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Human form because it would be easier to write 

He heard whimpering and just knew that it was an icewing.  There was a thunderstorm going on. Considering that most icewings that used to live in the palace were protected and had soundproofing this must have come as quite a rude awakening. What he expected to be an old servant was actually someone around his age. Lynx was whimpering but it didn't seem like it was because of thunder. She was just holding her abdomen looking very much In pain and slightly annoyed so she had to have been used to this. Winter tried to think back to a time that he had encountered something similar. It was then that he had remembered Icicle going through something like it once every month for about a week. Whenever he would ask to try and help though she would glare at him and mutter "cramps" before making him leave.

Winter then went to go talk to her thinking he knew the situation "hi" at the sound of his voice Lynx yelped then cringed in pain again. "What do you want?" She asked sounding defeated and on the brink of tears. "To help, you seem to have something similar to the cramps that my sister did but I don't think we could get medication at this hour so..." he then trailed off and she looked at him a bit amused and expecting. "Do you.... well..I mean... I could give you a massage?" It came out more forced and awkward than intended but he managed. "That's really nice of you but the only thing I really need is something to drink tea would be best"  she smiled trying to stand up. "No, I could get it for you at least" Winter said.  Lynx frowned "it would be too much of a burden on you" She said. "Your laying on the floor whimpering right now" he deadpanned "well don't say it like that!" She looked close to tears again and he got up to get a cup of the hot liquid for her.

When Winter returned her face went from angsty to ecstatic. Come to think of it she had been having dramatic mood swings since he had talked to her. Winter gave Lynx a cup of tea and smiled a bit at the dramatically satisfied sigh that she gave while drinking it. Once she was done with the tea she gave a yawn and instead of in pain she looked tired. He took the opening and carried Lynx bridal style to the room that she was staying in temporarily. Before he left he got a moment to take in what she looked like in the light of the moon. Instead of blending in with the blacks and purples and greens Lynx stood out, almost like a star or snowflake. When asleep she looked almost like a porcelain doll it was weird but nice at the same time. Instead of the night she was more like the moon. He was snapped out of his thoughts with a light snore he took that as a sign to leave.

Before drifting to sleep he briefly thought about how long it would take to get to a medical hut.

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