Chapter 9

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Ranboo POV:

"You're being what?" Tubbo says quietly, almost as if he was scared to say it out loud.

"I'm being taken out of the prison. The Mansion requested it, Techno didn't know why." Tubbo has been curled up in a ball in the corner of the room since last night.

"So you're leaving? I'm gonna be in this damn cell alone?"

"I mean it's not that bad. I think I spent 2 years here alone, and I came out great." I hear him huff, the huff sounded angry.

"You're not helping here. You may be used to being alone all the time but I'm not."

"Oh sorry." I replied quietly, I was just trying to make him feel better. I hear him release a seemingly annoyed sigh. I then listen as he stands, then walk over to me. I was expecting him to say something, but he didn't say anything. I don't want to leave him, he's my friend. Or at least he seems to be my friend. But I don't think there's a way to prevent it.

Clay POV:

Today's the day that Ranboo, and hopefully Tubbo, will be brought to the mansion. I was of course assigned to the mission, Sapnap along with me. As we walk to the truck Sapnap was basically skipping. This his first time going to the prison, well The End overall. We both stop just outside the garage, awaiting for one of the upper men to release us. Fundy, a member of the President's Cabinet, walked over to us.

"Prison, correct?" Both me and Sapnap nod at him. "Alright truck number two is ready for you." We head into the garage and walk directly to truck two. We both step up into the truck and settle down.

"How are you not excited?" He asks me, I shrug at him, he rolls his eyes. The back door is then slammed shut, with two hard bangs on the door the truck pulls forward. It wasn't that long before I started to feel the goosebumps. The closer you get to the portal to the end, your body like senses it. I then see Sapnap jump.

"We're almost to the portal, it's okay." He nods at me, still clearly uncomfortable. I then feel the truck come to a stop. "You ready?"

"Wait now? Seriously?" Sapnap leans his head against the wall of the truck, I'm guessing to brass himself. I grip onto the medal seat that I was sitting on, ready to feel my stomach drop. The truck then starts driving again. I look at Sapnap, a worried look painting his expression. My vision then goes black, I blink three times before I can make out Sapnap again. I regain my senses, I feel lightheaded and feeling like I might vomit.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Sapnap brings his hand to his mouth. I let out a light chuckle, knowing he most likely wouldn't.

"We're almost to The Prison." The End is used for a handful of things, most being harming mutants and Endermen. The truck stops, I stand and wait for the back to open. It soon does and I step out, Sapnap quickly follows. He looks up at the sky.

"The rumors are true, no stars in that sky." He smiles and turns towards me. "It's beautiful here isn't it." I quickly start to walk towards the entrance of the prison. I hear him follow me. "Seriously dude? You've been all serious all day."

"I just don't like being back here." I let out as we stepped to the doorstep. The doors open soon after, I then see two guards standing on the other side. I keep myself from smiling as I recognize the one with pick hair and husks coming from his lower lip.

"I'll take you to the prisoners room." Techno says, he turns and we quickly follow. The other guard stays by the door. I walk alongside Techno, Sapnap walking right behind us.

"Why is he being taken?" I hear Techno say in piglin. I take a quick glance towards Sapnap, who was looking around the cells as if they were beautiful paintings. I hate how ignorant he is sometimes- no, all the time. I turn my head to look forward again.

"I'm more powerful with him around. Bad realized that so now he's being moved to the mansion. I already have a plan to get him out." I reply back in piglin, as we stop at yet another door I turn to look at Sapnap. He was giving me a weird look, perks of knowing Piglin I suppose.

"Have you heard of the rebellion?" Techno asks as the door is slid open. We walk down the hall.

"Of course I have." The rebellion has caused huge problems for Schlatt. He's been having soldiers kill those who support it, or even know of it.

"Their base is far north, to the Arctic. After Ranboo is out I'm heading there myself." He then stops at Ranboos' cell door. He looks me in the eyes. "I told Ranboo to head there after he escapes the mansion. Please go with him."

"Right." I accidentally said that in English but it didn't matter. We await for the doors to be open. I see Sapnap reach for his sword, I quickly grab his arm. "No need for violence Sapnap, they'll come willingly." He lets go of his handle as the door clicks open. I grab the handle and pull the door open. I see Ranboo jumping up to his feet, I see just behind him is Tubbo.

"Ranboo, it's time to go." Techno says from the side of me. Ranboo slowly walks towards us.

"Not without him." Ranboo replies in Ender. I look back at Sapnap, who looked clearly confused.

"Are you serious--"

"We weren't planning on leaving him." I cut off Techno. Ranboo quickly nods his head and walks over to us. Tubbo close behind him.

"Tubbo?" Sapnap says, gosh I wish I was sent on this mission alone.

"Sapnap?" Tubbo says, oh they know each other, great.

"What's the plan then Clay?" Techno says, now in English. I look at Sapnap again, once again with a confused look on his face.

"We say Ranboo wouldn't come with Tubbo, fought even. We were forced to being Tubbo." Sapnaps lips part, a silent gasp.

"What are you talking about?"

"Can we trust him?" I nod my head in response to Techno's question. God I hope we can.

"Let's start heading back then." Techno walks in between the two teens down the hall. I stay back with Sapnap.

"What's going on Dream? We're taking Tubbo back with us? What fucking language were you speaking with that guard?"

"Sapnap it's safer for you to not know anything. I know you want to know, but I'm not getting you killed over this." He gives me a stern look, he's stubborn. "Just please trust me Sapnap. I'm doing this to protect the people I care about." Sapnap shakes his head.

"I don't like this at all." He starts walking after the trio. "But I'll do it okay."

"Thank you Sapnap."


Happy birthday to Tubbo! (His time at least)

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