Chapter 16

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"What do you mean Skeppy?" I ask as I bring my arm to cover my eyes.

"I knew his father was-" Skeppy cuts himself off.

"Can't say anything cause I'm here?" George asks. I uncover my eyes and turn my head a bit. I see George look down, looking sad. He stands up.

"Sorry George, you just-" George walks out of the room before Skeppy can finish his sentence. "I feel bad for him." Skeppy jumps off the top bunk and turns to face me.-

- "You're coming with me." I feel my body fall into space itself. I then feel my back hit a soft cushion. I turn to see Bad just staring at Sapnap from the corner of the room. Skeppy then appears next to Sapnap. "Bad think our inhuman here finally woke up." Bad shoots to his feet. "You're still grounded." Bad lets out a whine as he walks over to Sapnap.

"Inhuman?" I ask. I think I've heard the two refer to inhumans before. Never really cared to ask what it was.

"Yep, inhumans! Ever wonder why you appear to be human? Why you have no physical mutant characteristics?" I slowly nod my head. "Well I don't know the answer to that." Bad laughs a bit at his own words. "What I do have is a name. Inhumans, mutants that have no physical characteristics of a mutant. You fall into that category, we have no idea how many may be out there in the world. We don't even know if they know what they actually are. Some don't even awaken their powers." He gestures towards Sapnap. "Luckily he did."

I look back and forth between the unconscious Sapnap and Bad. Sapnaps a inhuman? Sapnaps a fucking mutant? "Wait, wait, wait." Bad looks back at me with a curious look. "Sapnaps a mutant? How is that even possible?"

Skeppy sits next to me. "Schlat has a tendency to make the strongest soldier available a military general. The strongest soldier usually is an inhuman mutant. Sapnap's father was a military general. So if you put 2 and 2 together."

"Sapnap's dad was inhuman."

"Ding ding ding," Bad says, "blazeborne if I remember correctly."

"The thing about inhumans is that they don't have a lot of mutant dna, so they don't show characteristics."

"Meaning that they may not even have mutant quirks. The thing is that they may still have aggravated emotion bombs." Bad holds his hands just above Sapnaps head as he speaks. "Because of that they may awaken their mutant abilities. As for you, the whole father killing little sister triggered your powers." Both me and Skeppy tense. Skeppy snaps his fingers, Bad flinches and holds the side of his neck. "That hurt Skeppy!"

"Don't be an ass!" Skeppy scolds.

"Hey! Language!"

"Get back to what you were saying please." I say as I rub my temples.

"Fine." Bad growls. He returns his hands back to Sapnaps head. "Sapnap must have experienced aggravated emotions. Has he been acting differently lately? Know anything that might have set him off?" He places his fingers onto the others temples. "Oh nevermind, he found out you were a mutant."

"Yeah. I should have realized by the look in his eyes. He being completely driven by anger."

Bad opens his eyes and gives me a look. "He didn't have an anger bomb. It was closer to the feeling of betrayal, of mourning even. He was hurt with you, he was never being driven by anger." I look down at my own hands. "He only fought with you because that's all he knows. He only knows to fight, that's all his life has been since his fathers death. Maybe if you didn't fight back you would've been able to help." I just stare at Bad. "I mean you fought back, you didn't even try to comfort him. I feel like you should know by now that he's a lot more sensitive then he lets on. He needs a good hug sometimes."

"Stop acting like you care." I snap, Bad frowns at me.

"I'm just telling the truth. Try to deal with situations like this better. When Sapnap wakes up you need to deal with it correctly."

"What's even wrong with him?" I ask.

"Avoiding the topic, I can see right through you, you muffin." He removed his hands from Sapnap. "He's fine, just a cold now. Blazeborne mutants tend to have this happen when they use their powers. Nothing to worry about, he'll be fine if he actually takes care of himself."

"Well then what did you do to him during this whole conversation?"

Bad smiles as he walks back to the corner that had a singular chair. "Oh nothing." Both me and Skeppy look towards each other.

He rolls his eyes as he stands up again. "I need a nap. I used a lot of my powers today."

"You need more practice, Skeppy." Bad quips.

"Shut, you're still in trouble." Bad crosses his arms as he lets out a light growl.

I get off the bed and just walk out of the room. I start heading back to my own room, my brain feels like mush. From being beat by Sapnap and finding out that he's a fucking mutant. The irony in that is amazing though, a little funny even.


I walk into my room and I see George sat on his bed, playing his guitar. "Hey." I say as I walk over to him.

He looks up, but doesn't stop playing. "How's Sicknap?" He murmurs.

"He's fine, just a cold." I sit down next to him. "How are you?"

"I'm fine." I softly nudge his shoulder, he finally stops playing and looks towards me. "I really am fine, Dream. Don't worry about me."

"George, I know you better than to believe you." He shakes his head, a little smile pulls at his lips. "I know you want to know everything, you nosy fucker." He lets himself laugh, I smile at him. "Just know that Sap and I are just trying to protect you. And yes I know," I bring my fingers up to make finger quotes. "You can protect yourself." I mimic his voice, purposefully exaggerating the accent.

"Oh shut up." He looks back down at his guitar.

I laugh lightly and rest my head against his shoulder. "We're your friends. We're allowed to keep you in the dark if it's for the best."


"Nope, no buts." I poke at his side. "Even if you have a big one."

"What?" he asks as we both laugh. "Why would you say that?"

Mutants (BeeDuo) [Abandoned]Where stories live. Discover now