Pay more attention

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Snowfall was strong, independent, and most certainly was not that way because she had no social skills. Though even as a princess she was always forced to do things that she didn't like. If she had known how tiring being a queen would be she would have dreaded it the second she learned what responsibility was. Though the job was tiring it was rewarding, after the initial shock and outrage she had gotten from destroying not one, not two, but three of the most sacred gifts in the palace. (Yeah she did not think that one through, there are only so many times you can be called an insane queen before wondering if you actually are). Things started to look up in a weird way. Tribes traded with them (and it was not as bad as she thought that it would be. No one was trying to kill her or yelling that much about what a horrible queen she was being, so snowfall would count that as a win.) It was also incredibly entertaining to be somewhere in the kingdom of sand at an event and see her subjects pretend not to be impressed with how the sandwings weave tapestries. Before she had started doing this she was a little paranoid. Yes, that was due partly to the crown and partly to the fact that she was just stripped of her mother because of another tribe. That and her kingdom was already teaching her from a young age that they were better than everyone else, so you could say she had some trust issues. This was the same reason Lynx had been weird to Snowfall for the longest time, when jade mountain was formed Lynx had been all for the idea. Of course because of this mother did not allow her to go in case she committed treason (falling in love with another tribe.)

That went horribly though and Glacier probably would have been better off just sending Lynx because by the time Winter had returned home. His sister was imprisoned, Hailstorm was apparently not dead, and Winter had made friends with other tribes, then after that. Winter did something to the diamond trials and they were now no longer accessible (not even to the queen). He had also faked his death and ran away, like a hero, and he was now living it up with his passion project. Him doing all of that made it incredibly hard to try and keep things exactly the way they were before it all crumbled in a big chaotic mess. So she broke it and tried to rebuild it with more stability and Snowfall was happy that it seemed to be working so far. She honestly had Lynx and a magic ring to thank for that progress though. Lynx had just come back from a rescue mission about maybe a week ago. (Along with the odd skywing and his scavenger, Snowfall was more pleased than she would like to admit that he and his friend made it back safely.) She was of course there the day that Lynx came back and so were a few of her guards. What she wasn't really expecting was Winter to be there. Her cousin was always incredibly cynical and as much as others would like to believe differently, smart. So he must have known that Lynx would visit or write to him almost immediately after she came back. "Why are you here?" She asked "shouldn't you be with your friends and stuff?" He then looked startled and confused for a split second as if he himself was wondering the same thing before steeling himself. "She is my friend, besides I would be lying to myself if I said that I wasn't worried about the stuff she might have faced." He then looked forward where there were now visible shapes flying towards them. 'So that's why' Snowfall thought 'he's scared that she's hurt, then again that is the exact same reason I'm here, but-' Snowfall (if you put her prejudices aside) is incredibly observant. "So that's why you stayed in the ice kingdom for three days. you got too antsy waiting in the rainforest and couldn't take it." Winter didn't answer but he did tense up slightly at her words and that was answer enough. "I suppose this conversation is over then" Her cousin nodded curtly and she stopped talking.

After about thirty minutes the shapes landed and there were way more dragons now, mostly more of the type of dragon Cricket was. What was it again, beewing? No,,no it was hivewing!! Yes that was it. "Queen Snowfall!" Lynx called out before lightly jogging to her "uhh, hey." The way Lynx had said it made Snowfall want to start laughing but instead she let out a "tch!" Sound and said "hello, are you expecting me to make you give a mission report?" This made Lynx smile slightly with a roll of her eyes. Snowfall was about to tell her not to roll her eyes at a queen but Lynx said "Winter!?" And then ran to him with more urgency, and that's when he saw her. "Woah, is everything okay?" "I should be asking you that, I didn't think you would be here, normally when I need to go on trips you just write or wait for me to get back and contact you. Is something wrong?" She said in a bit of a rush "if something was wrong do you think I would ask you to help in the state that you're in now." He said "stop dodging the question" she complained. "I was worried, for some reason letting you go to a place with multiple plants that kill and eat dragons didn't sit well with me." He answered reluctantly "ah, I see, so you were scared that I was going to become a cold exotic snack." She summarized while trying and failing to hide a laugh. "Essentially." He said "Well in case you were wondering we do have to get their home back now so..." she trailed off. He snorted and rolled his eyes "You're gonna give me another heart attack." "Consider it payback for faking your death and then randomly joining into a war when I had long accepted the fact that you were dead."She said "that's incredibly unfair because that event happened like an entire year ago so, you know" he replied. "You liar, that entire thing was at most six months ago and-" She was cut off by the growly leafwing saying "you guys gonna make out now or something!?"

Both Winter and Lynx shut up and processed the words before one shook his head curtly and said "no" as flatly as he could. The other then asked with a confused and kind of repulsed face "what kind of question was that?" To everyone else this was obviously a sign that they were not interested in each other as more than friends. Snowfall though, had been sizing them up since she was a dragonet and knew that this was not the case. Lynx's wings had turned a darker shade of blue than usual and Winter always gave short one word answers when he was embarrassed or confused but didn't want anyone to know. The both of them were extremely affected by that comment. They were both just incredibly good at hiding that from other dragons. If you Asked Snowfall she would say that this was an incredibly good habit to get into. Moon looked at her surprised and Snowfall was confused before thinking 'oh, right you can read minds.' The nightwing looked surprised before nodding at her in a 'yes' kind of gesture. Snowfall then decided to look at the both of them who had gone back to talking. "Huh, maybe I should keep an eye on them to make sure nothing is actually going on" she whispered to herself.

(An: yeah it's short and kinda bad sorry)

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