Only the cheek

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Winter walked back from an extremely long meeting that had no business being that long anyway. Some people just didn't know when to shut up, when he entered the house Winter saw his girlfriend resting peacefully on a couch. 'Cute' was his immediate train of thought until she whispered his name and shifted a little so that she was curled up into a ball. 'that should be illegal'  he sighed 'it's not cute anymore just downright adorable' . Although Winter was fully aware that he could stare at her the rest of the night he woke her up . if she had kept sleeping that way her neck would be in pain tomorrow' .  And as much as he loved her Lynx could push him pretty close to insanity when she whined. Before her he didn't even know it was possible to want to strangle and kiss a person at the sane time. Winter let out a dry chuckle, well he was here now, he looked down again and, Lynxes eyes fluttered open and lit up at the very sight of him. "Hello, welcome home  I made dinner but you came later than expected so it's in the fridge." Her stomach then growled and Winter eyed his girlfriend closely and as she blushed he sighed out of both frustration and fondness. "You haven't eaten anything, have you?" "Well I didn't want to eat without you and after I finished cooking I thought you would be home. So after ten minutes I put the food in the fridge and fell asleep." He hugged her tiredly and said "i'm Sorry for  leaving you by yourself The Whole day"

Lynx p.o.v

"That's fine" she said "you are right here right now and I made your favorite-" "cold noodles?" he cut her off. Lynx nodded happily and he sighed into her shoulder again "your the best" Winter pulled back from a hugging position. Lynx knew exactly what this meant she closed her eyes and waited only to have warmth placed on her CHEEKS?! "Huh?" She asked confused "aren't you happy?" He smirked like he knew what he was doing "b-but" she gave up in words and pointed to her lips. "Wow greedy aren't you" "why didn't you kiss me on the lips?" "The cheek is fine right" "well sure it is but I was alone for the entire day don't you think I deserve more than a peck on the cheek?" "And you'll get more I promise but I'll take my time with that after i'm Not all sweaty and starved." Lynx nodded pouting a little as he walked upstairs she then rethought what he said he was right but she wanted attention. She then sighed "he'll take his time with me later right now I'll set the table so that I can enjoy sending him judgmental looks when he eventually does end up staring at me instead of the food." Lynx laughed at the thought the rest of the night was going to be fun.

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