8 out of 10!

217 4 6

Winter was happy for his friend, and even more thankful for Moon. Without his old high school crush, he might never have been able to see Qibli be awkward and pine for literal months. That was fun, and entertaining. Now though, it was much less entertaining.
Anemone called it a curse, everyone who works in this coffee shop will get some kind of significant other. Now that both her and Qibli had gotten into relationships in the same way they wouldn't stop pestering him about it. It was weird that it had happened twice, yes but he didn't think that it was a given he would end up dating someone who walked into the coffee shop.
Also, Winter wasn't stupid. He knew that he was hard to get along with, it took his friends three years to actually befriend him. The thought of some random person just waltzing in and stealing his heart like what had happened for the others was laughable at best.
As of right now his two very annoying coworkers were theorizing about what would happen and how she would look like. By the time they had gotten to the coffee that she was going to order he was ready to commit murder. Before he could begin his violent outburst though, he heard someone tentatively Knock on the door. It was reasonable considering that they technically closed in fifteen minutes.
Qibli and Anemone went to go spy on him from the janitors closet. "We're open!" He called out to the door while looking up. The person that he was just now realizing was a woman smiled gratefully and opened the door. She walked up to the counter and looked at him for a moment before talking. "I'm new here and therefore don't really know what to try, so what do you recommend?" She asked.
Winter pushed down his mild annoyance at her not knowing what coffee she wanted and said "whatever interests you the most, I don't really have a favorite myself." The girl nodded and stared at the menu a bit more before smiling "I would like a weekly special please."
Winter's eyes widened for a moment in surprise. The "weekly special" was technically buyable but it was mostly there so that he could experiment with his own different ideas. Orchid, The owner of the shop (along with her husband Mangrove) was all for it and for that he was grateful. But, he also knew that because of this freedom some of the results could turn out unsavory or a bit weird sounding. Today was no exception, he called it the frosted flower.
There were edible candied flowers at the bottom of a drink that was essentially hot chocolate with a few shots of espresso. It could be served hot or cold. He thought it tasted rather pleasant but Winter knew that he had a sweet tooth and that it could be too much for some people.
"Are you sure?" He asked a bit skeptically "quite" said the girl, "I do not know you that well but I do trust your skills, I have also never tasted candied lavender, it should be quite the experience."
He couldn't argue with that. "Hot or cold?" he asked "cold." She responded
"How did you know that I made the drink?" he asked now preparing it. "It says your name on the sign" she stated. "Ah." Was all he said in acknowledgment before continuing to work on the drink in silence.

When it was done he gave it to her and she took a sip. She squinted a bit and made a face before raising an eyebrow and smiling to herself. "I feel the need to ask for a review now, you have a very expressive face." He half joked. "I didn't mean to offend you, but if you want an honest opinion. The flavor at the start is very strong and chocolate-y, kind of like your drowning in it. After that though, it quickly clears up and the flavor is lighter. You can taste a bit of every flower but not so much that it's as overwhelming as the chocolate in the beginning. Though, for the most part I really like it."She looked over her shoulder at him with a smile. "A solid 7/10 I would say."
"I trust that you'll do better next time though." He was already listening intensely to her words so this made him short circuit for a moment before he asked "what?"
"I'm going to start coming here every Monday before work to try out the new weekly flavors, they seem just as interesting as you and I'm not sure that I want to go anywhere where I cannot get candied flowers in my coffee."
Winter blinked slowly. "Is this a challenge?"
"Perhaps" the girl answered back teasingly
Before he could make any kind of rebuttal she was already walking away
"my name is Lynx if you were wondering! Umm....Winter" she said on her way out of the door
"Thank you for the useful information."
He replied calmly already thinking up new coffee creations.

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