Family get togeathers

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"No" he deadpanned over the phone while cleaning his kitchen. "Brother, I know I owe you but I cannot keep lying about this." Growled his annoyed sister over the phone. "I'm not going, and nothing is going to make me" He said defiantly. There was a pause, then out of practically nowhere he heard his sister laugh menacingly over the phone before a voice as cold as her name slipped into his ears "thats what you think" it said. Winter Arctic froze, his hands stopping their task of washing dishes. Icicle only used that voice when she had something to critique or make fun of, that voice, was not good. "What do you mean?" He asked.

You see, Winter's family was never the best when it came to loving and, being supportive, and happy like, well, a family. To put it simply, if he had the choice to relive his childhood or be dumped into a cage full of snakes, death by boa constrictor was better than going home after school.

After the death of his father though, it seemed that his family was trying to heal themselves. He could respect that, and he had faith that they could do it. Because if there was one thing his entire blood line was known for it was their stubbornness.

What he could not respect however, was the stupid annual Christmas party that they hosted. He'd gone to it for most of his life and it was always the same thing. His family judging him and being angry at him for not being exactly what they wanted.

Winter knew that his family would always be a part of him, sure, but the only people that he even remotely cared about were his cousins, Hailstorm, and he guesses that after getting the help she needed because of growing up in an abusive family, Icicle isn't as terrible as she once was.

Because he knew that the party would be nothing but an uncomfortable, awkward, waste of time that would end in nothing but despair he had been coming up with believable lies and excuses as to why he couldn't come to the gathering, saving himself from the godawful nightmare for about eight years.

Back to the present. Winter knew that his sister was smirking on the other side of the phone while she answered his question with another one of her own. "Do you remember what father used to tell us as children?" He answered almost immediately, "um, be vigilant, strike fir-" "no." She cut him off unamused, "the other one" he racked his brain for a minute before he realized "oh, life is like a bowling ball-" "wrong!" Icicle cut him off again, noticeably more annoyed. He thought longer before stating quite uncertainly "little white lies are like snowflakes?"

When his sister didn't interrupt him Winter continued to recite his fathers' proverb. "If they keep coming you'll end up stuck knee deep." "Bingo." Came Icicle's dry yet amused voice. "I think your way past knee deep though brother, maybe six feet under." "What?" He asked, confused. "You remember last years excuse?" She questioned, her smirk obviously widening into an amused smile with the way her tone changed towards the end of the statement. "Yeah." He said simply, still not getting why or how he had gotten himself into trouble.....
Right before it hit him like a ton of bricks!

Last year he had told his family over video call that he was visiting his girlfriend and her family for the week that the party was on. Tundra, Snowfall, and Glacier had made him promise to bring her because they all thought that it was important for her to meet his family so that she could accept all of the pieces of him or something like that. He agreed not thinking much of it because it was 1am and he just wanted to get some rest.

The big problem that he had managed to overlook was his family and how serious honor was to them. No matter what, never in the history of his family has anyone ever broken a promise. For him to break one, it would be comparable to telling his family straight to their faces that they didn't mean anything to him at all whatsoever. That could go only two different but very bad ways.

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