Chapter 5

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Ranboo POV

"Um I think you might have to look at me for me to show you." His voice was low and soft. As if he was talking to a wild animal and he was trying not to scare it.

"Making eye contact isn't a good idea." I bring my knees to my chest and bury my head's into them.

"Then give me your hand. We'll have to depend on touch."

I knew he now had his hand reached out towards me. I quickly give mine to him. I hear him laugh a bit before he starts to direct my hand up.

I feel my fingers enter his hair. I then feel something that is definitely not hair.

"What is that?" I say lifting my head up but not looking at him. I keep my eyes on the wall in front of me.

"It's a horn. I'm a goat hybrid. I shave the horns down though. Well I have to." He lets go of my hand and I quickly move my hand away from his hair.

"You have to? Why?"

"Schlatt. He doesn't like seeing that his own son is a hybrid."

My head snaps into his direction without my permission. My eyes land on his hair. I feel his eyes on me. I keep my attention on his hair so I don't look down at his eyes.

"You're Schlatts son?"

"Yeah." He looks down. His hair falls forward and now I'm looking at the top of his head. I could see his horns. They were small, small enough that his hair covered them.

"He forces you to hide your horns?" He was still looking down at the ground as if he was ashamed.

"And other things." His voice was weak, I now realize he was crying. I would comfort him, I want to comfort him. To let him cry on me. But it'll hurt me, burn my skin.

"What other things?" He shakes his head.
He doesn't want to talk about it. I understand and I won't force him to.

I lean my head against the wall still looking at him. I'm being reckless, he could look up at any moment and look me in the eyes. And I won't be able to control myself, stop myself from hurting him. And that's the last thing I want to do right now.

I look away from him and look at the window. What had Schlatt done to Tubbo? What has he done to his own son?

Clay POV

I lean against the wall watching as humans train. The lower ranking soldiers mostly. 'Mutants' and humans are trained separately because mutants pose a 'risk'. But me being the top soldier I have to train them.

I then hear footsteps walking towards me. I turn quickly expecting it to be someone important. But nope it was Sapnap. He had a smile on his face.

"Hey Dream!" He leans against the wall next to me. I move my eyes so they're back on the humans.

Sapnap is human as well. No mutant DNA in his system. Yet he seconds me. Me a one of a kind mutant that's speciality is battle. A human seconds me. I still find it weird, but also we've never sparred when I was at full strength. The tank of Ranboo juice is already running low though. Another time I'll put him in his place for sure.

"Dude?" He waves his hand in my face. I look at him. "You zoned out for a second." I shake my head and look away from him.

"I just zoned you out. You're annoying." He shoves my shoulder.

"And you're an egomaniac. Let's spar. I bet I'll win this time." He punches my shoulder and starts to walk away.

"212." I say following him.

"212?" He looks at me as he grabs himself a sword. I take mine from its place on my hip.

"212 times we've sparred. And I have 210 wins under my belt. And your two wins were cheap, you and George double teamed on me." He laughs and turns his body so it's facing me.

"I'll win someday." He gets into a battle stance, I follow suit.

"Better do it soon, you're gonna lose your opportunity soon." He gives me a questioning look. Before he could ask what I meant I swing at him. He dodges back and smirks at me.

"You're going down."

I laugh as Sapnap leans against the wall breathing heavily. "211." He rolls his eyes.

"What did you mean that I'm gonna lose my opportunity to beat your ass? Is Bad gonna give you another power up or something?"

He doesn't know I'm a mutant. No one does other than the Royals and Bad. Humans wouldn't accept the top soldier being a mutant. So humans think I'm just human. And soldiers think that Bad used his powers to make me more powerful.

"Something like that." He pushes off the wall and grabs both my shoulders.

"Wait seriously? How could you get better than you are now?"

"You know Sap, I was more skilled before I met Bad then I am now?" Semi correct. I had more overall power, less battle skill and knowledge though.

"You've said that before! You need to elaborate though! How can a 12 year old you be more powerful than you are now? That doesn't make sense. Especially after getting Bad's powers like zapped into you. That doesn't seem possible!"

"You'll see my true power soon Sap." I smile at him.

"How soon? Give me the time frame I have to kick your ass."

"A little under a week now."

Ranboo will be here then. Give me the strength that Bad wants. Give me the strength I can show off to Sapnap. Give me the strength I need to go through with my plan.

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