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She wouldn't stop, she couldn't if she did she would loose him forever to that beast so she kept it up. Talking endlessly, squeaking whatever she could repeatedly, poking, this would have to get him to stop. Her friend could only ignore someone for so long until "what do you want?" "To defeat the evil scavenger papers." "I can do that by myself" "I know I just want you to pay attention to me" Lynx finally admitted. Winter snorted "why don't you sit right here and tap me whenever you want me give you attention?" He asked this sarcastically, and Lynx knew that... But he had technically given her permission so... 

after he had finished about half a stack of paperwork Lynx tapped him on the shoulder. "Really?" He asked exasperated. "You were the one who said I could do it so this is kinda your own fault" she said happily. "Yes?" He asked with a sigh. Lynx knew he found her annoying in that moment and even she could admit to being way more clingy than she needed to be but. It was the only way she could stop him from overworking himself when he  needed to talk about whatever has been bothering him. or realize that the papers were due literal months later  she could take a bit of the workload off of him and he could take a break.

"Is anything on your mind?" she asked suddenly more serious than she was a few seconds ago. This startled her friend so to deflect he said a bit harshly "yes, paperwork." "We both know that's a lie" she sighed before saying "you can tell me things you know, I've been here for this long I'm not leaving now." Winter looked as though he was debating about it in his head before he sighed and relented. "I'm just a bit stressed about the Ice kingdom I heard about how things are going a bit south down there with all of the things happening between other kingdoms. I'm afraid that I'm going to have to get involved with it and take a side and that means a lot and my sister plus my mother and Hailstorm it's very tense right now so yeah."

"Hmm, well the only thing that I can tell you to do is try and face it head on because it will be relieving once it's over. I know that's easier said than done but I promise I'll be by your side the entire way I hope that's good enough" Lynx smiled hoping to ease the stress that Winter would have all of the time due to overthinking. 

Then her friend looked up at her and did one of his almost-a-smile-but-not thing and said "that's more than enough, thanks."

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