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Lynx walked inside of her house to hear frustrated yelling she went to go see where the sound was coming from. Turns out it was her boyfriend looking like he was about to freeze a cook book with only his glare. "What are you doing?" Lynx half laughed the glaring cut off as Winter looked back at her with both surprise and embarrassment. In the moment of silence she got a chance to examine him there was flour on his face as well as sugar. "I tried to bake. For you." He managed to get out with a hand now covering his face "why?" "It's your birthday and you always go above and beyond for mine so I wanted to try do do something for you but it's just kind of a mess now." 

"That's so kind of you, you even tried to make strawberry!" Lynx exclaimed "well it's your favorite." "Just knowing that you tried is good enough. besides sleeping is much more fun to do on my birthday" 


"Because everything that comes with being an adult has me running on nothing but energy drinks and hoping for the best." She smiled so earnestly that it made him laugh. "I also get to relax with my favorite person ever so that's a big plus." She smiled wholeheartedly again but this time it made him blush just the slightest bit. She smiled even bigger  knowing she had bested her boyfriend this time but before she could wallow in her achievement a handful of flower came into direct contact with her face. Lynx blinked and sputtered before looking at winter with the most determined face she could muster.  three words and 5 seconds later her house would become a war zone. "I'm gonna win~" she singsonged right before throwing an egg in his face.

Before both of them knew it anything small and light enough was fair game from sugar to coasters.  As they threw whatever they could find at each other from behind furniture they were using as bases, strategies were created. They only stopped when the misshapen lopsided still kind of wet cake that winter made missed him by an inch and splattered onto the wall. It was then that they took in everything and groaned once they realized the complete mess that used to be both the kitchen and living room. The despair only lasted a little bit before both eyes locked onto each other there was silence then laughter. Winter took in Lynx through tears: she still had flour all over her face,  some raw egg still in her hair, a bit of sugar and leftover cake batter on her pants, and had a piece of bread as well as a coaster stuck to her shirt.

Lynx looked at winter and realized that he still had egg in his hair and face making coco powder and flower stick to it. Some pink frosting on his shirt helping a cookie stick to it he also had a bruise on his hand where he either had hit his hand on something or she had thrown a coaster at it Lynx felt as though the latter was the winner in that case. In short they both look like hot messes. "I think it's time to take a shower" Winter said getting up "care to join me?" He asked holding out a hand to her. "Thought you'd never ask!" Lynx exclaimed happily grabbing his hand and letting him pull her up. They both then looked at each other and the mess Lynx sighed then smiled. "well it's a weekend and we aren't expecting visitors so how bout we leave this for tomorrow?" "But-" Winter started before stopping himself with a sigh "well you are the birthday girl so I guess you make the rules for today. We haven't gotten to your favorite part yet so after the shower we can sleep for a nice, long while. That sound like a plan?"

Lynx smiled and snuggled in ti his frosting and cookie covered chest with a nod "sounds like a plan"  she answered.

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