chapter | 51

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Guys I'm happy and sad to say this is the last chapter!

Look at the collage! I thought it was the most adorable thing ever!



November 21, 2015; 4:26 pm

•Bailee's POV•

"One last push Bailee." The doctor informed me. I groaned pushing the hardest I could and I heard the cries of Noah.

"Here's your baby, congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Dallas." The doctor said holding up Noah so we can see.

"Do you have a name?" He asked.

"Noah Grayson Dallas." Cameron responded and I nodded smiling.

The doctor nodded and the nurses cleaned Noah and handed him to me. I smiled kissing his forehead. He was definitely so beautiful.

"Welcome baby boy." I said. His eyes were still closed crying loudly. I rocked him and he calmed down. I looked up at Cam and he grinned. I handed him Noah. Cam still had him face me and I caressed his cheek. He slowly blinked opening his eyes.

"Look at his eyes." Cam said.

I looked and his eyes were green like mine but had brown in the middle and lines going out that were a light brown.

"So beautiful." I smiled.

"I'm gonna go get Jade and our parents." Cam said kissing Noah and handing him back to me. I shushed Noah for him to go back to sleep.

"Mommy!" Jade whisper-yelled.

"Hi baby girl, want to see your baby brother?" I asked. She nodded frantically and jumped on the hospital bed with me. I shifted him over and Jade awed.

"He's so cute and small." She said kissing his forehead.

"Hi Noah." Jade whispered.

"I'm Jade, your sissy." She added.

I smiled at how she was acting with him. I know when my mom and dad told Hailee that I was gonna be born she did not like the idea at all.

•Cameron's POV•

Next day; 6:49 pm

"Can we take him home now?" Jade asked.

"In a minute Jade, be patient please." I said sternly. I was trying to sign Bailee out so we could leave. Bailee was currently resting up to leave and I finally got her signed out.

I walked back into the room with Jade and she was awake. She yawned and I walked to Noah while Jade went to the bed with Bailee. They started to talk and I carefully placed Noah in the baby carrier. I wrapped a green blanket on him and kissed his cheek.

"Baby, you want to go change?" I asked Bailee. She nodded and I gave her the bag we packed 3 days ago. She changed and came back out. Jade yawned a bit and Bailee picked her up and Jade wrapped her legs around her waist while her arms wrapped around Bailee's neck. I carried Noah out and we headed for the elevator. We got to the car and drove home carefully.

"What do you guys want for dinner?" I asked from the kitchen.

"PIZZA!" Jade yelled.

"Jade quiet down please, mommy is trying to get some rest," I said shushing her as Bailee sat down at the couch closing her eyes. "I can order pizza, how 'bout that?" I questioned.

"Yeah." Jade nodded. I looked at Bailee and she nodded her eyes still closed.

"Okay I'll order right now." I said.

Once the pizza came, we all ate and enjoyed ourselves. Jade was in my lap, currently, playing with my fingers as we watched Box Trolls. Bailee was on the other side of the couch passed out with a blanket draped on her. Noah was in his new crib passed out.

Jade suddenly stopped playing with my fingers and turned around placing her arms around my neck and resting her head on my shoulder. She sat back up and kissed my lips.

"Goodnight daddy." She lightly smiled, her eyes drooping.

"Goodnight baby girl." I said kissing her forehead putting we head back in my shoulder. I continued watching t.v. but then Noah started to cry.

"Cam?" Bailee said groggily.

"Go back to bed baby, I got him." I said and she hesitantly agreed. I tried to get Jade off and succeeded putting her next to Bailee. Bailee cuddled Jade into her and they fell asleep together.

I jogged over to Noah's crib. He was crying louder now his hands and arms reaching upwards.

"It's okay Noah, I'm here." I said picking him up an putting him in my arms. I rocked him back and forth trying to calm him. He cried even louder and I warmed up some breast milk Bailee had put in a bottle in the refrigerator.

"You hungry?" He cried louder.

"I know I know, here you go. you're okay, you're okay." I said as I placed the bottle at his mouth. He drank from it fast. I wiped his cheeks and took the eye-boogers out from his face. I wiped his boogers from his nose and he finished his food. I took the bottle away from him and placed a towel on my shoulder. I put him on my shoulder and patted his back to have him burp. He spit up and I cleaned him up.

I came back into the family room and Bailee and Jade were totally passed out next to each other. I smiled and sat back down on the couch. By now it was 8:12 and I was tired. I put on a random show and waited for Noah to go back to sleep. Within minutes he passed out and I placed him back into his crib. I placed his green blanket on him smiling at him sleeping his little eyes closed.

I stretched out and went upstairs to take a shower. Once I relaxed my muscles in the hot water, I cleaned myself and got out. I changed into basketball shorts and a plain white t-shirt. I walked back downstairs turning the t.v. off. I laid on the couch and decided to sleep with them.

We're just one happy family, as long as we're together.

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