Bloody hair

121 1 3

Same form as lover's stones like wings and horns and stuff but mostly humanoid.

Of all the things Winter had been expecting to show up at his door at 12 am before he went to bed, A very much injured and tired Lynx was definitely not on the list. He walked up to the door, a rejection of whatever the heck Qibli was attempting to get him to do already on the tip of his tongue when he was suddenly greeted with the bloodied body of his former guard. There was a small moment of silence before he said "you're covered in blood." Lynx responded with a slurred "don't worry, most of it's not even mine." Before promptly falling over. He caught her and immediately got to work; carrying her to a lake that was conveniently close to his home; and taking off her clothes down to her undergarments despite her murmured protests. He washed her body in the lake and the actual injuries became more apparent. There was a large slash in her abdomen as well as two deep cuts in her upper left arm; these more major injuries were surrounded by much smaller scrapes and bruises.
He decided to use her wet, bloody clothes for makeshift bandages before he went back to his house and got actual ones as well as some clothes for her to wear. An old shirt of his and some of his smallest pants, they would still dwarf her but he'd brought a rope that could hold them on her waist well enough.

Winter did all of this on autopilot and despite his relatively straight face, he was actually kinda freaking out. 'What happened?!' 'She's not dead...' 'what if I get back and she's dead oh my moons!?!!' He decided to run back to the body of water; now equipped with bandages, gauze, painkillers, a blanket, an outfit, and stitches. He finds Lynx laying down on the edge of the small lake with a faint, pained smile on her face, seemingly humming a nursery rhyme of some sort to distract herself.

Winter rushed to her and started to take off the makeshift clothing Bandages; he once again washed her wounds with water before using a leaf cup to help her choke down some crushed up painkillers. He then picked her up to lay on a blanket that he brought both to help cover her up and act as a pseudo medical bed and started on her abdomen. Using the needle and thread that he picked up from his emergency kit, Winter skillfully stitched up Lynx's wound about halfway before she whimpered, making him stop immediately. When he did, she gasped and shook her head slightly, looking up at him with lidded eyes and still bloody hair, she mouthed "I'm okay, just hurts a little bit". Winter knew that 'a little bit' was a serious understatement, especially when he started up again and she grimaced before biting her lip. He frowned before powering through the rest of her wound and quickly moving on to her upper left arm where he used the bandages and a few stitches.

He breathed a sigh of relief after he'd finished and despite wanting to ask Lynx what the actual heck happened to her he decided against it. Besides all of that, it seemed that the moment her body realized that she wasn't in imminent danger it decided to rest. She fell asleep soon after he patched up her most serious injuries and he did his best to get to all of her bruises as most of the smaller bleeding wounds had been cleaned. He decided to use a rainwing remedy; It was some sort of white paste that had helped him in the past whenever he got bruises. For a tribe that many had decided were lazy and stupid their medicine was incredible, he needed to study the ingredients and effects at some point. After rubbing the paste on her bruising he awkwardly fit her into a shirt of his that was able to cover Lynx down to her knees. Then, Trying not to look or think about how tiny her waist felt within his hands he quickly put the loose pants onto her and was careful to only tie the rope with enough pressure to hold the pants up and not irritate her abdomen too much. He then picked her up along with the blanket, deciding to come back for the medical supplies later.

He nudged his door open with a foot and walked her over to his bedroom. He opened the door with his back this time and once he entered the room he made a beeline for the bed. He laid her down with the blanket before realizing that the blanket itself was bloody; so he removed it as slowly and carefully as possible and after it was not underneath the guard he tossed it to the side. Before he could go back to gather the rest of his supplies Lynx gave a pained moan and shifted slightly in his sheets. Winter froze, thinking that she might be waking up and readying himself to grab an insane amount of painkillers. After around eight seconds of her not moving though, Winter untensed and breathed a tired sigh before looking down at her. He then froze once more when finally looking at her face instead of her injuries.

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