Chapter 22.5

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I hear a deafening scream echos through the halls of the house. I was up in no time and rushing out of the room. Ponk, Sam, Punz, and Ant were also rushing out of their rooms. "The hell was that?" Sam asks as he basically stomps down the hallway. "Alyssa, Calla'! Come on!" Ant yells as he bangs against their room door. We were all the racing down the hallway towards the rest of the house.

"I'm trying to help!" I hear Skeppy's voice from the living area. We all untense a bit at hearing Skeppy's voice, we still rush towards his voice and the growling (?). Then, we freeze in the arch way of the living room as we look into the room.

In the center of the room was a distressed Callahan, the bottom of his face torn and bloody. "Callahan, calm down, okay? I need you to calm down." Skeppy attempts to walk closer to the boy, but Callahan lets out a loud growl towards him. "I need to help her!" Skeppy yells back. That's when I notice it - no not it....her. I hear gasps from behind me as I stare at the bloody body that was behind Callahan.

I'm the first to walk further into the room. I walk slowly towards the on edge reindeer, "Callahan, we need to help her, okay? We can help, Skeppy can help." I try to keep my voice calm but it comes out broken - to even my surprise. He shakes his head as he steps closer to Alyssa. He crouches down in front of the girl's body, acting as a shield from whatever he may think we will further do to her.

"He's having an emotion bomb, we need to figure out a way to snap him out of it or we need to calm him down somehow." Antfrost tells us, as if the rest of us don't already know. Though I do suppose him talking about may help us figure what we could do to help the mute. I try to figure out what we can do, but seeing as Alyssa was the one that was a comfort for Calla'...I don't think we'll have much luck.

"We could beat the shit out of him until he snaps out of it." Punz offers, we all quickly send him a warning glare. "It's an option..!" He tries to defend. Callahan looks like he's about to pounce on the blonde.

"Callahan, how about you tell us what happened? We'll grab your journal and you can write everything down for us, does that sound okay?" Sam's calm voice comes from behind me. I turn to look towards the half creeper as he walks towards the panicked brunette. Callahan looked wary but somehow enthralled with Sam as he gets closer. The greenette slowly crouches just in front of Callahan so that they can eye level. "Skeppy can help Alyssa, you know that he can." Callahan nods at his words, but not making any other movement. He wasn't attacking, he wasn't growling, but he also wasn't giving up his protective stance he has in front of the girl.

The taller then wraps the brunette into his arms, quickly gesturing for Skeppy to rush to Alyssa's side. I watch warily as San holds Callahan close. Sam was holding him tighter then a normal hug would be, he must be holding him down more then comforting him. But Callahan still didn't react much. I notice Punz seemed to have appeared at Sam's side, the blade he keeps under his pillow tightly in his grasp.

Skeppy then reached Alyssa's side and all hell broke loose. Callahan was once again screaming and growling, and slashing his arms are anything that's too close. Sam let's out a growl as he closes his arms even tighter around the reindeer to keep him from getting away. I was about to throw myself into the mix when Punz beat me to it. He grabs onto Callahan's arms and pulls them together behind the reindeer-hybrid's back until it seemed painful. With the way Callahan is throwing himself around I worry that he might pop his arms out of the socket.

Once it seemed that they both had him under control I rush over to the wolf-hybrid's side. I stare in horror at the once grey shirt that is now stained red from the bottom hem to her sternum. The shirt was torn open towards the bottom, revealing a gash deep enough to see muscle.

"Shit." Skeppy says lowly, low enough everyone else didn't hear. I look up at him to see the light in his hands dimming and then slowly drifting away away from where they were above Alyssa's chest. What is he doing? Why isn't he doing anything?! Skeepy then looks up towards him, as if he could sense my confusion twisting his anger, he shakes his head. "She's dead. I can't-" he exhales deeply, "- I can't do anything."

Everything seems to go foggy as I stare at at the girl front of me. I hear the screaming from Callahan get louder, as if others were added to it. I hear shouts and screams fall into one mumbled mess in my mind as I stare at the girl in front of me. The girl in front of me that was staring blankly at the ceiling with none of the usual light in her blue eyes. The girl in front me who's chest wasn't rising and falling to her breathe, because there wasn't any breathing involved. I stare and I stare, even as I'm pushed and pulled to wherever I end up. I stare at the girl laying lifeless in the middle of the living room.

Then, my eyes close to their own accord and everything goes blank. The only thing I knew was that one of my best friends was dead.

Sorry about that....
If you guys are confused about anything that happened you can ask me and I'll answer if I'm not planning to explain it next chapter.

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