Sick or an idiot

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Winter was either sick, or an idiot. It is one thing To fall in love with someone completely out of your league. He had gotten over it eventually he was happy, but it was a completely different thing to do it again.  He hadn't noticed it until someone said something about it and he realized just how much attention he been paying to her. The day started completely normal. That was until she walked right into him apologized and he noticed that her ears were his perked up as usually were. "what's wrong?" was the first thing to come out of his mouth. "oh nothing, it's silly really" Lynx smiles to reassure him but unlike usual it doesn't  reach her eyes. Her ears droop even lower and she cowers just a bit when Winter continues to give her a deadpan stare.

" I'm sure that it's not." He continues to stare her down until she sighs in defeat letting her wings and head drop as well. "I just- it feels like I am constantly being watched and it's starting to creep me out" Winter stays silent encouraging her to continue. "It's selfish, I know, but do you have any advice?" "I suppose it would be harder for you to just get used to it. You had a few stalkers in the past correct?" Lynx nodded her head "try to maybe think of it differently. Not as dragons trying to hurt or sabotage you. But as Rainwings watching you because they think that your really cool. Or better yet just think of it as the trees watching over and trying to protect you"

Lynx nodded determined to get past her fear smiled a nice 'thank you so much' and got back to work. Winter smiled slightly happy to help and got back to signing scrollwork. Not for long though an old Icewing from outside the palace laughed softly. Winter turned his head in confusion "I'm sorry" she smiled gently "I see you and her so much and it still surprises me, you get each other incredibly well, That's all." "Oh, well we have been friends for a while so I guess I have just gotten better at recognizing times like these." "If I didn't know better I'd say I see snowflakes fall when you both are around each other." His claw stopped writing for a second but then Winter got back to work he would think about what Flurry had said later.

When everyone had left for whatever they were going to do he was left alone with his thoughts to talk himself out of believing what Flurry stated. 'I simply admire her. Her strength, confidence,  determination, positivity, the way she trains, her independence, smile, the pout she does when she looses something, her laugh, her....her, I like her. It dawned on him like a slap to the face, he set himself up again. Loving someone who was way to good for him. "Moons how greedy am I" Winter sighed "I'll deal with all of these emotions later, tomorrow maybe. For now I should just try to sleep." And with that he did completely terrified of what this revelation would do to him.

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