Chapter 18

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TW!: Mention of (child) death/murder, injury, blood, manipulation, hallucinations.



I walk into Bad's office, no one was in there. Well other than a sleeping Sapnap. I walk over and sit on the bed next to his.

"He'll wake up five seconds after you enter the room." Bads words echo in my head.

"Fuck." I hear a voice say. I look up to see Sapnap rubbing his eyes. Once he lowers his hands his eyes land one me. "Oh fuck off dude." He sits up and stretches his back.

"Why the hell did Bad leave this to me?" I mumble as I look around the room.

"What don't want to deal with me anymore?"

I wait awhile before I reply. "I'm a mutant."

"Yeah, I'm aware. Now." he says sourly.

"Bad says that I'm a inhuman. It means that I show no physical mutant characteristics." He doesn't say anything. I take a deep breath before continuing. "Schlatt has a history of making Inhumans military generals, I guess that's why I was chosen after Bad brought me up as his dream project."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I have no idea how else to tell you that you're a mutant." Or I could just come out and say it, that works too.

"Excuse me?"

"Your father was a Blazeborne Hybrid, making you one too."

"Don't lie to me, Dream."

I turn to look at my raven haired friend, and all I saw was anger. "I'm not lying, I was just as surprised when Bad said you're powers woke up."

"None of that makes sense." He looks down towards his hands. "That can't be the truth. I can't be..."

"Inhumans apparently need a trigger for their powers to actually come to the surface, the majority of us don't even know that they're mutants." I clear my throat. "Your trigger was being betrayed by your closest friend."

"I don't believe you."

"When we were fighting you got so hot that it burnt my skin. Bad said that if you work with it you'll be able to create and manipulate fire."


"Sapnap, I'm trying to help. Would you rather me not tell you? Wait until you have another fucking emoiton bomb? Who knows what maham you can create if you don't have a handle on your powers and it goes out of control."

His head snaps up towards me. "Stop talking! I don't want to hear it! I don't want to hear that I'm a monster- that-that I'm one of those things-!"

I cut him off, "I'm one of those things! I grew up in a cell because of who I am! I was held prisoner and Bad experimented on me simply because he wanted the perfect specimen. Because he wants a powerful soldier! I had to sit there and watch him kill and torture fellow hybrids! So before you preach that being a mutant is so bad, how about you realize that you were privileged enough to have it trigger at a later age. Because have you been a little younger, or a little weaker. You would be in The Prison, or hell maybe Bad would have experimented with you too." He just stares at me. "I'm trying to help you Sap, because I know what it feel like to fear what you are. I know what it feels like to hate yourself because of it."

"Is that why you never talked about your past?" He lets out in no higher than a whisper.

I take a deep breath. "It's a conversation killer if you say that you've been a prisoner since you were 12."

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