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A/N: btw they are 22 in this au
He clutched the ring in his pocket to give him luck and took a deep breath. Winter had been forced to go to somewhere for his aunt and like every place he was forced to go to for his aunt, it was boring. People in nice suits and dresses all judging each other silently or in whispers that they wanted you to hear. Winter knew that his family had fallen apart. He did not need it to be thrown in his face with every judging glance, or every pitying look. It's not like he's somehow oblivious to his sister in jail for attempted murder, or his brother still dealing with trauma from being in a war, or his father's death, or his mother desperately trying to hold on to what she still has of a reputation. Him? He was just a humble zoologist and it would stay that way, the only reason he was here right now was because of her. He looked over at Lynx who was smiling at an older couple in a red dress and most likely telling them about her accomplishments over the past few years. Okay so he was kind of forced to come, she had practically begged him to go because Snowfall was going to be doing really important things and she didn't want to be stuck with these people all day in an uncomfortable dress (to be fair his suit was also fairly uncomfortable and his wallet was now hidden by a jacket in his seat because it was to annoying to sit on in the thing). An afterthought his brain decided to think was  "that's a shame, it looks nice on her." Before he could dwell on that and what it meant he was cornered by a stern looking woman. 'Oh no' were his first thoughts when he'd seen the slightest look of disgust on her face. This was about to turn in to a scolding from a stranger, again. "Do you think much about your family name at all?" She asked first 'yes, all the freaking time' was what he thought but what came out was a curt "yes." "You do know what has happened to your reputation right?" he gripped onto his wine glass a little bit tighter. Before he could say something that would probably get him in trouble Lynx swooped in a like an angel and said "he really does ma'am, I would know. Winter is one of my closest friends. He truly cares but I have to ask you to stop trying to get him to open up about something so sensitive." She smiled kindly. The woman stood shocked but smiling and decided to walk away with a polite head nod in their direction. "Charmer" he whispered into her ear "season" she whisper laughed back.

He gave Lynx a glass and she sighed politely but he knew that she wanted to groan and stomp her feet and take down her hair like she usually did when she got home. It would still remain a mystery how she manages to pop as many bones as she does. "You wanna go outside?" He asked. Winter's  friend nodded gratefully, got out of her chair and followed him to the back where they were let outside with clean air. After looking around she did what he thought she would. Lynx took off both of her heels and stretched out her legs some, slumped into a bench, sighed for a kind of long time and crossed her legs in the most unladylike pose the dress would allow. She then took a gulp of wine and looked at him with a full teeth smile. "I needed that" she said "I know" he replied taking a seat next to her. "Sorry I made you come here, it must be pretty boring" she spoke apologetically "it is" he teased a little "with people only talking to you because they think that you aren't good enough and whatnot." Lynx cringed and he realized that came out a lot more passive aggressively than he wanted it to. "I meant that as a joke, people didn't really speak to me at all and when they did it wasn't mean. Except for that one woman" he admitted. "I know but I still feel kind of bad" she sighed guilty "don't." He said probably way too bluntly. "okay then, I guess I'll just like stop feeling bad" she laughed. After that they both sat in silence for a little bit before Lynx randomly stated "I'm really hungry." "We ate like, what" Winter stopped to think for a while before saying "oh, we ate like six hours ago I'm kind of hungry too." Lynx looked down at herself and sighed "I'm not ready to go back in there and eat all of the stupid tiny pieces of food that they supply to be fancy as discreetly as possible so as not to be judged." "How many times is it possible to say 'as' before it starts to not become a word?" He asked teasingly. "Shut up." Lynx pouted while backhanding his shoulder lightly. He then thought back to any food place that he had seen on the way here that wasn't too grossly overpriced. "You wanna go to red lobster?" He asked casually when in reality he had put a lot of thought into how there was a Portillos closer but the oil always made her sick and she loved seafood. "Yes. I would love too, did you really see one close enough." She asked shaking his arm excitedly another habit that she had gained that he was probably a little too okay with. "Yeah but we have to walk a block and a half so..." he trailed off and looked at her heels. Lynx then smiled and unveiled a pair of flats that were apparently on the bench the whole time. "I brought these just in case I had to walk somewhere else." She explained kind of embarrassed. "Well that's great news but where were they the whole time?" He asked "in my bag, but that's in the building though so, yeah." She told with a smile. "Okay then, let's go" Winter said getting up and holding out a hand that Lynx gladly took while getting out of the seat while simultaneously putting on flats. "What about your heels?" He asked right before they left. "They'll be fine, and if someone does steal them I can always buy new ones. They're uncomfortable anyway I kind of hope someone takes them so that when we get back I have an excuse to spend the rest of the day in these" Lynx then pointed to her flats. "Ah, a clever plan" he responded to her words "I know right" she said with the slightest bit of pride and he had to snort at that. Which considering by her face left Lynx both happy and slightly offended. So he decided to continue walking and force her to carry the conversation which she liked to do anyway which made it a lot easier on him to not have to talk. That was at least what he had convinced himself to believe over the fact that he just likes to hear her talk because she can't be this open around lots of other people and he likes to look at how much she enjoys it with all her smiles and over exaggerated hand gestures. 'Well, pushing away that thought' winter said in his head. While she was talking even if he didn't respond he hung on to every word as it left her mouth and gave little words here and there so that she knew he was paying attention. It was like that the entire fifteen minute walk to the restaurant. Once they had gotten there he had expected to wait for twenty to thirty minutes but whoever was at the desk had freaked out and given them tables immediately. It took a minute for him to understand why people were treating them this way but after a while of confused glaring he had realized that lynx's dress tag was sticking out slightly. Normally that wouldn't have been a real problem but the dress that she'd had on cost basically half of what a car does and the brand was also incredibly well known. The poor desk lady probably thought that if they both didn't get a table soon they might buy the restaurant just because. Which to be fair some people would. Lynx wouldn't though. Knowing that it was a lost cause to get anyone to treat them normally he decided to put the exposed tag back into her dress. When she looked at him confused he whispered the entire situation into her ear and she got slightly pink out of embarrassment but still managed to keep a mostly straight face. He rolled his eyes in amusement it wasn't that much to be worried about anyway. They sat down and ordered their food (with the waiter stuttering the whole way through) and it was a bit rewarding to see her smile at the plate and do a happy dance after, like every three bites. He should take notes and get her seafood whenever she's mad at him and he doesn't know why. It takes everything in Winter not to laugh at her while she's in a million dollar dress looking like this is the first time she has ever tasted food in general. That makes it a bit hard for him to eat his own meal but he deals with it and finishes. At the end of the meal Winter tries to pay in secret so that Lynx doesn't offer to split the check like she always does. As he checks his pockets he realizes he has left it on the seat In the Art Expo, that is his luck in a nutshell. So he taps Lynx on the shoulder and says "hey I would pay but I left all of my money in the Expo, sorry." It's not the best apology but it does work, so she pats his hand and says she'll pay for it instead. "I just need my purse-" "the one you left in the Art Expo?"he finishes for the sentence that she started. "Uhm, yeah." They are both quiet for a moment and because he is thinking he fiddles with the ring in his pocket and when an idea doesn't come he decides to fiddle with it more and it falls out. "No!" He half yells going onto the ground to pick it up and sighs in relief when he finds it under the table. This was something his brother gave to him he couldn't lose it like that. He gets up and realizes he's made a scene. One that lynx notices and cleverly decides to take advantage of. "Uhm winter is- uh that a ring" she spectacularly acts as though there are tears Welling in her eyes and he gets the message quickly. "Uhh, yeah it is" he says awkwardly, she looks up at him and he sighs and rubs a hand through his hair. "It was supposed to go better than this when I asked you to marry me but I guess since we already have an audience." He looks around "it'll be dramatic?" He half chuckles both at how cheesy his next words were going to be and how much of This was going to get posted online. "We've been dating for a really long time and have been friends for way longer and honestly I cannot imagine spending my life with anyone else by my side. I'm not that great with words and I know how much you hate public stuff so this has already been kind of a train wreck but I love you." he then gets on one knee and sighs looking down at the ring. "This was my brothers fiancé's ring as you know she died in a car crash. But, um, as you don't know he gave it to me and told me to wait for the right person. I truly think that's you so would you do me an incredibly big favor and make me the happiest man alive by being my future?" Externally it seemed as though he was blushing in embarrassment from his proposal going awry but on the inside he was just completely embarrassed about the entire situation.

He looked up at lynx who had actually managed to get a few tears running down her face in his stalling speech. "Oh my god yes you idiot" she then hugged him while he was still on one knee. And almost knocked the ring out of his hand. "Woah there, wouldn't want to almost lose that and give me a heart attack, again." He smirked as he put a ring onto her finger after that he switched to hugging her so that he could discreetly flip the tag on her dress back over before turning her back to the audience "I would appreciate if you didn't put this entire ordeal online if you do please don't put pictures of us above it if you took any, or our names as of right now I want to kiss my fiancé so I'll pay the tab and leave." A waiter then rushed up to him with a coupon "no sir it's on us, congratulations on the marriage by the way." He took the coupon gratefully and almost let out a sigh of relief "thank you" he answered before picking his friend up bridal style and carrying her to the exit where once he was sure no one was there he put her down. Lynx then smiled and laughed "well that was dramatic" "you're telling me" he sighed they were both now walking back to the Expo. "Did you really come up with that speech on the fly because it was really convincing" Lynx said now walking beside him. "Well half of it was practically done I just needed to change around some words and add a few to make it needlessly sappy." He admitted "you meant all of that?" She said genuinely shocked "most of it, yeah.  I know what you do and don't like so you wouldn't want to be put on display like that. We have been close friends for a really long time and I honestly cannot imagine my life without you in it somehow. That part about my brother was also true." He said looking away. Lynx then put her hand up and stared at it before saying "Oh, um if you want me to I could give it ba-" She was cut off by Snowfall and Snowfall's little sister "LYNX!" They both shouted simultaneously before running over to her "I knew you would be lonely and bored so I decided to cut some of the unnecessary meetings and I thought-" Snowfall then cut herself off "are those tear stains? Lynx who managed to make you cry because I swear to god whoever did is getting their entire lineage bought." As he was trying to sneak away he felt a kick at his shin and hissed in pain.

"Was it you mister?" Asked Mink in her most threatening voice. "Winter?" Asked snowfall confused "I guess she did say that she was bringing a friend I probably should have assumed it was you. Wait who wasn't intimidated enough by your death glare to stop making her cry." "Okay look that story is very long and confusing so I'll just tell you later-" "Lynx I like your new jewelry it's really pretty" said Mink holding on of her fingers. Lynx then abruptly closed her palm "Did you buy some? No your purse was still here so then how did you get jewelry?" Snowfall then grabbed lynx's hands and put them both up. "That's a ring, OH MY GOD THATS A RING!" "Shhhhhh!" Lynx shushed her. "Those are tears of joy not anger. When was I going to know about this?" Snowfall questioned. "Okay so believe it or not we are not actually engaged" Winter said
"In what world?!" She questioned fiercely "this one. Okay so this is what actually happened"

~one long explanation later~

"You guys pretend to get engaged at red lobster because you both managed to forget your money here" Snowfall deadpanned The two guilty of those actions turned pink "yes, we did" said Lynx "but it sounds so stupid when you put it that way" Winter groaned. "There is literally no other way to put it." Both Lynx and Winter hung their heads In embarrassment. "I should get going" said Winter eventually. "Oh! Yes, you should. I should give the ring back now" as her hand went for the ring Winter grabbed her wrist stopping the action entirely. "You should keep it, it suits you." After he said that he heard a flustered "huh!?" Before he walked back to his car. Even if the proposal wasn't real Winter was convinced he had made the right decision.

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