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Kinkajou was sad, and happy! But mostly kinda sad. She wanted to go to a carnival with everyone and she could usually get Qibli to force Winter if he didn't want to come somewhere. But, today no one was hanging out with her at all. Kinkajou wanted to go to have fun at a carnival that was being held later that day but now, all of a sudden, everyone has to do something. Moon, Turtle, Qibli, Peril. Winter would just roll his eyes and move on with his day. She sighed and sat in her bed thinking of what to do while everyone was busy. After about two minutes of trying and failing to come up with an activity that did not involve anyone else she heard footsteps and talking. And, well being who she was, She sneakily got up off her bed without a sound and eavesdropped. "But, but, but what if she-" "she won't and you know it" Kinkajou had recognized these voices as Anemone and the new student who also happened to be the student council president, Lynx. Kink continued to listen. "But, it's Tamarin!" She heard Anemone exclaim "it has to be perfect." The girl with ombré hair finished, sounding defeated. Kinkajou heard Lynx give what she thought was a fond sigh before saying. "I know that Ms.Seafoam, but it will never be perfect if you do not give it to her. You are right, this is Tamarin so you know that whatever you make her, she will love it. This is a beautiful flower arrangement made up of all her favorite smells, yes?" Kinkajou couldn't see anything but she could feel Anemone apprehensively nodding through the door. Lynx then probably gave a reassuring smile before saying "then how is it not perfect, and what reason does she have not to love it?" Kinkajou then heard Anemone stand up and say "yeah... yeah! I got this. I am Anemone Seafoam and anyone would be stupid to turn me down!" With renewed vigor. She then heard only one set of footsteps running in the opposite direction.

Lynx then sighed in what Kinkajou thought was relief before probably getting up herself to leave. Then just as kink was about to walk away it hit her, 'maybe Lynx will go to the carnival with me!." With that thought in her mind Kinkajou ran to the student council room awaiting the freckled girl who would be her savior. About five minutes later Lynx walked into the room instantly noticing Kinkajou on the chair. "Oh, hello Ms.Raindrop. Is there something I could do for you?" She asked smiling slightly and walking towards the desk in the back of the room. "As a matter of fact, there is!" Kink exclaimed jumping off of the dark green loveseat. Lynx looked slightly more apprehensive now but still open to whatever Kinkajou had to say so Kink bit her bullet and asked. "Would you like to go somewhere with me today?" Lynx immediately said "I'm not sure if I could go with all of the work I have to do-"Kinkajou deflated and was going to walk away before she heard a different voice say, "but She might be able to go if She decides to rearrange her schedule a bit." Kinkajou looked up to see Winter in all of his angry and tired glory looking directly at Lynx. Lynx decided to respond with" I was going to say that, I did not mean to hurt your feelings Ms.Raindrop" Kinkajou bounced right back up like a spring. "Yay! So you'll go right?" She asked with the biggest smile she could muster. "I could, perhaps spare an hour or two, but I'll only go on one condition." Lynx then looked up at Winter with a smile so strangely sweet and terrifying at once Kinkajou felt afraid. "He goes with us." Winter scoffed "I would love to Ms. Snow but unfortunately I have to work" he finished slightly sarcastically. "Why exactly do you want me go then?" Lynx asked with the same smile on her face. "Because you work all the time" he said now glaring down at the president. "Do you work less than I do?" She asked with her eyes now open looking up the Vice President. There was silence, and at this point Kinkajou was sure that she had been forgotten about completely. "I never said that, but it wouldn't hurt to go out and do something for once Ms. Snow" Winter said finally. "Well if that's how it is Mr. Arctic then it would not hurt for you to do something once and a while either, now would it." Lynx said, the scary smile off of her face and replaced with a genuine one, that seemed to be trying not to laugh at Winter. "I'm not the one falling asleep on computers in this very room practically twice a week" Winter rebutted bringing his head down and more on level with Lynx's. "No, that I'll admit is me, but you are the one who almost had severe head trauma in this very room" Lynx said moving her head up in defiance and standing up taller. As they stared each other down, all Kinkajou could think about was if they had even realized how close their faces were and how she was definitely going to have to ask Tamarin and/or Anemone about both of those stories.

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