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It was a dark night, with only one and a half moons in the sky. Winter was walking in the "garden" at the back of the ice palace. He quotes the word 'garden' because in reality it's not like anything can actually grow in the frigid climate that he's used to, save a few very strong herbs. Instead this was a gift from a former animus Icewing that lots of dragons pretended to hate but secretly adored. Icewings themselves are very prideful and rarely express a need for rest. When they do need one though, most of the younger ones come to this garden that elder dragons claim is completely unnecessary and a waste of magic.

Winter himself does not know who the animus dragon is considering the fact that their name has been all but removed from the history lessons that they gave him in the palace. Though, as he walks through this garden at around midnight he finds himself silently thanking the unknown animus as he is taking in the scenery.

There are intricately carved benches made up of ice all scattered throughout the garden. Each one surrounded by silvery rose bushes that when the light hits just right can look rose gold. Instead of the snow that he is used to Winter's talons crush down on grass made up entirely of ice. This though, is only because he is walking off of the replica of a beaten road made up of ice that shined similarly to the rose bushes. Within the grass there are flowers and plants of all different types: Silk flowers, violet grass , glaze lilies, cecilias, etc.
(Yes I have been playing too much Genshin impact lately, could you tell?)

Instead of appearing in their normal forms though they become ice replicas that give off a glow similar to that to the tree of light. And if you want more flowers you need to go find a seed from outside of  the ice kingdom and plant one here. After that the flower will continue to grow in different places of the garden and In more abundance. Now that the ice kingdom is branching out to other nations the garden has become much more beautiful than his former self could have ever imagined.

Winter looks back at where there should be marks from where his talons have crushed the crystal grass but there is no trace of his steps anywhere. This is when he remembers that the animus made sure that all plants that have been grown there are protected and instantly regrown when someone tramples over them. He smiles to himself ever so slightly at how much the long gone dragon must have thought about this even knowing that when they'd announced it no one would appreciate it until far after they were gone. It was an almost bittersweet sacrifice to think about.

Winter was about to continue his musings until he heard faint heavy breathing. It sounded like it was coming from one dragon so he'd decided to see if they needed help. What he did not expect to find in the middle of this garden was his childhood friend and sparring partner practicing her forms.

Lynx was as rigid and focused as she always was when practicing. He'd remembered asking her when they were both younger why she was always so incredibly focused while all of the other dragonets around her age and status had no problems goofing off when an adult left them alone. He also remembered her incredibly serious answer. "My mother is at war right now. If she'd heard from a letter that I was playing around she would be very disappointed in me. Besides, when you goof off you can end up hurt like avalanche, and if my mother heard that then she would be worried about me. Our teacher always says that when you don't have a clear mind then you don't pay attention and if you don't pay attention then you die." "Brutally." She added as an afterthought. "So if I want my mother to come back home to our family then I need to be on my very best behavior."

At the time he was only around 8 months old so he nodded, thinking that the logic sounded infallible but unfortunately for the both of them at the very next war tribute Lynx's loving mother was announced as dead. He didn't really know what to do that night so he simply followed her too her room, locked the door and allowed her to cry.

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