my eyes, I'm too scared to see what's there....What the hell just touched my hand?


Didn't post last week because of finals, on summer break now though. Not sure if that's gonna help my writers block or worsen it. We shall see.

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