Cluster Edge

76 3 0

Targeted audience: guys
Episodes: 23
Genre: fantasy, action
Rating: PG (with action and possibly one or two swear words)
My star rating:4.5 stars

In a world where humans gave created artificial soldiers to fight in their place, some people are trying to give rights to the artificial soldiers. One of these people is a man named Chalce who tried to make two artificial soldiers human by giving them his memories. One of these two artificial beings is a boy named Agate. He is different then artificial soldiers due to his search for peace and his unusual powers. Despite his peaceful intentions, Agate's strange abilities have attracted the attention if the army, a rebel faction, and some artificial soldiers who are trying to revolt.

My thoughts: this show was brilliant. The plot was intriguing and exciting. The characters are awesome, particularly the triplet artificial soldiers. The end is fairly resolved, and the main character is mysterious and cool.

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