Chapter 13

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Tw: Violence

If you recommend I put a TW in any of the chapters I write please inform me.


Clay Pov

I walk close to Ranboo, close enough that he is cowering behind me despite his feet on my own my height. I feel like a protective mother, fighting to protect her young. Only I'm fighting to protect Ranboo from Bad's crooked mind, and his poor morality values. The door to the hallway I walked down with Bad and Quakcity then opens. We followed Bad into the hall, no one spoke a word. Ranboo slowly grabs onto my hand, I can't let anything bad happen to him. I can't let Bad go through with whatever plan he cooked up.

"Okay we just have to do something before we lock him up." Ranboo squeezes harder on my hand in response to Bads words.

I squeeze back, "Just don't hurt him Bad." [I'm a sucker for c!Dream & c!Ranboo brotherly bond, no I do not care that it will never be canon. Let me live.
:( ]

"I have no reason to hurt him, Dream, you have nothing to worry about." We get to the end of the hall and Bad spins his body so that he's facing us, with the widest smile on his face. "Now I need you to step away from him, please Dream."

I step in front of Ranboo, acting as a shield between him and Bad. "Why is that necessary?" Bad smiles at me. "Bad I'm not fucking joking! What the hell are you-"

"Well it's not necessary."

I then feel something drip onto my shoulder. I look up and I see a bucket, a water bucket, floating just above both me and Ranboo. I couldn't do anything as the water bucket gets poured onto both me and Ranboo. Ranboo lets out a horrid scream as the liquid lands onto his skin, onto his hydrophobic skin. I look at Bad, he didn't even look like he felt bad, he looked content with harming a teenager. "You said you wouldn't hurt him!" I say as I hug the shaking Ranboo close to my chest, his skin was burning from the water that's on it.

I softly try to wipe the water from his face. "Clay, it hurts." He says low and gravely, biting back another scream of pain. I stop wiping his face, I just watch as steam flows from his burning skin.

I look up towards Bad. "What the hell is wrong with you? Why the hell did you do that?" I hold Ranboo tighter, tighter than I should in his condition.

"I wanted to know if his powers would work even with the handcuffs, I can't take any risks Dream." I stop myself from throwing Ranboo aside so I could tackle the demon, though I would say he's closer to the devil.

I slowly let go of Ranboo, he complies and huddles into the corner of the room. He hugs himself tightly as I stand, as calmly as possible. I take a deep breath, and I scream at him. "You said you wouldn't hurt him!" I run towards him, he simply steps out of the way of my tackle. I let out a low growl, "I'm gonna kill you." I look up towards Bad, and for the first time I saw real fear in his eyes. "I'm gonna kill you!" I scream again. I take a swing at him, he dodges back. As he does he trips over his own feet, landing on his ass as he looks up at me. Scared and wide eyed, I never would have thought I would see Bad this way.

"Dream, it was necessary for security of the-"

I cut him off and gestured towards the blanched Ranboo."No it wasn't necessary! Look at him!" [Please look up what blanched means, I find myself hilarious]

"Bad!" I hear a voice say from behind me, I turn and I see Skeppy stood in the hallway. Kind Skeepy, who would sneak me cookies on my birthdays. Kind Skeepy that would play music extra loud so that I could hear it. Kind Skeepy, who would never leave Bads side no matter how much I begged for him to do so. The same Skeppy that ran in to save his friend, his best friend. The same Skeppy that is now wide-eyed as he looks at Ranboo.

I then feel my body get pushed by gravity itself. My back hits hard against the wall, I cringe as the air gets knocked out of me. I look around, trying to focus with my blurry vision. I then see Skeppy walking to Ranboo, is he going to hurt him? "Get away from him!" He can't hurt him, I have to protect him.-

- I have to protect the young Endermen hybrid, I have to do something. I try to push against the force holding me against the wall. I try and try, but I couldn't fight against it. "Let go of me!" I then see Skeppy crouch just in front of Ranboo. ."No! Get away from him! Damnit let me go!"

"What the hell?" I hear a voice say, I turn my head and I see Tubbo, Sapnap, and Karl stood in the hallway.

I then notice how Bad had also looked away, breaking his concentration on pining me to the wall. "Get away from him!" I yell again, towards Skeepy. Though I knew he wouldn't hurt Ranboo. I finally push off the wall and start to run towards Ranboo, hoping Bad would allow me.

I then feel the force return, launching my body back into the wall. "What did I tell you, Dream? Stay still, I'm not hurting him."

"You poured water all over him! Just to test to see if his fear could over power the handcuffs!" I argue, giving context to the new occupants of the room.

"I can't risk him escaping." Bad speaks again,"To be fair I actually thought he would teleport."

"A hunch doesn't excuse hurting someone Bad! What you did was wrong! He's just a kid damnit." Kind Skeppy, who didn't know about Bad's experiments. Kind Skeppy who convinced Bad to let Ranboo go to the prison, because being locked up is better then being tortured in the name of power. Kind Skeepy, who never speaks up, just spoke his mind for the first time in his life.

I feel Bad's force release from around me. I booked it to Ranboo's side, I shouldn't have left it in the first place. I then feel someone settle to the side of me. "Ranboo?" I hear Tubbo say, barely a whisper.

"It hurts." The shaking Ranboo says in return. I then notice the tears streaming down his face, he's just hurting himself further.

I turn and I look at Tubbo, he looks mad and sympathetic at the same time. He felt for Ranboo, so much that he wants to beat Bad to a pulp. He then turns to me. "Can we do anything? You know him the best, you have to know something." He was pleading, pleading with me to stop Ranboo's pain. But there's nothing we can do other than wait until all the water burns away his skin.

"I can do it. I'm an amatour compared to Bad's powers, but I can get the water off of him. It will only prevent further damage-"

Skeepy gets cut off my Tubbo,"Do it!" He then catches his own eagerness. "Please." He adds weakly.

Skeepy nods and looks towards Ranboo, water droplets slowly start to lift off of Ranboos body. I look around and I see the now empty bucket resting next to the entrance of the room. I point to it as I look at Sapnap. "Grab that, Skeepy needs somewhere to put the water." Sapnap quickly obliges and gets the bucket to Skeppys side.

The remaining water that hadn't evaporated, and burned Ranboo's skin, is removed and put back into the bucket. Ranboo was still shaking, still in pain from the already prominent newly formed burn scars up and down his body.

"What's happening?" Karl speaks for the first time, we all turn to look at him.

I turn to Tubbo, then Sapnap. And he gives me the sternest look I've ever seen, I give him a confused look back. He stands and points at me. "We need to talk," He turns and starts walking down the hall. "Tubbo fill in Karl as much as you want. Just be aware that you'll be held accountable if you spill too much."

"Why do I-" Tubbo begins to speak.

"Dream, come on." Sapnap speaks sternly, I look at Tubbo for any context. He shrugs his shoulders and turns back to Ranboo. I stand and follow Sapnap out of the room, down the hall, and out of the mansion. He stops when we are on the grass patch in the courtyard. "You're a mutant."

Oh shit.


appy anniversary to c!BeeDuo!!

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