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Human au still with powers

"Okay so I'm going to the store okay, don't let flurry freeze any of snowflakes toys okay also no sweets before I get back, got it." "Yep" "great I will see you later" the second his wife walked out both of his daughters asked "papa can we have cookies" both with big eyes and quivering lips. It took everything he had in him to bend down and say "mama said after dinner" "pleeeeeeeeeeeeease?" They both begged in sync. "Fine, just one you both can spli-" before he could get out a sentence flurry had taken the jar from his hands. By the time he saw his children again twenty cookies were gone, snowflake was crying over a frozen toy and their older brother gasped and tried to help. Because in that household if Lynx wasn't happy no one was happy they couldn't clean up in time though. That afternoon consisted of her not knowing weather to be angry at her adorable family or not. Winter had to admit to himself that he was quite the handful.

Short I know but I thought it would be really sweet

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