Stood up

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Lynx was in a small cafe. It had a nice cream color to it and was known mostly for its delicious doughnuts, hot chocolate and coffee. Earlier she was so exited to come here and try out something new but as of now she kind of wanted to cry. So far she had actually been having a very bad day and this was supposed to be the good part of it but. Lynx half-heartedly checked her phone again even though she knew that at this point hoping for him to show up was kind of stupid. She probably looked so pathetic and lonely sitting down here like this all by herself  and to be honest she kind of felt like that as well. Her boyfriend had just left her there sitting like an idiot after she had told the waiter that she was waiting on someone. Lynx had quote on quote waited for someone for an hour and was now ready to leave and just break up with Cryo already because that stupid idiot had stood her up multiple times and she didn't even know why she had tried so hard on this failure of a relationship anyway and if he wasn't cheating on her already she would be surprised-". "Are you okay" asked the waiter in a cold voice that just suggested 'if you aren't going to buy anything, leave I have a job to do so stop sulking'. When lynx had gathered up enough courage to lift her head. She looked into his eyes and they didn't look that concerned either. It was as if he had been forced to ask why she had sat here for an hour with her mood only getting worse each and every passing minute. She was already sad but now she was also angry fo some undefinable reason so she just started crying.

"What did I even do wrong this time?" He sighed to what was probably supposed to be himself but she had heard and in her overly emotional haze she tried to apologize but it came out broken and now people were looking at her and-' "hey" the waiter said calmly, snapping her out of her thoughts. "I'm gonna get you a drink and let you calm down for a little while, then come back and we can talk." She nodded not wanting to embarrass herself more by saying something that only she would understand. As promised she cleaned herself up and he came back with coffee. There was awkward silence before he asked "so are you going to tell me why you...." he trailed off obviously trying not to say something offensive. It was clear that he was putting in effort and she felt bad, plus she also really needed someone to rant to. Besides everyone else had left clearly uncomfortable with her little outburst so she was already embarrassed enough. If anyone walked in on her ranting to him they would just assume her and the waiter were friend of some sort anyway. So she sucked it up and sighed with her head in her hands and talked. A lot.

"I have been having the worst day
Of my life. Today I was late to school which I almost never am, and then I got a 75% on my science test. After that I was fine until I ended up breaking one of my nails." She paused in her rant to show him her finger which he cringed at. " then while freaking out about my nail I tripped and fell bruising my forearm" she then showed him her purple arm. "And after all of that I got scolded a bit by snowfall because I apparently don't have any awareness which is not true at all. No one really cares though so I just decide to go on but then after that I had to go to work where I ran into multiple people who thought they could do my job better than me. Normally I'm able to charm those people into not yelling at me but I was too tired today. So I thought I was going to be able to go on a date with my boyfriend at a cafe and that might be good. No, no it was not good, he stood me up and didn't even call or text in advance which he never does anyway and he is also always hanging out with other women who he decides to kiss right in front of me then get mad when I get confused and I should honestly break up with him at this point. You would think that my day couldn't get any worse but you were here for me sitting and waiting for someone who would never have come, crying in front of a bunch of strangers and ranting to one about what a horrible, horrible no good day I have just had to endure." She glared at the air then frowned again kind of wanting to scream. Lynx then looked at the waiter and his surprised face and realized that she had no dignity to hold onto so she pulled up her knees and moan/screamed into her new jeans that she wore just for today.

"Uh, if it helps I hope you do break up with that pice of crap, and maybe try telling my cousin that you have awareness or something." Lynx then lifted her head and saw that he wore a slight smirk. "are you amused" she asked  "only a tiny bit" he admitted. Deciding not to get angry about another thing Lynx changed the subject "Snowfall is your cousin?" She questioned "if she has the last name Hail and tries but fails miserably at hiding how much she cares about her friend Lynx and boyfriend Sky then yes" he answered. "That's the one!" Lynx chuckled. "You're laughing" he said "I am" She agreed with a smile "thank you for cheering me up..." she stopped and thought for a minute realizing she had never gotten his name "Winter" he helpfully supplied "thank you Winter" she said "no problem" he replied flatly. "I'll have to remember that" she said half to herself half to him. Winter looked confused. "For when I come back next time" she cleared up giving him an eager smile and a quick side hug before turning to leave. Lynx swears she heard him mutter "right, next time see you later. Lynx" she waved goodbye before closing the door and starting the walk back home. She guesses the end of her day wasn't as bad as she thought it was turning out to be.

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