8 out of 10! (Part 2)

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Winter had finally come back to work and feeling refreshed he decided to work on another weekly special. This one was called "funnel cake coffee!" It tasted incredibly good with fried desserts but funnel cake especially(which you got for an extra 2 dollars with the drink). He had gotten the idea from Kinkajou having a sugar rush the last time they went to a carnival. After an entire hour of being the most annoying thing on the planet she started slurring her words and eventually passed out on Turtle. The reason that his small colorful friend had the aforementioned sugar rush was because she ate an entire funnel cake with every topping that the people at the stand had.
'Stupid...' Winter thought fondly, with a small smile.

Lynx came into the coffee shop a little later than normal that day and enjoyed the weekly special as always. She came behind the counter and gave him an 8/10 because most people would eat things like pancakes and bagels for breakfast instead of funnel cakes. Personally, Winter thought that funnel cake was just fried pancakes and therefore there was no difference but he held his tongue. Something was a little off today, she was much more formal than normal and even bowed before leaving the shop. Though this had been the best selling weekly special yet and he knew that people would probably want him to bring it back once it was gone Winter still left his workspace with a bad taste in his mouth.

He decided that instead of dwelling on it in his bed at what would eventually become 2 am, he would try and clear his mind with a walk in the part at 10 pm. Most people would think of it as dangerous but Winter knew his fair share of self defense thanks to his mother pushing him into practicality every physical activity there was. He had taken fencing, boxing, karate, he'd even learned how to properly shoot a gun and throw a knife at 13. Basically he was pretty assured in his ability to protect himself.

As he as walking he'd heard a scream, normal people would have probably ran away but as Qibli had told him hundreds of times he had no self preservation skills. Instead of doing the smart thing and calling the police he ran towards the high pitched scream with a pocket knife in hand. Once he had gotten to the place he was trying to get to though, he'd realized that he was too late.

Lynx was sitting down obviously patching something on her leg up. And a few other people were sprawled out across the alleyway. Winter could see that she had been put into a situation where it was eight against one. But she absolutely demolished the eight people though. As he walked towards her Winter was sure that he could see at least three people who were going to have life long problems, luckily no one was dead.

"I guess the title of personal assistant also comes with the perk of being a body guard, huh?" He asked softly trying not to startle her. Lynx gasped and quickly looked up before un-tensing her shoulders with a small smile. "It's just you, thank goodness. Sorry for acting so different today, I swear it's not because you're technically my superior. It's just that, I noticed that people were following you so I was a bit nervous and I ended up following them here where they were planning to attack you. If only I hadn't screamed, then you might not have ran here. And I would be assured that you were safe."

Winter rolled his eyes, "I am safe, you kinda saved my life you know, there's no need to apologize for anything at all. Thank you" He gave his best attempt at a smile to help her. Lynx looked surprised before smiling herself and saying "you're welcome."
He sighed again and held out his hand to her. She looked confused before accepting it.

He'd really tried to walk with her but it was incredibly slow because of her limp. After the first block he simply stopped and picked her up bridal style. This surprised Lynx, "W-woah, hey! What are you doing!?" Winter smiled to himself slightly before saying "getting you home sooner." He thinks that she would have protested more than that if she hadn't just fought off eight people unarmed. But for that moment Lynx just crossed her arms and slightly pouted. Winter thanked the moons for that.

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