chapter | 7

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•Bailee's POV•

Hailee left this morning. Will took them out to breakfast. She offered but I wanted to stay until Cam comes home. That is, if he comes home.

I walked downstairs which took a while because Cam wasn't here to help me. I sighed as I finally got down the stairs. I had nothing better to do so I began washing dishes. I turned the music on from my phone and hooked it to the mini speakers in the kitchen.

I washed some spoons, and forks, the usual. I was working on a plate when I felt arms wrap around my stomach. It was Cam.

I looked back and placed the plate back in. I turned the water off and got out of his grip and attempted to walk upstairs. I went as fast as I could.

"Bailee, babe? Do you need help?" He asked at the bottom of the stairs. I kept going and finally made it upstairs. Cam followed close behind. I stepped into our bedroom and almost closed the door, until he held it open.

"Are you okay?" He asked generally concerned.

"I don't know. When your boyfriend comes home drunk making out with another girl, and leaves with her, do you think I should be okay?" I asked slamming the door on his face.

Ugh, stress is not good for the baby.

"Bailee please forgive me. I messed up. I shouldn't have ever gone out. Please it was a mistake. Please don't be upset or stressed. Stress isn't good for the baby. I don't like seeing you upset. Please babygirl. Please forgive me." He said practically crying. I couldn't help but cry too. He slowly opened the door and walked to me.

"Stop Cameron. I just can't forgive you right now. I need space." I said.

"Wh-what do you mean?" He choked out.

"Bailee please forgive me. I need you in my life. Don't go." He pleaded. I laughed. Probably making him totally confused.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked.

"I'm not leaving you Cameron." I said.

"Thank goodness." He sighed.

"But I'm still mad at you." I said crossing my arms and walking off.

"You're cute when you're mad." He said grabbing my waist and spinning me around. I scoffed. He leaned in and tried to attach his lips to mine, but I put my finger between mine and his.

"Yeah not happening. Especially because I think you kissed that slut who knows where." I said getting out of his grip and going to the bathroom.

I stripped and decided to take a quick shower. Once done, I wrapped a towel around my body and headed to the closet. I walked in and grabbed underwear, some grey joggers, and an oversized jersey which fit comfortably.

I walked out and tied my hair in a messy bun. Cam was on the bed, shirtless, with sweats and on his phone.

"I can feel you staring Bailee." Cam said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hormones Cam. I can't help them." I smirked walking to the bed getting comfy smuggling next to Cam. I didn't feel like walking downstairs just to watch tv when I could stay right here and watch The Walking Dead.

"I'm hungry. Get me some food babe?" I asked tracing my fingers against his abs. I instantly regretted that.

"You took a shower right?" I asked disgusted.

"Yes baby I did." He laughed.

"Okay, well food?" I asked again.

"Anything for my two favorite people in the world." He said kissing my stomach and walking out.

I snuggled back into the covers and closed my eyes.

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