That's fine

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Lynx was walking through a forest trying to convince herself that she could do it. Lynx knew that Winter could get either mean or sad when asked about something personal. Mean was fine she was so used to his voice, attitude, and scowl that she would smile as he hurled insults straight at her. Lynx didn't know if she could handle sad though with everything that he's been through if she ended up hurting Winter. She knew she wouldn't be able to forgive herself, but it was time to ask him to face his problems head on and admit them to someone. So long as that someone doesn't break down in the process. Lynx took a deep breath and turned around only to crash into the same dragon she had been wanting to talk to. 'What luck' she thought ruefully after they had both apologized. There was an awkward silence until Winter finally broke it.

"What do you want to ask me?" "Huh?" she played dumb "you want to ask or tell me something, your doing that thing that you always do when you want to ask a question but don't know how." He stated "just what is it that I do?" She asked somewhat defensively. He sighed before saying "you dig your claw into whatever surface there is." "O-oh" she said pulling out the now dirty claw "it's just, well-" he looked at her expectantly. "That Nightwing, the one with the silver scales I just wanted to if you maybe loved her?" "That obvious huh?" He said bitterly. something inside her broke at those words but she chose to ignore it "well yes, but It seems like she would visit you more if..." she trailed off remembering the battle with the nightwings and the sandwing who was by her side the whole time. "Bittersweet isn't it, either way, it's over now so just let it be."Winter said trying to leave the topic "no, I will not let it be" Lynx said, a bit surprised herself at how fast she was to counter. "You are going to tell me how you feel right now without holding back. It seemed like you were really sad and now I know why but don't hold back. Winter, you aren't a part of the kingdom anymore, don't you know how free that makes you?"

She was expecting a slap or a yell or something that would want to make her cry but instead. "I just felt betrayed, I like my friends a lot sure but it feels like no one trusts me no matter what I do, change or say, and the fact that they still won't tell me what happened to Darkstalker... Well it kind of hurts just a bit, they call me strong, brave, heroic even when I'm not really. I'm honestly just a coward, a weak, terrified, coward. And even after everything that we did they have this picture of some hero who can be to self righteous sometimes and it makes me feel guilty that they still don't see me for what I am. The reason that she chose him was because he was funny and kind and never judged too harshly on the outside, it was honestly clear as day that I was not going to win. She wanted someone who was humble and in her mind that's not what I was."

"You are" she said after she was sure he was finished "you are weak and terrified but in spite of all that you still visit the ice kingdom, you still came to icicles trial. You still write to all of your old friends, and you still Make sure that everyone around you is okay. So your wrong about one thing, a coward runs away from his problems. From what I have seen though, you face them head on. That's brave, and even though you have the world pretty much against you you still care for others I'm sure that's being humble, sure of it. How can you after all of this still think that you don't deserve things, it just doesn't make sense. You should be able to think about yourself and say "I'm amazing" or "I've come really far" and if you can't then I swear on the moons that I will be right there to say it for you. You hear me don't you. Winter is one of the most amazing dragons I have ever met, and if you don't hear me then I will just have to say it's louder. I will gladly give up being in first circle and being here permanently just" Lynxes voice cracked as if her expressions didn't already convey how much she cared that he was happy.

"It's okay. you're not in the ice kingdom right now and you of all dragons should know how free that makes you." That broke down the final wall that she put up. Lynx began to cry all of the tears that she couldn't let out in the cold place she grew up in. She sobbed as she crumpled to the ground trying to breathe, big heavy tears were streaming down her face and she stayed like that for an hour until her crying turned to sniffles and sniffles to deep breaths. Then she laughed ant herself "I need to go back to the ice kingdom this evening, I look terrible" but before going away Lynx stretched out her wings and engulfed him in an awkward hug never having hugged another dragon before. But he accepted it and it made her feel warm and happy "I know we just shared like a really deep moment but I don't know where the stream is I need to stop my eyes from looking so puffy" she smiled embarrassed "there's one in sanctuary dummy" she nodded and ran off

"She sure is something isn't she crying terribly one second then bounding off happily the next. what am I to do with you?" He looked back into the greenery and said "I guess since I'm with kinkajou I shouldn't say that Lynx is adorable" he looked around half expecting his friend to pop out from no where when she didn't he smiled to himself "she is though I don't think she knows it guess I'll just have to remind her of that every day besides when she's embarrassed she's the cutest" he walked off knowing full well no rainwings were watching him because he couldn't hear anything from the trees.

In a bush a familiar sandwing smiled slyly "I might not be kink but I can talk" he then left to go back to his girlfriends house

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