Chapter 11

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Sapnap grabs my chain again and leads me back to my room.

"Do you know anything about what the hell is happening?" He says once we were behind a closed door.

I shrug my shoulders and I walk to my dresser. I lift my chained hands up and pull the cloth down that was covering the mirror. "Ranboo didn't even know what was going on. Techno just told him that he was being taken out of the prison." I then slowly look at myself in the mirror. My hair had gotten longer, now covering my goat eyes. That's the only thing I'm thankful for with my appearance. My horns had grown well past their respected hair cover. Said hair was a complete mess, it looked like the definition of a rat's nest. And I looked overall dirty, how did Ranboo keep himself so clean all these years? [Ranboo cleans himself like a cat, because of his hydrophobic skin of course. Not because I find it funny, haha- no.]

"You know why Dream brought you?" I shake my head and quickly turn away from the mirror.

"Who's Dream?" I heard him call Clay that a couple times. So I already know the answer to my own question. See I'm not avoiding his question persay, but hell if I know the answer to that one.

"Dream, the blonde that just walked off with your friend." I nod my head.

"You mean Clay."

He gives me a confused look, it quickly fades. "So you know nothing? You have no idea why Dream-" he lifts his arms to make air quotes. "-sorry Clay-'' he drops his arms again. "- would get you and that Ranboo guy out of prison?"

"I mean why wouldn't he help Ranboo? They're basically like brothers after they were cellmates."

"I-i- mean yeah. Yeah- totally." Why did he start stuttering? "Um- I have to go now. I'll see you around Tubbo." He turns and makes a break towards the door.

"Hey wait a second!" He freezes, he slowly turns back to face me. Why is he acting weird? "Remember when I was younger? Well when we were younger." He nods his head before I can finish. "I missed sparring with you all these years. Since you joined the military, it feels as if I lost a friend you know."

Sapnap was always around since his father was a military general. We would always run around the mansion, getting into trouble with his dad. I was just lucky enough that my father was never told about our antics. As we got older Sapnap wanted to become a soldier just like his father was. We started sparring with each other, him always winning. I blame it on the fact that he's a couple years older than me. Then his father died, not in battle, he died because he tried to break up a fight between a young couple on the street. The guy ended up stabbing and killing him.

Sapnap- Nick changed after that, he was no longer aspiring to be like his father. He wanted to be better than him, because to him a soldier not dying in battle is no soldier at all. He joined the military at age 15, leaving me behind.

"Teach me how to fight." He gives a confused look at my words. "I need to know how to defend myself if I plan to kill my father. I will succeed next time." His body goes timid, he looks hesitant to expect my request. I could see it, his job as a soldier is to defend his country, and his president.

"I want to Tubbo-" I wave him off. He hasn't changed, or maybe it's the fact that he has changed. He's changed since we were friends. I don't know why I got my hopes up and thought we could go back to that.

"It's fine Nick. I understand, can't help someone kill your oh so dear president." His lips pull into a line. He just looks at me for a moment, contemplating my words. We stand in silence for more than a moment.

"Fine, I'll teach you to fight. But I'm not just gonna let you kill President Schlatt. I understand why-"

"Don't defend yourself Sapnap. If we end up fighting before I kill Schlatt. I'll have to defeat my teacher, and my childhood friend." He gives me a smile, a smile telling me he is taking my challenge.

"I'll hold you to that Tubbo. Now I do need to go before George blows a gasket." He waves and turns back towards the door. He then pauses as his hand grips the handle. It almost seemed like he was gonna say something else, but he existed my room without another word.


I exit Tubbos room, now having something to think about.

"I mean why wouldn't he help Ranboo? They're basically like brothers after they were cellmates."

Tubbos words echo through my head. Dream and Ranboo were...cellmates? Dream was a prisoner of The Prison? [I like to think that C!Schlatt named The Mansion and The Prison, his character seems to either be uncreative and would name places just what they are. Not because I was uncreative and now it's a running theme in my head so now I can't change it. Haha anyway]

"They're basically like brothers"

They're like brothers, huh? I mean they were acting familiar today, maybe a bit too much so.

"He's not. He's weak, he doesn't know the first thing about battle or protecting himself. He's always had me or T-....He's always had me or our other brother there for him. Hell, I've been worried about him ever since I got dragged here."

I mean that guard seemed close with the two, hell Dream and the guard didn't leave the poor kid be. And Dream saying he was dragged here? I mean powerful prisoners are often brought to The Mansion to become guardsmen. But The Prison is only for mutants, Tubbo was a special case but he's still a mutant. Dream is not a mutant, he clearly isn't one. He doesn't have any mutant features. He just has inhuman senses, strength, and overall battle skill. That doesn't make him not human, it just makes him talented. He's always been talented, he's always been able to beat me. His strength doesn't mean that he's a mutant. He can't be one, there's no way that I've been working alongside a mutant. There's no way that I've been sleeping in the same room as one. There's no way that I'm best friends with one of those- things!

I feel my skin go warm, my blood begin to boil. There is no way I let a mutant into my life, there's no way I put my full trust in one of them. How could I have not seen it sooner? He's so strong, he can hear conversations happening across the room, it's almost as if he can sense when an enemy is near. I can't even land a blow on him because of his reaction time.

"Sapnap there you are! We've been looking everywhere for you." Karl comes into my view, his lips pulled into a smile. "Come on, the others are waiting." He grabs onto my arm to pull me with him, he quickly stops and looks at my arm. "God Sap you're burning up, have you been feeling sick?" He moves his hand to my forehead. "Sap let's go-" Scream echoes through the halls. Everyone walking pauses and turns to the direction of the scream. It sounded like a mutant, an enderman mutant. Ranboo- "What the hell was that?" Karl says slowly, a hand still gripping my arm and forehead.

"What the hell is Bad doing?" I say as I walk towards where the scream echoed from.

"Yeah, let's go to Bad. You're like on fire dude." I hear Karls voice from behind me, is it alright for him to know about Ranboo? Not because I care or anything, it's just that I made a promise to Dream. Hell should I even care about that now? Who knows, either way I wont be able to shake off Karl.


Me updating this story twice in one month?? That's crazy dude

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