Buisness letters

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Same deal as last time horns wings humans with some iconic dragon like features, their faces just look pretty human except for sharp teeth and they're bipedal (walkin' on 2 legs). Hands are pretty human but sharp nails.
Turtle has never been super interested in the lives of other people. Maybe that's selfish of him but It's just how he decides to move through life. He's never super nice to anyone but he's not super mean either. Getting involved with other people feels like a huge waste of time at best and downright terrifying at worst because those people can leave you. Unfortunately for him, the second he went to Jade Mountain fate decided to put him with some of the most extroverted and attention-grabbing people in all of the continent and that's excluding his family. Almost all of the people that surround him are incredibly interested in others and never very quiet about it either. Oh, yeah, and he's also married to the loudest one.

Kinkajou is absolutely amazing, her never-ending optimism and ability to brighten even the darkest of days by simply existing endears her to him. He's so endeared in fact, that when it comes to anything that she wants him to do it's hard for Turtle to say no, even if he really, really doesn't want to do it. This is why he is currently sitting down with his wife, her best friend, his sister, Qibli, Peril, and Moon about to make a rather serious invasion of privacy on the only other person he knows who doesn't care for the private lives of other people. You see, Winter is a bit of a recluse. He doesn't enjoy people and It's rare to see him with anything even close to a smile on his face even when he's happy. Dealing with others is not and never really has been his forte which is why he needs Riptide to govern and speak for him, even though he comes up with almost all of the decisions for Sanctuary. If this is the case when it comes to him then why the actual heck does he send out a letter every single week? Who is he talking to that he needs to write so much? Anemone posed the question to their mother; and Coral, being a romantic at heart, said the first thing that came to her mind: 'Secret lover.' She then promptly asked her children to find out what the deal was because it could inspire her to write a daring romance scroll.

Turtle was fully prepared to ignore his mother's request as he knew she'd forget about it in a couple of days but Anemone was now curious. All his sister had to do was tell his wife (who is also a romantic at heart) of the theory and then have her help to set up a plan and it was a done deal. They had somehow managed to gather three more people to be able to pull this off and Turtle hadn't thought too much of this plan at the time. Now though, he was kinda starting to have second thoughts about literally stealing from a good friend of his in order to potentially expose a huge secret that could be romantic and extremely personal or cruel and extremely illegal or neither, and if it's neither Turtle just feels bad for going behind his friends back for literally no reason. 

"Guys..." he starts and has to clear his throat before starting up again "Maybe we shouldn't do this... I can't imagine Winter being happy when he finds out. Maybe we should just put the letter back?" He gave an awkward smile and hoped that it could sway them.

"Maybe we should." Started Tamarin almost immediately after he said something "This feels wrong, Winter is really nice and this feels like a betrayal of his trust, he may hate you afterward. We don't even know what's in there." There was a moment of silence before Peril said "If It's really necessary I could just burn it after we're done so that he thinks he lost it." "That won't be necessary!" Turtle responded in tandem with Moon, both slightly panicked. Peril rolled her eyes and toyed with the ring Ruby gave her that actually allowed her to turn off and on her firescales. "It was just a suggestion."

All of a sudden his sister spoke up solemnly "Yeah guys, maybe this was a bad idea." This time it was Kinkajou who rolled her eyes "This was literally your idea Anemone! You even made me drag my poor sweet husband into this... Sorry Turtle, I hadn't realized how uncomfortable this was for you." She intertwined their tails and he had to physically stop himself from either squealing or blowing up on the spot. "Oh my moons guys! We get it, you're married... congratulations!" Anemone exclaimed with an annoyed flap of her ears. Tamarin gave her a stern look and his sister pouted for a little bit before apologizing "sorry, but they're like, so lovey dovey I didn't think that they'd be the actual newlyweds trope but jokes on me I guess." After the apology she then went on to tell everyone the real reason they were here.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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