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AN: Took a bit longer that expected but here you go

He had always noticed her freckles, they were pretty, that was all he could really say about them for a long time. Winter had never been one to dwell on weird markings on any dragon. Until, of course, Moon. Something about the wings that she wore was beautiful to him. They were nice and subtle yet graceful and strong at the same time. The scales by her eyes would also bring out the green that was there. In all sad honesty he could go on all day about how deep his love was for her. He's gotten over it, yes but it doesn't take back old embarrassing memories. Long story short this got winter thinking about them more and after a while he began to study Qibli for a bit but that went about as well as one would expect it to go. He would tease saying something like "you just can't keep your eyes off me can you? I know I'm attractive but the staring is weird." Winter would go on a flustered rampage usually ending with an insult and then march away. Rinse and repeat for three days. After that he had stopped having as much interest in markings again until Lynx had walked up to them one day with a scavenger wrapped in skins that he didn't feel like identifying. She turned to him with a smile and said "we match!" He looked at her confused for a moment until he realized the scavenger had similar markings to her.

On it's flat little face there were brown dots slightly darker than the skin on it as it also gave what he thought was a smile. He nodded and gave a slight awkward smile back (he still needed to work on those a bit) and she left satisfied. After that day he looked more inside of the little kingdom the things had built and after a bit of research he had concluded one: that he should try and learn more about freckles, and two: scavengers are violent little things. Cutting off heads and whatnot. Later after thinking he had seen enough of scavengers for a day he decided to try and understand the only one with freckles he knew would not judge him too harshly. "You want to study my face?" She asked half understanding and half amused. "Yes" he answered, probably a bit to serious for his own good considering how she had to stifle a laugh. He rolled his eyes and sighed.

After about a week of studying he had realized that freckles and markings themselves truly held no value. They only mattered when you were taking other dragons or scavengers that judge you based on them. Yet despite coming to that definitive conclusion Winter continued to study lynx and after about three days is when he had realized it was all just staring. He was slowly moving from focusing on her freckles to her entire face and the body not soon after. That was what it took to make him realize that she was incredibly beautiful in her own way. She was calm yet exited and because of her upbringing tried and failed time and time again to bury that energy that he found nice but not too much. She would always smile even when things were going a bit off and had always been there to help him and his perfectionist self to chill out. She was... oh no, moons no, why? Why is it happening again.

After working his tail off to try and distract himself from his inner thoughts he ended up going to sleep, by himself, with nothing but his own thoughts keeping him awake, that was just great. Winter probably knows deep down that this was just some deep seated thing just waiting to pop up when he could actually consider it. Even still Winter would always blame those stupid pretty freckles

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