Chapter 21

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I poke at the dry meatloaf on my plate long enough for the meat to crumble. The others always get here after me, no idea what the fuck they do.

"Sappy Nappy!" I hear a joyful voice say from behind me. I don't turn to look who it is, I already know who. I don't even jump when his tray bounces off the table after he drops it. I do however tense when a hand grabs onto my forehead and I'm forced to face a color block hoodie. "You're not feverish anymore!" I look up to lock eyes with grey.

"I wouldn't be here if I was, dumbass." I say as I turn to once again poke at my meatloaf. That doesn't mean that I can't feel the pout coming from the other.

"Well I'm sorry I care about my friends well-being." Karl sits next to me, right next to me; our shoulders bounce off each other as he pushes himself as close to me as possible. It's nothing new for the us, or well for Karl. Apparently I'm the embodiment of heat so he sticks close, close as in our knees up to our shoulders connected well he wraps his ankles around one of mine. It's normal now.

"Haven't seen you around Bad's." I look up towards the nurses help to see him stuffing a spork full of salad into his mouth. We lock eyes as he begins to chew his food, we stay that way in awkward silence and close proximity until he finishes his bite.

"The shit that went down the other day bothered me, don't think I want to be under him anymore." He says, though his tone didn't let on that he was bothered, his words lacked his normal happy go-lucky charm.

"If you don't work under him you'll be sent into the war." I say, "Though because of your lack of training you'll be kept at the camp. But you know how likely it is for the camp to be attacked well the soldiers are away. I'd prefer it if you suck it up and stayed here." I finally shovel crumbled meatloaf into my mouth - yep, that was disgusting.

Karl is quiet for a long time after I finished speaking, we stay like that until George basically falls into his seat across from Karl.

"I finally beat Dream?" The archer asks, out of breath from him racing to beat someone who wasn't even gonna join us today, or ever again if I'm here. It's been awkward enough having to share a dumbass bunk with him.

"I refuse to believe that." Karl stands up and does a 720 trying to look for the tall blonde. Once his spinning was done he sits back down, looking s little defeated. "Is he not coming? We always have lunch together."

"He's probably just busy." George provides and he starts to pick at his meatloaf - exactly how I did.

"Doesn't make the tradition any less ruined." Karl whines as he drops his head into my shoulder.

"You've been doing different training than me, how are those going?" George asks me, easily ignoring Karl's fit.

"Dream's been a prick." I say simply.

"I still want to know what's going on with you guys."

"You don't need to know, Georgie."

My teasing seems to spur something up in Karl since he shoots up like an arrow. "Maybe they're fighting for your hand in marriage, Gogy." Both George and I turn to each other before looking dumbly back towards Karl. This causes the burnette to burst down laughing. "Kidding! Sappy Nappy is mine." He wraps his arms tightly around my shoulders. I don't think I'll ever experience what being touch-starved feels like being friends with this guy.



I walk down the hall towards Ranboo's prison box. I turn the corner to see Tubbo sitting down on the floor with cards spread in front of him. I stop and watch for a moment.

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