Chapter 7

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TW: Abuse, Blood/Gore, PTSD, Anxiety Attack


I woke up a while ago on the cold floor. I didn't move an inch though. It's not like I'm gonna do anything today. I look at Ranboo who was sitting in the opposite corner. I see his eyes trained on the ground in front of him. He hasn't moved an inch since last night. Maybe that's just how he sleeps, like a corpse. I go to start sitting up and I see Ranboo flinch hard.

"Are you okay?" I finish sitting up quickly and was about to stand to walk over to him. He raised his hand to stop me.

"I'm alright, you just scared me." His voice was deeper than normal. He doesn't seem okay, I can't tell you why I think that though. Though he already told me he's okay I stand up and make my way over to him. He stiffens as I sit next to him.

"You okay bossman?" I nudge his shoulder and he nods quickly.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"

"You've been imprisoned your whole life. You're seen as dangerous for something you have no control over. That voice you were telling me about. Other reasons you haven't told me about. Just choose one." I hear him huff and a smile pulls at my lips.

"You know I can't sleep." I give him a confused look, even though he wasn't looking at me I think he sensed my confusion. "I don't know why, honestly. I just sit here every night and just stare at the wall and try to shut off my brain."

Ranboo POV:

"Enderman quick?"

"Hm maybe. I honestly don't know if it's a me thing honestly."

"What other Enderman things do you do? So far I only know no water and go puff?"

"Hm I have sensitive hearing, like I can hear very far away from me."

"I've never heard of Endermans having that."

"It's a me thing." I start to rub the skin of my thumb over my claws. "You know eye contact amplifies an Endermans anger. To the point where we lose all control. So we avoid it." I cringe at the thought. That out of all the mutants my kind is the one that falls into Schlatts Depiction of us. We do lose control, and we do hurt people.

"That's what happened that first night?" Tubbo grabs my hand. I look down at my hand to notice that my claw had punctured my skin. Tubbo pulls my claw away.

"Yeah…" Tubbo pokes at the skin of my thumb. Why? I have no idea. We sit in silence for a while. Tubbo playing with the skin of my thumb. I think he zoned out but I didn't mind. I feel my mind go foggy and I relish in it. I felt this calm for, well for as long as I can remember. Which isn't long but hey it counts as something doesn't it.

Tubbo POV:

(TW: Abuse, Blood/Gore, PTSD, Anxiety Attack)

[I try to keep my tears back as I'm pulled across the mansion by my ear. Schlatt pulls me along like a ragdoll. With a knife held with a death grip in his other hand. We finally make it to his office and push me in. I grab onto my ear, all of it felt raw.

"Gosh stop bringing attention to those God forsaken things." My hand quickly drops from my ear. My father walks to his desk and grabs one of the bottles that was on the desk. I feel my ears drop to the sides of my head as he just looks at me. His eyes going back and forth from my ears to my eyes.

My horns were easy to shave down, act as if they weren't there. But my long goat ears that my hair does not cover is a large reminder of what I am. Not to mention my elongated pupils mirroring a goat's eyes. I keep them mostly covered with my hair but my hair isn't long enough yet to cover them completely.

"I think we should do something about those." He makes a circle with his hand that still had a hold of the knife. My breath hitches in my lungs. What is he going to do? "Come on then." He waves me over and I quickly walk over. Already knowing the consequences I would face if I were to hesitate.

When I get into arms reach he grabs onto my bangs as pulls them upward harshly. I dont show any reaction as he pulls at my hair harshly.

"These eyes are a problem too. But I don't want to gouge out your eyes at the moment." I keep my breath from hitching. Don't react, don't react. Just don't react Tubbo. "Getting rid of these ears will have to go." He lifts the knife to the side of my head. "How much do you think I can cut off without making you go deaf?" I feel the blade skin by my ear. I feel shivers go down my spine. Keep it together Tubbo, that's all you have to do.

"I would say about here." Without warning I feel the blade cut through the skin of my ear. I bit down on the inside of my cheek until I could taste blood. Don't react Tubbo...don't react. I feel tears feel my eyes as I see the end of my ear fall onto the floor. I get a head rush as I feel drops of blood land on my shoulder. "Already so much better, don't you say?" He moves his hand to the other side of my head. I try to prepare myself for the pain. Don't cry, don't scream, don't say anything. The blade cuts through my ear and it drops to the floor.

"Head to Bads so he can stop the bleeding. Don't get any blood on my floor please." I was about to start walking away when I hear a breath leave his mouth. I think back to everything that just happened. What did I miss? What did I do wrong? What was it? I look down and see my bloody ears on the floor. I quickly pick them up before Schlatt can get angry.

I rush out of the room and down the halls. I finally make it to Bads office and I just open the door. I see a guy sitting on the bed, he's a guard I'm pretty sure. Bad turns to look at me.

"Tubbo whats-" his sentence is cut off. I'm not sure if I stopped hearing, or if he stopped talking. I feel my knees go weak from under me and my head goes fuzzy. I lose my balance and start to fall forward.]

I blink hard as I try to break out of the memory. I try to get a sense back into reality. I feel my fingers rubbing against something, something oddly soft. I look down and see two hands. Ranboos hand. Right, I'm not in the mansion anymore. Schlatt can't reach me here. He won't hurt me. I feel my breath start to pick up. Right? He won't. He won't hurt me. Right?

"Tubbo? Tubbo, are your okay?" He sounded as if he was underwater. Or maybe I'm the one underwater. I feel his hand leave mine and I go to grab it again but I couldn't find it. Where did it go? Was it even there? I continue to feel around and try to focus my eyes. I then feel hands land on my shoulders. I feel myself internally flinch. Don't react Tubbo. You can't react. He'll hurt you.

"Hey Tubbo. I'm right here. Tubbo!" Ranboo? Why's Ranboo here? I feel a hand leave my shoulder. No I didn't react did I? No I couldn't have. I feel a hand land on mine. I quickly grab onto it and focus on it. That's Ranboos hand. Right Ranboos. "Breathe Tubbo! Tubbo Breathe!" I feel my shoulder be shook. I slowly register what he's saying. I slowly release a breath then breathe back in. I hear Ranboo let out a breath of relief. I look around. I'm in the prison, with Ranboo. He won't hurt me. He won't.

"Are you okay?" I slowly nod. He's still haunting me.

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