Chapter 20.5

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A year and a half before current times:

"The training will occur in this inbetween house for the upcoming months." Bad says as he walks into the big house. It was nicer than any place I've ever been, even before I got kidnapped. "I expect you six to give your best effort." The 'six' he was referring to were the other hybrids that were chosen from The Prison.

"I'll show you to your rooms now." A new voice says, I was happy and relieved to hear it. "The six of you will have to room with someone, whereas Dream will have his own room." The blue haired demon smiles towards me. "It's good not to see you behind bars, blondie." Skeppy gives a daring look towards Bad, who simply smiles and walks off to another part of the house. "Okay, let's go."

We all follow Skeppy down the hallway. Then the feline returns to my side. "You have a history with these guys, huh?" I attempt to ignore the other, I don't intend to make friends with the others. He felt his furry paw touch my arm and it sent a tingle up my arm, it tickled. "Are they going to hurt us?" He asks in a low voice. I guess I can't fault him for being worried about that, hell all of them are probably worried about that.

"I will explain what I know of them when Skeppy is gone." I whisper back to the feline. His paw-like hand is then removed from my arm, he must have taken that as an answer.

"Just so you are aware the house has a barrier spell on it, you guys won't be able to escape through a window or a backdoor. Once you guys, and girl, walked in you sealed your fate for the next few months." The one female of the group scuffs at his comment. "Here we are, Bad and I are still a little confused on what the fuck to do with you're on your own until tomorrow morning. Pick your rooms, Dream yours at the end of the hall." He gestures down the hall, I see doors lining each side of the hall then a lone door at the end. Skeppy then walks away from us, we all walk down the small hallway.

I finally take a good look at the other hybrids. First there was the feline [Antfrost] who was shorter than everyone, including the girl. He had fur lining his arms and his face, I could so some fluff puring from the edges of his long sleeve so I'm guessing he's furry fucking everywhere. The girl [Alyssa] had pointy ears poking out of her blonde long hair at the top of her head, and by the claws coming out of the tips of her fingers I guess that she is some type of dog or maybe a cat hybrid. She doesn't have any visible fur like the fur ball has. Then there's the guy [Callahan] that's hiding behind her, he had large antlers that were double the size of his head. He also doesn't have a mouth, just skin covers his face below his nose. Reminds me of that guard that cussed in front of Bad. Then there's this tall fuck [Awesamdude] - though he wasn't taller then Ranboo - that had a mask covering the bottom half of his face and hood covering majority of the rest of it. Another blonde [Punz] was in the hall, he looked pretty human to me, I assume he's probably a similar hybrid to me then. The last one [Ponk] I couldn't get a good look at before he ran into the nearest open room. "Mine!" His voice echoes from the room.

"We'll take this one." The girl says as she drags her reindeer friend into the room across the hall. Said reindeer gives as all a small wave as he's dragged.

"I'm taking this one." The blonde says as he walks to the final open door in the hall.

The feline and tall guy look at each other then. They both lift a fist and drop it down three times before the cat shows a flat palm and the taller one shows a fist. "Go ahead, make your choice." The taller says, his voice muffled by his mask. The feline points to the room the blonde took, leaving the other to bunk with the guy I didn't get a good look at. "That's fine." He walks off without another word.

"So you gonna tell me now?" The feline asks as he leans against the door of my room, that bastard.

"Ask your questions, I'll answer to the best of my abilities."

"YOU GONNA ANSWER ALL OF OUR QUESTIONS?" A female voice echoes through the hall, her yelling was not necessary.

"Fine with me." I sigh as he leans against the nearest wall.

"Are they gonna hurt us?" The feline asks.

"I'm not sure, they're supposed to be training us to be guards, right?" He nods, "I don't know if Bad will experiment on the six of you like he did with me."

"Experiments?" I hear another voice ask, I'm not even sure whose voice it was.

"Bad is a demon, came from a different realm entirely. He got fixated on hybrids when he got here, he experimented trying to learn more about them, like every other nutjob scientist did when they were allowed to. He was dead set on making a 'perfect soldier', hence me."

"I'll beat you to the ground." The other blonde guy says as he walks out of the room he claimed.

"I'm not gonna argue with a brute, anymore questions?"

"Why do you get your own room?" The girl asks as she leaves her room, I see the boy standing just behind her.

"Because I'm special, next?"

The girl scuffs before asking another question. "Bad and Skeppy seemed to like you, Dreeeeam. What's that about?"

"I've known them since they kidnapped me at age twelve, I don't control if they like me or not."

"What's everyone's names?" The taller of us asks as he returns to the hallway as well, why did they even go into the rooms? I notice now that the hood that he had been wearing is now off of his head, allowing me to see that he has green hair. "My name is Sam."



"Alyssa and that's Callahan." Alyssa gestures towards the boy that was still in the room.

"Ponk!" The other guy screams from the room.

"I'm Clay." I say last.

"What? It's not Dream?" Alyssa asks in a teasing voice.

"Is there no more questions?" I ask, a little annoyed by the group.

"Why were you in The Prison? You look human." The greenette asks.

"So does pretty boy over there." Alyssa says gesturing towards Punz.

"I'm a mutant." They all cringe as if I said something wrong, "Schlatt found out about Bad's experiments and sent all of the remaining experiments to The Prison. I don't know what happened to the others but seeing as Bad is now working with Schlatt he probably got permission to bring me in."

We stay in silence for awhile, that's when I realize that these shits were the first people I ever told. Hell I didn't even tell Ranboo and Techno about my life before The Prison, not like it matters much anyway. "I'm going to my room now." I push off of the wall and walk over to where Antfrost is using his body as a barrier between myself and the door. "Move."

"There's beds!" The mystery guy, Ponk, basically screams as he runs out of the room. His white hair was messy and bouncing as he jumps up and down.

"It took you that long to realize that you were laying on a bed?" Sam asks the other.

"I've never slept on a bed in my life!" He exclaims excitedly.

"None of us have." Alyssa says. That's right, they were all born inside of The Prison. Their whole lives have been those damn gray walls, where I actually got to be a kid and have a childhood because my family passed as humans.

"Dream has, haven't you?" Punz asks, clearly a little pissed. He doesn't like me already.

"I have. Can I go into my room now?" Ant finally removes his back from my door and I'm able to push the door open. The room wasn't amazing, a single bed was pushed into a corner. A desk on the other side of the room-

"Nice room!" Ponk says as he forces his way into it. "Wouldn't mind sleeping in here, wanna switch?"

"Get out."

"We hanging out in here? Cool." Alyssa walks in, the others following her in like sheep. I think they're going to be the death of me. I'd rather be back in the cell with Techno and Ranboo then here right now.

I'm back to posting! Can't promise that I'm gonna have a consistent posting schedule but at least I'll be posting.

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