Lover's stones

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Human with dragon tails and wings/features

The whole reason they were in this situation was because of Moon, She, of course, had to have another prophecy that could
spell doom for all of Phyrria and he, of course, was dragged into the ragtag group that they had assembled this time. It consisted of Moon, Qibli, Himself, Lynx, Kinkajou, Anemone, Tamarin, Cricket, and Starflight.

They were currently looking for another shard of the obsidian mirror that was used to spy on people. Apparently, it was actually part of a much bigger mirror that had six pieces and if those pieces are put together then whoever wields the mirror will be able to destroy all of Phyrria with a wave of their hand, which isn't very good depending on who you give that power to, it probably just isn't good at all because no one should have that much power period.

He was stuck here with Lynx because for some reason his royal ancestors pissed everyone off and now a Sand/Ice wing descendant named Azurite is planning to use the mirror to take revenge on his entire tribe. Because of course his great, great, great, great grandparents weren't allowed to fall in love due to Ice wing rules and generational trauma did its thing so now they all have to fix it.

As of right now though, he and Lynx were searching through an oasis for "The golden crystals breaking through lover's sand". This particular oasis was apparently where Azurite's ancestors used to meet up and be in love...? Yeah, the whole idea was pretty vague. They're supposed to just find it and somehow the crystals should help them to find a piece of the mirror that may be able to show someone's most intimate moments, past and present...

So it's rather unfortunate that they've been searching for nearly three hours now and nothing is actually showing up. Winter has never been a terribly patient person but the fact that they could have guessed wrong and he might be wasting time here leads him to getting annoyed even faster. The desert heat is also definitely not helping anything.

Neither is Lynx, despite the fact that he knows she's trying. She's been looking just as hard as he has but unlike him and his perpetual frown growing deeper Lynx and her perpetual smile seemed to be growing wider. She has also recently taken to saying things like "Don't give up" and "I'm sure it's around here somewhere, just need to keep looking!" Out loud.

Winter knows, He knows that Lynx isn't even talking to him as much as she's trying to reassure herself but moons if it isn't annoying. Especially when despite how calm and happy she may seem, he's ninety-five percent sure that she's just as if not even more annoyed with the situation than him.

Lynx is a warrior and she's far more used to doing things first and asking questions later, despite how well she hides it Lynx has got quite the temper, and though his own patience is nothing to write home about Winter knows for a fact that it's leagues better than hers. He can see it in every time he looks at her and her smile is strained, or she thinks he isn't looking and decides to glare at the ground, and when he catches her staring at a tree as though she wants to either tear it down or bang her head into it until she passes out but is far too dignified to do anything of the sort.

After thirty more minutes of hearing Lynx try and psyche herself up, Winter, like the mature almost adult he is, uses his left wing to splash a small bit of water onto her, stopping the General mid-assurance mumble. Lynx looks at him with a quiet challenge in her eyes and Winter is suddenly reminded of how childishly competitive she can be at times and bites back a small, fond smile at the thought.

He instead opts to change his expression into a wry smile before saying "I'm terribly sorry General, that was an honest mistake." He shakes his head in mock apologeticness and concern while his own eyes answer the challenge in hers. Lynx's smile stops straining at the edges as it turns a bit more genuine and teasing as she accepts his apology before turning around and using her tail to splash him from head to toe.

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