Chapter 4

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Clay POV:

I walk close behind Bad as we walk through the mansion halls. Apparently it was mandatory for me to join him in talking with Schlatt.

He starts to slow down before coming to a stop. I walk in front of him and knock on Schlatts' office door.

"Come in!" I hear him yell from inside the room. I open one of the two doors and step inside. I step out of the way so Bad can come in behind me. After he walks in I close the door.

The room smelled like alcohol.

I walk towards the desk that Bad was already sitting in front of. I sit next to me and Schlatt turns in his chair.

I internally cringe. All my body wants to do is dive over this desk and beat him to a pulp. I see his horns that are horribly overgrown.

He himself being a mutant, you wouldn't expect him to be the reason all mutants are locked up. But he's convinced the humans that mutants are horrible and dangerous, well he was "awoken".

" Why'd you want to meet again?" He pulls at his already loose tie around his neck.

"I want your permission to make Dream as powerful as possible." Bad says with a smile.

Unlike normal you could tell it was forced. He doesn't like Schlatt, but he's the only man to let Bad do whatever he'd like for his 'research'.

"I've told you before, do whatever you'd like."

"It involves a mutant under custody of the prison."


Sure? What was he saying 'sure' to?

"The boy is an Enderman mutant. He can be a security risk."

"Do what you'd like. But if he causes problems it's on you. Now scram I was doing something actually important."

He turns in his seat again and just looks at the painting hung on his wall. It was of him, but it was the only painting of him with his horns. He'd usually ask the artist to just take them out.

Bad stands and I follow him. We leave the room.

"I'll start the plans to get Ranboo released. It'll take at least a week I would say." I just nod in response.

Ranboo POV:

Tubbo woke up maybe an hour ago. We haven't said anything to each other.

I then hear clicking from outside the cell. I grip onto the rock and hit the wall five times.

"Roommate in there?" Techno said it in Piglin. I could feel Tubbos' eyes on me.

"He's a Royal." I waited for a moment for him to respond but he didn't. "Clay was one of the guards to bring him in." He heard him start to shift his weight from foot to foot.

"How is he?" He said that in English.

"He seemed the same. Healthier I would say." I hear Techno huff, I know he's smiling.

Neither him or I have seen Clay in 2 years? I look at the wall of marks. I should count them.

"Is that Techno out there?" I feel someone sit next to me, Tubbo. I nod in response.

"How is he? Is he trying to hurt you?" Techno says in Piglin, aware now that Tubbo is listening.

I shake my head as if he could see me. " No. But I tried to hurt him. The voice came back and stopped me. And he wasn't scared that I was gonna kill him. He seemed worried about me."

"Good." English. "You haven't heard the voice in a while, huh?" Piglin.

"I think it's because I saw Clay. I don't know why I think that. I just do."

"Either way it's never seemed like bad or evil Ranboo. Maybe it's a good thing."

I didn't respond to him. It scares me. I don't even know why, maybe it's done something I don't remember.

"I gotta go. I'll be back tomorrow like normal." He didn't wait for me to respond before he started to walk away.

"What language were you guys speaking?" I feel him nudge my shoulder with his, an attempt to get my attention.

"Piglin and Ender." My eyes wander to the window.

"What were you saying last night? When you-um... attacked me?"

"I just was saying 'No' a lot."

"Why? And also what even happened? You didn't really explain in detail."

"I blame you." Well that was vague Ranboo. Really answered his question. "I blame all the Royals for me being in this place for as long as I can remember. For all the mutants to be in here. I blame you. And I got angry, I felt hatred. And when hybrids feel an overwhelming emotion, it gets even more amplified. When it's anger we don't have much control over our body."

" Well I know that. That's the thing Schlatt exploited to get you guys locked up."

" But anger isn't the only emotion. We can experience happiness like humans can. Love is even stronger. Even sadness more. But all the humans see is the anger."

" Have you felt the other emotions? Like how you said, amplified?"

I shake my head in response. "If I have, I don't remember. I only remember experiencing anger. Techno told me I once experienced fear like that."

"What's wrong with your memory?"

"Um, it's an Enderman thing. We don't have the greatest memory. We remember the important things though. But we also forget when something traumatic happens to us."

"Hm, that's interesting. What else can Enderman do other than go puff?"

I laugh a bit. It's cute that he says puff. "All I know is the puff. We're also tall I guess, intimidating"

"You're not intimidating, you look like a soft and kind soul." Something in his voice sounded so, genuine. As if he really did mean that. How can a human think that about a 'mutant'? Let alone a Royal.

We sat in silence for a while. A comfortable silence.

"I'm not human." If I didn't have such sensitive hearing I most likely wouldn't have heard him.

That's another thing Enderman I have, I think. Clay didn't tell it was, hm maybe it's a me thing. Wait, did he just say he wasn't human?


"I'm a mutant, same as Schlatt" he let out a sigh.

"But aren't you a Royal? Wait, Schlatt is a hybrid?"

"Um you might have to look at me for me to show you."

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