Blizzard cafe

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Qibli was nervously walking to a cafe to ask someone a question. Not to brag or anything but for a person who was genuinely terrified, he kept a pretty good poker face. Qibli walked up to a fake frosted window and saw something... confusing. There was a girl with long light blue hair and pale skin animatedly talking to winter about something. That wasn't the weirdest part though. The most confusing part was how Winter nodded as she went on about presumably her day hanging on to every word with a slightly amused smirk on his face. After Qibli had discreetly stared for a couple of seconds, someone called the girl prompting her to blush and walk to the back of the cafe. Winter averted his attention from the girl and went back to unconsciously glaring at the front door. Qibli briefly wondered why they would put someone so intimidating in the front before his eyes met Winter's and his friend raised an eyebrow at him. Realizing that it might have looked weird to just be standing outside the door Qibli walked into the building. When he got to the front counter the first thing Winter said was "I am not giving you free coffee" "I know" Qibli replied without any added teasing. "Is something wrong?" Winter asked with a frown "no. Yes? kinda!" He awkwardly stumbled out. Winter looked a bit more concerned because the name 'Qibli' and the words 'not being sure' weren't usually in the same sentence. Qibli took a deep breath and said "I need you to help me with a date I'm supposed to take Moon on. You see, there was this nice place she wanted to go to and I knew I could afford it. So I got a reservation like a week in advance but a couple of hours ago I got a call saying that I was basically kicked out because there are apparently people more important than me that have to be seated. I don't like asking this of you but the date is tomorrow. So would you mind acting a little bit unhonorably and use the 'I'm a very important and rich person from Russia that has a really intimidating accent' card?" "sure." Was the simple answer his friend gave "really?! But I thought you didn't like unhonorable stuff." Said Qibli with a bit of actual surprise. "I don't, but the owner of the establishment was being unhonorable first. Anyway my break is in about ten minutes so you can sit down right there." Winter said pointing to an empty table. Qibli sat down at the round wooden table and chuckled to himself about how childish of an answer he had just been given as to why Winter was doing this. Then decided to think about his friend a little bit. Winter had actually dealt with heartbreak surprisingly well and to be honest they avoided him more than he avoided them. but now in the second year of high school everything was great again. This train of thought led Qibli to think back to the girl he had seen Winter talking to and wondered when they became friends. As much as he loved the guy ,Winter took a lot of time and patience to understand and it took even more of those to have him be comfortable around you. It took a lot to get even a half decent smile out of him and a smirk was for when he was fond of you but thought whatever you were talking about was utterly ridiculous. Yet the girl seemed used to the facial expression enough to kind of ignore it. A snap of Winter's fingers brake him from his train of thought. His friend holds out a hand for Qibli's phone and Qibli forgets about the girl.

Moon decides that she wants to thank Winter. Her date went incredibly well and Winter saved her boyfriend from doing that thing when he feels super guilty about not getting her something. Even if she would be fine with nothing from him but movies and cuddles anyway. Winter does collect small statues of things that he thinks look cool even if he will deny that fact vehemently. So she gets a statue of a dragon that reminds her of him. It has spikes both on the tail and the head and also has what she thinks is an incredibly serious facial expression with dark blue eyes but a calm icy blue pearlescent type color covering it. She puts it into a small yellow gift bag with a 'thank you - from Moon' on it. She decides to go to his workplace on his break to give it to him personally. She then goes into the cafe and looks around for a little bit before leaning on the wall beside a door and pulling out her phone to text him, but then the door opens to cover her and she hears his voice. "Only you would try and come to work with a fever this high" Moon peeks around and sees Winter talking to a girl she's never seen before. The girl has bright blue eyes, freckles, and pale skin that's a little red right now as well as a bruise on her forehead. "It wasn't that bad" she shrugs off "you dropped a cup then got on your knees and tried to pick up the pieces without gloves. Managed to cut yourself then get up and say 'I need a bandaid' take two steps in the opposite direction and pass out face first." Her friend half states half scolds the girl. The girl then states "so it might have been a little bad, but I can't let something like a fever stop me from working." She tries to argue. Moon at this point is more hiding behind the door that they had opened than just being confused and maybe a little stunned and trapped. "With that type of mentality you'll work yourself to death" he argues back "that's a very hypocritical statement" the girl acknowledges. Winter decides to ignore that and continue to talk "you know no one would think that you were slacking off or weren't strong if you took a sick day right?" "I might" the girl mutters obviously to herself. Yet winter answers anyway "well. I won't" she looks up at him and he rolls his eyes before taking a hand and feeling her forehead careful not to irritate the bruise. "Go sit down, at this rate you'll pass out again"Winter says, and that's when Moon realizes that he was walking the girl to a couch. She pouts a bit In defiance but complies when he says "I'll walk you home after work" in a tone that left no room for 'but's'. Moon waits until Winter walks into the back and the girl is asleep. She then discreetly puts the thank you bag in the room he had come out of previously with the stranger and leaves the cafe with a smile. Moon has to ask him about this girl.

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