Chapter 23

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Ranboo Pov

"You're no fun when he's here!" Clay complains as he softly hits his head against the wall. I ignore him, well the best I could, and focused on what Tubbo was rambling on about on the other side of the wall. He was currently telling a story about his mom. Every once in a while he would interrupt his own story to explain what's going on in the card game he's playing, solitaire I think he called it. "Oh, come on! Please!" Clay basically pounces on my back as he whines loudly.

I do my best to pull the blonde off of my back but I didn't have much luck as his fingers dig into my shoulders. I give up, after putting not a lot of effort into getting him off of me. I let him be as he whines and pushes, trying to urge me into whatever game he wants to play today.

"Oh I've been meaning to ask Bad, how are they feeding you? Skeppy keeps saying shit about how he can't bring down the spell to let me see you, so how are they getting shit in there so you won't die? I guess they could just teleport the food in, but couldn't they just teleport me in if they could do that? They better not starve you in there." Tubbo's voice sounded stern as he spoke, he also sounds like he actually wanted an answer to his questions.

"I'm not sure actually. I don't remember much from the weeks I've spent here." I look towards the marks on the wall, 27. My finger is still steaming as it heals from the last time I dug my claw into the rock to make yet another mark. "My stomach feels fine though, Endermen can go a long time without eating."

"And how do you know that?" Clay ask, loudly right into my ear.

"Bad would-..." My voice dies as I think about the question. How do I know that?

"Knew you'd be in here." A new voice says from behind the wall. I've never heard that voice before. Who is it?

"He's probably Tubbo's best friend, it would make sense. Wouldn't it?" Clay finally removes himself from my back and throws himself in my lap so he was face to face with me. Tubbo's best friend, he's never mentioned him before.

"You good, Nick?" Tubbo asks. Nick? Who's Nick? How does Tubbo know him?

"I mean,-" Clay continues,"- if you were our little goat friend's best friend, he would be here everyday. He probably spends all his time with him." I feel something start to bubble at the pit of my stomach, I'm not sure what it is but my vision goes cloudy.

"I hate fucking mutants. That bitch gave me a concussion and I got an earful from Bad talking about how much I can grow with my goddamn mutant powers and it's so fucking stupid. I just want them to be gone already." The new voice, Nick, says.

"You are aware that I'm a mutant, right?" Tubbo asks. He wants Tubbo to be gone? Why would he want Tubbo to be gone? Aren't they supposed to be bestfriends?

I look towards Clay for answers. He gives me a gentle smile as cups both sides of my face so I couldn't look away. "He doesn't want Tubbo gone, Ran. He wants to take him away, he wants to take him away from you."

"No!" I basically yell. He can't take Tubbo away! He can't take him away from me!

Clay shushes me and makes me focus on him. "He won't take him away."

I feel a sting around my eyes as I get lost in green. "You promise? He won't go away?"

"I promise. You just need to do one thing so he won't go away. Just one thing." I nod my head frantically. "Okay, okay. All you have to do is scream."

"Scream? No, screaming hurts people. Screaming hurts me, I can't scream." The screams hurt, so much blood, so much pain. Clay's face starts to reappear in my vision again.

"But Tubbo will be taken if you don't. Nick is gonna take him away and he won't be able to come back. You can't let him be taken." Green. "He doesn't want to go, you need to stop Nick." Green is such a pretty color. "All you need to do is focus on Nick. Focus on him taking Tubbo away, focus on how lonely you'd feel. How hurt Tubbo would be if he left you, Are you thinking of all that?" I slowly nod my head. "Are you focused on Sapnap?" ... "Good. Now all you have to do is to make it hurt."


My ears ring and my head feels like it got cut open and prodded.

"Tubbo fucking talk to me! Toby! Tubbo! Hey, can you hear me?!" Clay's voice screams through the ringing. I look around, but I couldn't see Clay. He must be on the other side of the wall, why does he do that? "Tubbo! You're bleeding, we need to get you to the medical bay!" Bleeding? Why is Tubbo bleeding? Clay appears in front of me again, can he teleport like me? "Nick hurt Tubbo." Is all he said before the ringing starts again.


The cold hugs me tightly as I cuddle further into whatever I was laying on. It rumbles under me, I rumble my body back in return. "Young Master, You cannot sleep all day." She starts to move. I growl as I'm lifted away from the cold surface. I'm then face to face with Dragon as she holds me in the air. "Your mothers would not be happy with us lazing the day away."

"My mothers put you on babysitting duty. It is your rightful duty to act as my cushion." I try to wiggle my way out of Dragon's arms so I can return to laying on her chest.

She laughs and I can feel the vibration go from her chest to her arms. "My Young Prince, you are indeed a sight to behold."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I pout back, it doesn't last long since I'm returned to my place laying on her chest.

"It means I care for you dearly, like everyone else in the realm."

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