chapter | 50

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Next morning; 9:15 am

•Bailee's POV•

I woke up with cramps. I got up groaning and moaning. No one was by me so I got up to pee. Once finished I slowly walked back into the room groaning again.

"Cameron!" I yelled getting back up so I could go downstairs to eat.

Boy, was I hungry.

"Coming!" Cam yelled. He ran in panting.

"Yes baby?" He asked walking over and kissing my stomach then my forehead.

"Help me downstairs please. What's for breakfast?" I chirped.

"I made some waffles, eggs, bacon, and sausage." He said guiding me as we walked down the stairs. I nodded.

"Sounds delicious." I smiled.

"Mommy! You're awake!" Jade said happily meeting us halfway up the stairs.

"Mhm." I nodded.

"Is Noah okay?" Jade asked as we all walked down the stairs.

"He's doing just fine babe. He'll be here soon too." I smiled.

"Good. When will he be here?" She questioned.

"Around six more days baby girl." Cam answered and I nodded as we finally got down the stairs. I let out a big breath and I walked to the kitchen.

"Look mommy I made you my special sandwich! It has eggs, bacon, cheese, lettuce and the waffles as the bread. I call it Jade's Waffletastic Sandwich." She said triumphantly. I laughed and kissed her little pink, smiling lips. She giggled as I poked her nose afterward.

"Thank you Jade." I sat down and ate my sandwich. It was delicious.

"Water, Apple juice, or orange juice, babe?" Cam asked, his head poking from the fridge.

"Water please." I said.

"Did you eat already?" I asked Jade.

She nodded. "Daddy made me chocolate chip waffles." she grinned.

"Yummy." I said.

"Can I go to Nessa's house today?" Jade asked. I looked at Cam and he shrugged.

"I'll call Auntie Lily and see if they're busy today." I responded. Jade clapped her hands and got off the island going to the family room to play with Jaxx.

"So what shall we do today?" Cam asked walking behind me. He wrapped his arms around my stomach and kissed my neck.

"I want to cuddle with you." I smiled facing him.

"Awh baby, I want to cuddle with you too. I can talk to Noah." He said kissing my forehead. I smiled contently and turned back around finishing up my food.

"Urghhh." I groaned rubbing my stomach breathing slowly through the pain.

"You okay baby?" Cam asked worriedly.

"Y-yeah, just cramps." I stuttered, slowing down my breathing. Once they stopped, I tried to get up to put my dishes away.

"Let me help you." Cam said taking my plate and placing it back down on the counter.

"Cam I-"

"I'll take care of it, lets just get you on the couch so you can sit." He said. I love it when he's caring, which is all the time.

"I love you." I smiled placing my lips to his.

"I love you way more than you know." He said then kissed my flushed cheek. We walked to the couch and I sat down rubbing my stomach. Cam went back to the kitchen. Jade skipped over to me and Jaxx stayed lying down chewing a toy. Jade rubbed my stomach and kissed it before starting a "conversation" with Noah.

"Noah, I hope you'll come soon." Jade began.

"We can play if you want, but mommy and daddy said you'll be too tired to play. But I know once you're ready we can play all you want. It'll be fun, but if you're annoying like our cousin Logan, then you can't play with me."

"Jadelynn!" I scolded.

"Sorry Noah." Jade giggled. I playfully rolled my eyes, but laughed along.

"And It's okay I'll love you forever Noah." Jade said hugging my stomach. I closed my eyes smiling, relaxing myself. Soon, I drifted off into a much needed nap.

•hour later•

"Bailee, baby, it's 10:15 and Lily and Ness picked up Jade." I heard Cam say. I groaned suddenly feeling a contraction. I groaned and crouched forward holding my stomach.

"Cam," I paused.

"What is it baby?"

"He's coming, now."

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