Flowers and meetings

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Despite her best efforts, Glory had actually ended up taking quite a liking to her newly hired Ice wing scientist. When Winter first moved into the rainforest he was quiet, sullen, and incredibly cold if not just outright mean to the people around him. As time went on and he managed to start healing from whatever emotional scars he had obtained before though, the Rain wing queen began to see that he was quick-witted, kind, and easily flustered.

Glory all but relished in the embarrassed turns of his head and panicked looks that he gave the wooden floor when she would tell him that he did a good job or ruffle his pale blue hair. Anyone in the rainforest who knew her could see that she treated the bright teen as though he were her younger brother; especially Deathbringer who would tease her about it nonstop but also try his best to treat the kid well for her sake. All In all, over the past three years Glory and the former Icewing prince had grown to be relatively close, so when he showed up In the middle of a queen's conference she wasn't terribly upset.

When the scientist entered the room he was looking down at a large stack of papers in his arms that she assumed were his notes and he started his sentence before looking up at the room; "pardon my intrusion Queen Glory but-". Winter immediately cut himself off as he looked up to find all the Queens of Phyrria looking various amounts of pissed off at him, well, almost all of them, kinda. As everyone has conflicting circumstances there is no way all of the queens could simply drop everything to be at a conference; fortunately, while rummaging through old animus Sandwing relics labeled as harmless Sunny and Queen Thorn managed to find communication devices that were able to show the faces of others, they were able to duplicate the device with the help of a magical bowl that Qibli had found at some point; the queen also had her son deliver them.

Queens Coral and Ruby were using those devices today and the both of them looked particularly upset. The ice wing queen was unable to come at all and instead opted to send her right hand which happened to be the nice Ice wing that Glory remembered was sent on the Pantala mission along with Moon and Qibli. The girl introduced herself as Lynx Snow, she had blue freckles that contrasted nicely with her pale skin, teeth and nails as sharp as razor blades, and a perpetual smile on her face. despite the fact that Glory knew next to nothing about Lynx she was the nicest Icewing that Glory had ever met. Deathbringer said that it made her suspicious but Glory never gave him any authority to actually investigate her. The Rainwing queen didn't know what it was exactly but she had the gut feeling that the female Icewing posed no threat to her or her rule.

Back to Winter though.

It seemed as though his mind had entirely shut down for a short second before it went back into commission and he profusely apologized while stepping back. Unfortunately, in his panic Winter hadn't realized that there was a vase on the table beside him; the same vase that Deathbringer had given to her when he proposed. The young scientist bumped into the table and the vase teetered for a bit before falling off. Winter immediately went to catch it, dropping all of his notes in the process but someone had already beaten him to the vase. Lynx had practically lept from where she was sitting and managed to catch the vase mere milliseconds before Winter himself could lay hands on it.

They were both crouched down on the floor, his hands atop hers, tightly holding on to Glory's favorite engagement gift. There was a long pause before they both looked up and tried to speak at the same time, they also both immediately cut themselves off with hurried 'sorry''s.
After another, shorter pause Lynx let out an airy laugh before saying "How relieving... I was scared I'd be too late. Good catch!" after that statement she smiled but Winter's hands tensed for a short second before relaxing once more and replying "yours was far better, and I doubt you would have been late, from what I've seen you have incredible reflexes, it's no wonder the queen trusts you so much." Lynx seemed to brighten at his praise and they sat there for a moment before her husband loudly cleared his throat and gave the vase a pointed look.

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